18 Oct 2017

KSEAUK YGF 2017 Presentation

GRE Vocabulary

aberrant markedly different from an accepted norm, deviant, deviate
abjure formally reject or give up (as a belief), forswear, recant, resile, retract
aesthetic concerned with the appreciation of beauty, aesthetical, esthetic, esthetical
ambiguous open to more than one interpretation, equivocal
ameliorate make something bad better, amend, better, improve, meliorate
apathy an absence of emotion or enthusiasm, indifference, numbness, spiritlessness
nebulous vague, cloudy, lacking clearly defined form
precipitate hasty or rash, hasty, overhasty, precipitant, precipitous
abate (v) reduce, diminish
aberration a deviation from what is normal or expected, aberrance, aberrancy, deviance
abscond Depart suddenly and secretively
abstain choose not to consume or take part in (particularly something enjoyable), desist, refrain
abstruse difficult to understand; incomprehensible, deep, recondite
accolade an award or praise granted as a special honor, award, honor, honour, laurels
accretion Gradual increase; an added part or addition
acumen Keen, quick, accurate insight or judgment
admonish to warn strongly, even to the point of reprimanding, caution, monish
adroit adept, dexterous
adulation n. excessive praise; intense adoration
adulterate Make impure by adding inappropriate or inferior ingredients
advocate speak, plead, or argue in favor of, preach
aggrandize (v) make greater; exaggerate
alacrity an eager willingness to do something, briskness, smartness
alloy a combination; a mixture of two or more metals
amalgamate Blend, merge, or unite
anachronism something that is inappropriate for the given time period (usually something old)., misdating, mistiming
analogous similar in some respects but otherwise different, correspondent
anodyne something that soothes or relieves pain, analgesic, pain pill, painkiller, inoffensive, analgesic, analgetic
anomaly something that is not normal, standard, or expected
antipathy an intense feeling of dislike or aversion, aversion, distaste
apocryphal being of questionable authenticity
apostate a person who has abandoned a religious faith or cause, deserter, ratter, recreant, renegade, turncoat
apotheosis exaltation to divine status; the highest point of development, ideal, nonesuch, nonpareil, nonsuch, paragon, saint,deification, exaltation
approbation Praise or approval, especially formal approval
appropriate to give or take something by force, allow, earmark, reserve, set aside,capture, conquer, seize
archaic so old as to appear to belong to a different period, antediluvian, antiquated
arduous demanding considerable mental effort and skill; testing powers of endurance, straining, strenuous
artless without cunning or deceit, uncultivated, uncultured
ascetic practicing self-denial, ascetical, austere, spartan
asperity harshness of manner, sharpness
assuage make something intense less severe
attenuate to weaken (in terms of intensity); to taper off/become thinner, rarefy
audacious willing to be bold in social situations or to take risks, brave, dauntless, fearless, hardy, intrepid, unfearing
austere practicing self-denial, ascetic, ascetical, spartan
avarice greed (one of the seven deadly sins), avaritia, covetousness, greed, rapacity,avariciousness, covetousness, cupidity
banal repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse, commonplace, hackneyed, old-hat, shopworn, stock, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn
belie to give a false representation to; misrepresent, contradict, negate
bolster support and strengthen
bombastic (Of speech or writing) far too showy or dramatic than is appropriate; pretentious
bucolic relating to the pleasant aspects of the country, pastoral, rustic
burgeon grow and flourish
burnish Polish, make smooth and lustrous
calumny making of a false statement meant to injure a person's reputation, calumniation, defamation, hatchet job, obloquy, aspersion, slander, denigration, traducement
canard a deliberately misleading fabrication
capricious determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason, impulsive, whimsical
cardinal of primary importance; fundamental, central, fundamental, key, primal
catalyst something that speeds up an event, accelerator
caustic (adj) capable of corroding metal or burning the skin; very critical or sarcastic
coalesce fuse or cause to grow together, blend, combine, commingle, conflate, flux, fuse, immix, meld, merge, mix
cogent clear and persuasive, telling, weighty
commensurate to be in proportion or corresponding in degree or amount
complacent contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions, self-complacent, self-satisfied
confound be confusing or perplexing to, bedevil, befuddle, confuse, discombobulate, fox, fuddle, throw
connoisseur (n) expert, especially in the fine arts; person of educated, refined tastes
contrite to be remorseful, remorseful, rueful, ruthful
convoluted highly complex or intricate, byzantine, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuous
craven pathetically cowardly, recreant
decorum propriety in manners and conduct, decorousness
deleterious harmful to living things, hurtful, injurious
demur to object or show reluctance
denigrate charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone, asperse, besmirch, calumniate, defame, slander, smear, smirch, sully
deride treat or speak of with contempt
desiccate (v) thoroughly dried up, dehydrated
desultory Lacking consistency or order, disconnected, sporadic; going off topic
diaphanous Very sheer, fine, translucent
diatribe a strong verbal attack against a person or institution, fulmination
diffident showing modest reserve; lacking self-confidence, shy, timid, unsure
dilatory wasting time, laggard, pokey, poky
dilettante an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge, dabbler, sciolist,dilettanteish, dilettantish, sciolistic
dirge A funeral or mourning song or poem
disabuse to persuade somebody that his/her belief is not valid
disparate two things are fundamentally different
dissemble conceal one's true motives, usually through deceit, affect, feign, pretend, sham
dissonance (n) harsh, inharmonious sound; cacophony; disagreement
doctrinaire Person who applies doctrine in an impractical or rigid and close-minded way (noun); merely theoretical, impractical, or fanatical about other people accepting one's ideas (adj)
dupe to trick or swindle, befool, cod, fool, gull, put on, put one across, put one over, slang, take in
ebullient joyously unrestrained, exuberant, high-spirited
eclectic comprised of a variety of styles
Efficacy (n) the quality of being able to produce the intended effect
effrontery audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to, assumption, presumption, presumptuousness
elegy Song or poem of sorrow, esp. for a deceased person
embellish make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; make more beautiful, adorn, beautify, decorate, grace, ornament, fancify, prettify
emulate strive to equal or match, especially by imitating; compete with successfully
encomium Warm, glowing praise, esp. a formal expression of praise
endemic native; originating where it is found, autochthonal, autochthonic, autochthonous, indigenous
enervate to sap energy from, faze, unnerve, unsettle
engender give rise to, beget, bring forth, father, generate, get, mother, sire
ephemeral lasting a very short time, fugacious, passing, short-lived, transient, transitory
equivocate to speak vaguely, usually with the intention to mislead or deceive, beat around the bush, palter, prevaricate, tergiversate
erudite having or showing profound knowledge, learned
esoteric confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle
estimable deserving of esteem and respect, good, honorable, respectable
Eulogy (n) speech of praise or written work of praise, esp. a speech given at a funeral
exacerbate make worse, aggravate, exasperate, worsen
Exculpate (v) clear from guilt or blame
fallow Left unplanted (of land); not in use
fatuous Foolish, silly, esp. in a smug or complacent manner
fetid Stinking; having an offensive smell
flag droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness; become less intense, droop, sag, swag
florid Reddish or rosy; flowery, showy, or excessively fancy
foment try to stir up public opinion, agitate, stir up
forestall Delay, hinder, prevent by taking action beforehand
fractious irritable and is likely to cause disruption, cranky, irritable, nettlesome, peckish, peevish, pettish, petulant, scratchy, techy, testy, tetchy
gambol Frolic; skip or leap playfully
garrulous full of trivial conversation, chatty, gabby, loquacious, talkative, talky
glib (of a person) speaking with ease but without sincerity, pat, slick
gregarious to be likely to socialize with others
harbinger n. anything that foreshadows a future event, an omen, a sign
hermetic Airtight, sealed, isolated; reclusive; pertaining to alchemy, occult
impecunious lacking money; poor, hard up, in straitened circumstances, penniless, penurious, pinched
imperturbable Calm, not able to be upset or agitated
impervious not admitting of passage or capable of being affected, imperviable
implacable incapable of making less angry or hostile
inchoate only partly in existence; imperfectly formed, incipient
indolent Lazy, slothful
innocuous harmless and doesn't produce any ill effects, innocent
insipid dull and uninteresting, bland, flat, flavorless, flavourless, savorless, savourless, vapid
inundate to flood or overwhelm, deluge, submerge, flood, swamp
invective abusive or denunciatory language, vitriol, vituperation
invidious likely to cause resentment
irascible quickly aroused to anger, choleric, hot-tempered, hotheaded, quick-tempered, short-tempered
itinerant traveling from place to place to work, gipsy, gypsy
laconic one who says very few words, crisp, curt, terse
lethargic lacking energy, unenrgetic
limpid clarity in terms of expression, crystal clear, crystalline, lucid, pellucid, transparent,perspicuous
lucid (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable, crystal clear, limpid, luculent, pellucid, perspicuous
malleable capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out, ductile, pliable, pliant, tensile, tractile
mendicant a pauper who lives by begging, beggar
meticulous marked by extreme care in treatment of details
mitigate make less severe or harsh, extenuate, palliate
mollify to make someone angry less angry; placate, season, temper
noxious harmful, injurious
obdurate stubbornly persistent in changing an opinion or action, cussed, obstinate, unrepentant
obfuscate v. to deliberate obscure, to make confusing
obsequious attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner; attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery, bootlicking, fawning, sycophantic, toadyish
officious intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner, busy, busybodied, interfering, meddlesome, meddling
ostensible apparent; seeming
panegyric a formal expression of praise, encomium, eulogy, paean, pean
Paradigm (n) model or pattern; worldview, set of shared assumptions, values, etc.
paragon model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal, apotheosis, ideal, nonesuch, nonpareil, nonsuch, saint
parsimonious extremely frugal; miserly, penurious
perfidy an act of deliberate betrayal; a breach of a trust, betrayal, treachery, treason,perfidiousness, treachery
perfunctory done routinely and with little interest or care, casual, cursory, passing
pervade to be present throughout; to permeate
phlegmatic showing little emotion, phlegmatical
Pious (adj) devout; religiously reverent and dutiful
placate cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of, appease, assuage, conciliate, gentle, gruntle, lenify, mollify, pacify
plaintive melancholy; mournful
pragmatic guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory, hard-nosed, hardheaded, practical
prevaricate to speak in an evasive way, beat around the bush, equivocate, palter, tergiversate
pristine Unspoiled, untouched (usu. of nature)
probity integrity, strong moral principles
prodigal rashly or wastefully extravagant, extravagant, profligate, spendthrift
propitiate to placate or appease
raconteur a person skilled in telling anecdotes, anecdotist
repudiate reject as untrue or unfounded
reticent reluctant to draw attention to yourself; temperamentally disinclined to talk, untalkative, retiring, self-effacing
sardonic disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking
sinecure an office that involves minimal duties
singular unique, extraordinary, odd
soporific inducing mental lethargy; sleep inducing, hypnagogic, hypnogogic, somniferous, somnific, soporiferous,narcotic
specious based on pretense; deceptively pleasing, ??? ??????, gilded, meretricious
stolid having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited, impassive
supplant take the place or move into the position of, replace, supercede, supersede, supervene upon
tirade an angry speech, broadside, philippic
torpor inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy, listlessness, torpidity, torpidness
turgid (of language) pompous and tedious, bombastic, declamatory, large, orotund, tumid
vacillate be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action, hover, oscillate, vibrate,fluctuate, waver
venerate to respect deeply, fear, revere, reverence
whimsical determined by impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason, capricious, impulsive
abash to make ashamed, to embarrass
abdicate (v) formally give up the throne (or some other power or responsibility)
abeyance Temporary suspension, inactivity
abhor (v) detest, regard with disgust
abject miserable; pitiful
abridge (v) reduce or lessen; shorten by omitting parts throughout while retaining the main idea
abscission Cutting off; sudden termination; the separation of leaves, petals, or other parts from a plant or animal
absolve to forgive or free from blame; to free from sin; to free from an obligation
abstemious moderate in appetite
abstract theoretical; impersonal
acerbic harsh in tone, acerb, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent, vitriolic
acme the highest point of achievement, elevation, height, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, tiptop, top
acquiesce to comply passively; to accept; to assent; to agree
acrid harsh; like acid
acrimonious full of spite; bitter; nasty
acute sharp; shrewd
adherent follower; supporter; believer
adverse (adj) opposing, harmful
affectation (n) fake behavior (such as in speech or dress) adopted to give a certain impression
affinity fondness; liking; similarity
affluent wealthy
alchemy medieval chemical philosophy based on changing metal into gold; a seemingly magical power or process of transmutation
alleviate (v) lessen, make easier to endure
allocate to distribute; to assign; to allot
aloof Distant physically or emotionally; reserved; indifferent
altruism the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others, selflessness
ambivalent mixed or conflicting emotions about something
amenable easily persuaded, conformable, tractable
amenity something that increases comfort
amiable friendly, affable, cordial, genial
amorphous shapeless, formless, shapeless, unstructured
animosity intense hostility
antagonize (v) make hostile or unfriendly
antecedent something that comes before
antithesis the opposite of something
antithetical sharply contrasted in character or purpose, antithetic
aphorism a short instructive saying about a general truth, apophthegm, apothegm
apogee the highest point, culmination
apposite Highly appropriate, suitable, or relevant
appreciate to increase in value
apprehensive worried; anxious
apprise Inform, give notice to
arbiter Judge, umpire, person empowered to decide matters at hand
arcane requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
arrogate seize and control without authority, assume, seize, take over, usurp
artful exhibiting artistic skill
articulate (adj, verb) using language in a clear, fluent way (adj); speak distinctly or give clarity to an idea (verb)
aspersion slander; false rumor
assail attack in speech or writing, assault, attack, lash out, round, snipe
assiduous Persevering, diligent, constant
astringent harsh; severe
audacity aggressive boldness in social situations, audaciousness, temerity
augury Telling the future, such as through supernatural means
august Venerable, majestic; inspiring admiration
auspicious favorable, the opposite of sinister
aver (v) declare or affirm with confidence
axiom Self-evident truth requiring no proof; universally or generally accepted principle
bane Something that ruins or spoils
benign kind
bifurcate To fork into two branches or divide into two halves
blandish v. to coax with flattery, toady or fawn
blithe Joyous, merry; excessively carefree (so as to ignore more important concerns)
boor (n) rude, ill-mannered, or insensitive person; a peasant or country bumpkin
broach to mention for the first time
brook put up with something or somebody unpleasant, abide, bear, digest, endure, put up, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, tolerate
buttress make stronger or defensible
cacophony (n) harsh, discordant, or meaningless mixture of sounds
candid a straightforward and honest look at something, blunt, forthright, frank, free-spoken, outspoken, plainspoken, point-blank, straight-from-the-shoulder
canon an established set of principles; a basis or standard for judgment; a group of literary works
cartography (n) mapmaking
castigate to reprimand harshly, chasten, chastise, correct, objurgate
catholic of broad scope; universal
censure to express strong disapproval, animadversion
chauvinist a person who believes in the superiority of their group, flag-waver, hundred-percenter, jingo, jingoist, patrioteer
chicanery Trickery, deception by knowingly false arguments
chimera something desired or wished for but is only an illusion and impossible to achieve
choleric prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered, hot-tempered, hotheaded, irascible, quick-tempered, short-tempered
churlish lacking manners or refinement
circumscribe restrict or confine, confine, limit
coda Final part of a musical composition; an ending, esp. one that sums up what has come before
color v. to change as if by dyeing, influence, distort, or gloss over
complaisant showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others, obliging
condone (v) overlook, tolerate, regard as harmless
confluence A flowing together especially of rivers; place where they begin to flow together
contentious likely to argue, combative, disputatious, disputative, litigious
contiguous touching; neighboring; connecting without a break
contumacious Rebellious; stubbornly disobedient
conundrum a difficult problem, brain-teaser, enigma, riddle
copious in abundant supply, ample, plenteous, plentiful, rich, voluminous
corroborate to confirm or lend support to (usually an idea or claim), affirm, confirm, substantiate, sustain,bear out, support, underpin
countenance (n, v) facial expression or face (noun); approve or tolerate (verb)
credulous (adj) gullible; prone to believing or trusting too easily or without enough evidence
cupidity greed for money, avarice, avariciousness, covetousness
curmudgeon a grouchy, surly person
daunt (v) discourage, dishearten, lessen the courage of
dearth a lack or shortage, famine, shortage,paucity
debunk expose as false ideas and claims, especially while ridiculing, expose
decorous characterized by good taste in manners and conduct
deference (n) respectful submission; yielding to the authority or opinion of another
delineate describe in detail
denouement the final resolution of the many strands of a literary or dramatic work; the outcome of a complex sequence of events
depreciate v. to disparage or belittle
derivative (or a creative product, e.g. music, writing, etc.) not original but drawing on the work of another person
didactic instructive (especially excessively), didactical
digress (v) go off-topic when speaking or writing
dilate To become wider or make wider, cause to expand; to speak or write at length, elaborate upon
discomfit to make uneasy; disconcert
discordant Harsh or inharmonious in sound; disagreeing, incongruous
discrete constituting a separate entity or part, distinct
disingenuous not straightforward; giving a false appearance of frankness, artful
disinterested unbiased; neutral
disparage Belittle, put down; bring shame upon, discredit
disseminate cause to become widely known, broadcast, circularise, circularize, circulate, diffuse, disperse, distribute, pass around, propagate, spread
dissolution a living full of debauchery and indulgence in sensual pleasure, dissipation, licentiousness, looseness, profligacy
distend Swell, expand, stretch, bloat
divulge to make known something that is secret
Dogma (n) a system of principles laid down by an authority; established belief
dogmatic highly opinionated, not accepting that your belief may not be correct
dross waste; worthless matter
eccentric highly unconventional or unusual (usually describes a person), eccentric person, flake, geek, oddball
elicit call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses), arouse, enkindle, evoke, fire, kindle, provoke, raise
Eloquent (adj) marked by forceful, fluid, apt speech; expressive, emotionally moving
eminent standing above others in quality or position, lofty, soaring, towering
Empirical (adj) coming from, based on, or able to be verified by experience or experimentation; not purely based on theory
Enigma (n) puzzle, mystery, riddle; mysterious or contradictory person
ennui n. dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy
enormity an act of extreme wickedness, outrageousness
enumerate determine the number or amount of, count, number, numerate
epicure Person with cultivated, refined tastes, esp. in food and wine
equanimity Composure, evenness of mind; mental or emotional stability, esp. under stress
errant to be wandering; not sticking to a circumscribed path
erratic unpredictable; strange and unconventional, fickle, mercurial, quicksilver
ersatz not real or genuine; phony, substitute
eschew avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of, shun
euphemism Substitution of a mild, inoffensive, or indirect expression for one that is considered offensive or too direct
evanescent tending to vanish like vapor
evince to show plainly; be an indication of
exhort to strongly urge on; encourage, barrack, cheer, inspire, pep up, root on, urge, urge on
exigent Requiring immediate attention, action, or aid; excessively demanding
exonerate pronounce not guilty of criminal charges, acquit, assoil, clear, discharge, exculpate
expiate to atone for
expurgate to remove objectionable material, bowdlerise, bowdlerize, castrate, shorten
extant still in existence (usually refers to documents).
extemporaneous Done without preparation (esp. of a speech), or with some preparation but no notes; improvised, done on the spur of the moment
facetious cleverly amusing in tone, bantering, tongue-in-cheek
fallacious of a belief that is based on faulty reasoning, unsound,Synonyms,
fallacy n. an invalid or incorrect notion, a mistaken belief
Fanatical (adj) excessively devoted, enthusiastic, or zealous in an uncritical way
fastidious overly concerned with details; fussy, exacting
fawn try to gain favor by extreme flattery, bootlick, kotow, kowtow, suck up, toady, truckle
fecund intellectually productive, fertile, prolific
felicitous Admirably appropriate, very well-suited for the occasion; pleasant, fortunate, marked by happiness
fetter to bind; confine
flout Treat with disdain, contempt, or scorn (usually of rules)
ford Place where a river or similar body of water is shallow enough to walk or ride a vehicle across (noun); to cross at such a place (verb)
forswear renounce; repudiate
fortuitous occurring by happy chance; having no cause or apparent cause, causeless, uncaused
fracas Noisy disturbance or fight; brawl
frugal not spending much money (but spending wisely), economical, scotch, sparing, stinting
fulminate Explode, detonate; attack verbally in a vehement, thunderous way
furtive marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed, sneak, sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious
futile producing no result or effect; unproductive of success, ineffectual, otiose, unavailing,bootless, fruitless, sleeveless, vain
gainsay deny or contradict; speak against or oppose, challenge, dispute
garner Gather and store; amass, collect
gauche lacking social polish, graceless, unpolished
germane relevant and appropriate
goad urge on with unpleasant comments, prick,needle
gossamer characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy, ethereal
grandiloquent puffed up with vanity, overblown, pompous, pontifical, portentous
grouse Complain or grumble (verb); a reason for complaint (noun)
grovel show submission or fear, cower, crawl, creep, cringe, fawn
Guile (n) clever deceit, cunning, craftiness
guileless free of deceit, transparent
gullible easily deceived
hackneyed lacking significance through having been overused, banal, commonplace, old-hat, shopworn, stock, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn
halcyon idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity; marked by peace and prosperity, golden, prosperous
harangue a long pompous speech; a tirade, rant, ranting
hedonism n. devotion to pleasurable pursuits, especially to the pleasures of the senses
hegemony dominance over a certain area
hoary ancient, rusty
homily sermon; tedious moralizing lecture
Homogeneous (adj) of the same kind; uniform throughout
Hyperbole (n) deliberate exaggeration for effect
iconoclast somebody who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions
iconoclastic defying tradition or convention
idiosyncrasy a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual, foible, mannerism
idolatry Idol worship; excessive or unthinking devotion or adoration
idyllic Presenting a positive, peaceful view of rural life (as poetry or prose); pleasant in a natural, simple way
ignoble dishonorable, ungentle, untitled
imbroglio a confusing and potentially embarrassing situation, embroilment
imminent (adj) ready to occur, impending
immutable not able to be changed, changeless
impassive Not having or not showing physical feeling or emotion
impede be a hindrance or obstacle to, hinder,block, close up, jam, obstruct, obturate, occlude
imperious having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy, disdainful, haughty, lordly, overbearing, prideful, sniffy, supercilious, swaggering
impermeable does not allow fluids to pass through
impetuous characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation, brainish, hotheaded, impulsive, madcap, tearaway
imprecation Curse; prayer for harm to come to someone
impugn attack as false or wrong
impute attribute (responsibility or fault) to something, ascribe, assign, attribute
Incipient (adj) just beginning; in a very early stage
incorrigible impervious to correction by punishment
Indifferent (adj) not caring, having no interest; unbiased, impartial
ineluctable impossible to avoid or evade
inert Inactive; having little or no power to move
inexorable impossible to stop or prevent, adamant, adamantine, intransigent
ingenuous to be na?ve and innocent, innocent
ingratiate gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
Inherent (adj) existing as a permanent, essential quality; intrinsic
inimical hostile (usually describes conditions or environments), unfriendly
iniquity Injustice, wickedness, sin
insensible Incapable of feeling; unconscious, unaware
insular Pertaining to an island; detached, standing alone; narrow-minded, provincial
interregnum A time in between two reigns or regimes during which there is no ruler; a period during which government does not function; any period of freedom from authority or break or interruption in a series
intimate to suggest something subtly, adumbrate, insinuate
Intractable (adj) difficult to control, manage, or manipulate; hard to cure; stubborn
intransigent unwilling to change one's beliefs or course of action, adamant, adamantine, inexorable
intrepid fearless, audacious, brave, dauntless, fearless, hardy, unfearing
inure to make accustomed to something unpleasant, harden, indurate
inveigle Entice, lure; get something by flattery, cleverness, or offering incentives
inveterate habitual, chronic
irresolute uncertain how to act or proceed
jargon a characteristic language of a particular group, argot, cant, lingo, patois, slang, vernacular
jingoism fanatical patriotism, chauvinism, superpatriotism, ultranationalism
jocular characterized by jokes and good humor, jesting, jocose, joking
juxtapose place side by side
kinetic Pertaining to motion
Kudos (n) praise, honor, congratulations
lachrymose showing sorrow, dolorous, dolourous, tearful, weeping
lampoon ridicule with satire, satirise, satirize
languid not inclined towards physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed, dreamy, lackadaisical, languorous
Lassitude (n) tiredness, weariness; lazy indifference
latent Potential; existing but not visible or active
laud praise
laudable worthy of high praise, applaudable, commendable, praiseworthy
Lavish (adj, v) abundant or giving in abundance; marked by excess (adj); give very generously (verb)
leery openly distrustful and unwilling to confide, mistrustful, suspicious, untrusting, wary
Levity (n) lightness (of mind, spirit, or mood) or lack of seriousness, sometimes in an inappropriate way
Liberal (adj, n) favorable to progress or reform; believing in maximum possible individual freedom; tolerant, open-minded; generous (adj); a person with such beliefs or practices (noun)
Libertine (n) morally or sexually unrestrained person; freethinker (regarding religion)
lionize assign great social importance to, celebrate, lionise
Loquacious (adj) talkative, wordy
lugubrious excessively mournful
lumber Walk in a heavy or clumsy way, sometimes due to being weighed down
luminous Shining, radiant, well-lit; brilliant or enlightening
maelstrom Violent whirlpool; any chaotic, turbulent situation
malinger Pretend to be sick, esp. to get out of work, duties, etc.
martial suggesting war or military life, warlike,soldierlike, soldierly, warriorlike
martinet a strict disciplinarian, disciplinarian, moralist
maudlin overly emotional and sad, bathetic, drippy, hokey, kitschy, mawkish, mushy, schmaltzy, schmalzy, sentimental, slushy, soppy, soupy
maverick someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action, rebel
Mendacious (adj) lying, habitually dishonest
mercurial (of a person) prone to unexpected and unpredictable changes in mood, erratic, fickle, quicksilver
meretricious Attractive in a vulgar or flashy way, tawdry; deceptive
mettlesome filled with courage or valor, game, gamey, gamy, gritty, spirited, spunky
microcosm a small system having analogies to a larger system
milieu Environment, atmosphere; the environmental setting in which something happens or develops
militate Have a great effect, weigh heavily (often as militate against)
minuscule very small
misanthrope a hater of mankind, misanthropist
misogynist a person who dislikes women in particular, woman hater
modicum a small or moderate or token amount
monolithic solid and uniform; constituing a single, unified whole
Monotony (n) sameness or repetitiousness to the point of being boring; lack of variation, uniformity, esp. repetition in sound
morose ill-tempered and not inclined to talk; gloomy, dark, dour, glowering, glum, moody, saturnine, sour, sullen
multifarious Diverse, having a lot of variety
mundane repetitive and boring; not spiritual
myopia a nearsightedness ; lack of foresight ;
myopic lacking foresight or imagination, short, shortsighted, unforesightful
myriad a large indefinite number, countless, infinite, innumerable, innumerous, multitudinous, numberless, uncounted, unnumberable, unnumbered, unnumerable
nadir the lowest point, low-water mark
Nascent (adj) coming into existence, still developing
nefarious a evil ; flagrantly wicked
neologism New word or phrase (or a new meaning applied to an existing word or phrase)
neophyte Beginner, novice; person newly converted to a religion
nepotism n showing favoritism to friends of family in business or politics (স্বজনপ্রীতি)
nettle Irritate, sting, or annoy
noisome having an extremely bad smell, fetid, foetid, foul, foul-smelling, funky, ill-scented, smelly, stinking
nonplussed unsure how to act or respond
nostalgia sentimental longing for a past time
Novel (adj) new, fresh, original
nuance a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude, nicety, refinement, shade, subtlety
oblique not straightforward; indirect, devious
oblivion n total forgetfulness ; the state of being forgotten ;
obscure make unclear, becloud, befog, cloud, fog, haze over, mist, obnubilate
obstinate resistant to guidance or discipline; stubbornly persistent, cussed, obdurate, unrepentant, contrary, perverse, wayward
Obviate (v) prevent, eliminate, or make unnecessary
occlude Stop up, close, shut in or shut off
Occult (n, adj, v) the supernatural (noun); pertaining to magic, astrology, etc.; mysterious, secret or hidden (adj); to hide, to shut off from view
odious hateful, arousing strong feelings of dislike
Onerous (adj) burdensome, oppressive, hard to endure
opaque not clearly understood or expressed, unintelligible
opprobrium Disgrace and disapproval that result from outrageously shameful actions
opulent a luxurious
Orthodox (adj) adhering to a traditional, established faith, or to anything customary or commonly accepted
Oscillate (v) swing back and forth; waver, change one's mind
ossify make rigid and set into a conventional pattern, petrify, rigidify
ostentatious intended to attract notice and impress others; tawdry or vulgar, pretentious
palliate Make less serious or severe; relieve symptoms of an illness
pallid Abnormally pale (as skin); lacking color or vitality
panache distinctive and stylish elegance, dash, elan, flair, style
Paradox (n) contradiction, or seeming contradiction that is actually true
pariah an outcast, castaway, ishmael
parochial narrowly restricted in scope or outlook, insular
parody n. a humorous imitation intended for ridicule or comic effect, especially in literature and art, also something so bad as to be potentially mistaken for an intentional mockery
parry Deflect or avoid (esp. a blow or attack); skillfully evade (a question)
Partisan (adj, n) devoted to a particular group, cause, etc. (adj); fervent supporter of a group, party, idea, etc.; guerilla fighter (noun)
paucity a lack of something, dearth
Peccadillo (n) small sin or fault
pedant Person who pays excessive attention to book learning and rules, or who uses his or her learning to show off
pedantic marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects, academic, donnish
pedestrian lacking imagination, earthbound, prosaic, prosy
pejorative expressing disapproval (usu. refers to a term), dislogistic, dyslogistic
pellucid transparently clear; easily understandable, crystal clear, limpid, lucid, luculent, perspicuous
Penchant (n) liking or inclination
penitent Regretful, feeling remorse for one's sins or misdeeds (adj); a person who feels this way (noun)
penury Extreme poverty or scarcity
perennial lasting an indefinitely long time; eternal; everlasting
Perfidious (adj) disloyal, treacherous, violating one's trust
perigee point in an orbit that is closest to the earth
peripatetic traveling by foot, wayfaring
pernicious exceedingly harmful; working or spreading in a hidden and injurious way, baneful, deadly, pestilent,insidious, subtle
perquisite a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right), exclusive right, prerogative, privilege
perspicacious acutely insightful and wise, sagacious, sapient
Pervasive (adj) tending to spread throughout
petulant easily irritated or annoyed, cranky, fractious, irritable, nettlesome, peckish, peevish, pettish, scratchy, techy, testy, tetchy
philistine smug and ignorant towards artistic and cultural values, anti-intellectual
placid not easily irritated, equable, even-tempered, good-tempered
Plastic (adj) able to be shaped or formed; easily influenced
platitude a trite or obvious remark, banality, bromide, cliche, commonplace
plethora Excess; excessive amount
pluck n. courage, spunk, fortitude
plucky marked by courage and determination, gutsy,feisty, spunky
plumb to examine deeply; determine the depth
Plummet (v) plunge, fall straight down
poignant emotionally touching, affecting, touching
polemic a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something.
posit assume as fact, postulate
prattle Talk in an idle, simple-minded, meaningless, or foolish way; chatter, babble
precarious fraught with danger, parlous, perilous, touch-and-go
precept principle; law
Precursor (n) something that comes before, esp. something that also announces or suggests something on its way
preeminent superior to others, surpassing
presumptuous excessively forward, assuming, assumptive
proclivity Inclination, natural tendency
prodigious so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe, colossal, stupendous
profligate spending resources recklessly or wastefully, extravagant, prodigal, spendthrift
Proliferate (v) increase or spread rapidly or excessively
prolific intellectually productive, fecund, fertile
propensity Natural inclination or tendency
Propriety (n) conforming to good manners or appropriate behavior; justness
proscribe command against, disallow, forbid, interdict, nix, prohibit, veto
puerile of or characteristic of a child; displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity, adolescent, jejune, juvenile
pungent Having a sharp taste or smell; biting, stimulating, sharp
pusillanimous Cowardly, timid
querulous habitually complaining, fretful, whiney, whiny
quiescent Quiet, still
quixotic wildly idealistic; impractical, romantic, wild-eyed
quotidian found in the ordinary course of events, everyday, mundane, routine, unremarkable, workaday
rancor the bitter, long-lasting resentment itself
rarefied make more subtle or refined
recalcitrant Not obedient, resisting authority, hard to manage
recant Withdraw, retract, or disavow something one has previously said, esp. formally
recondite difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge, abstruse, deep
redolent fragrant, suggestive or evocative
redress an act of making something right, remediation, remedy
refractory stubbornly resistant to authority or control, fractious, recalcitrant
refulgent Shining, radiant
refute prove to be false or incorrect, controvert, rebut
relegate assign to a lower position, break, bump, demote, kick downstairs
replete completely stocked or furnished with something
reproach to express criticism towards, upbraid
reprobate a person who is disapproved of, miscreant
rescind cancel officially, annul, countermand, lift, overturn, repeal, reverse, revoke, vacate
resolve reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation, conclude
restive restless, edgy, high-strung, highly strung, jittery, jumpy, nervy, overstrung, uptight
reverent feeling or showing profound respect or veneration, godly, worshipful
Rhetoric (n) the art or study of persuasion through speaking or writing; language that is elaborate or pretentious but actually empty, meaning little
ribald humorously vulgar, bawdy, off-color
rococo Very elaborate and ornate (in decorating or metaphorically, as in speech and writing); relating to a highly ornate style of art and architecture in 18th-century France
rue Regret, remorse (noun); to feel regret or remorse (verb)
rustic characteristic of rural life; awkwardly simple and provincial, countrified, countryfied,bumpkinly, hick, unsophisticated
sagacious having good judgement and acute insight, perspicacious, sapient
salient Obvious, standing out; projecting, protruding, jutting out
Salubrious (adj) healthful, promoting health
salutary expecting an improvement, favorable to health
sanction give authority or permission to
sanguine cheerful; optimistic, florid, rubicund, ruddy
satiate to satisfy
satire n. a literary work that ridicules or criticizes human vice through humor or derision
sedition Inciting rebellion against a government, esp. speech or writing that does this
sedulous done diligently and carefully, assiduous
Sentient (adj) conscious; experiencing sensation or perceiving with the senses
shard Fragment of some brittle substance, esp. a sharp fragment of pottery, glass, etc.
slake Satisfy (esp. thirst), cool, or refresh; make less active
solecism a socially awkward or tactless act, faux pas, gaffe, gaucherie, slip
solicitous showing hovering attentiveness
solvent able to meet financial obligations
spartan unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment; practicing great self-denial, severe
sporadic recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances
squalor filthy, wretched condition
Static (adj) fixed, not moving or changing, lacking vitality
stentorian Very loud and powerful (generally of a human voice)
stigma Mark of disgrace, a figurative stain or mark on someone's reputation
stint Period of time spent doing something, or a specific, limited amount of work (noun); to be frugal, to get by on little (verb)
strut A structural support or brace
stupefy to dull the senses of, stun, atonish
subpoena A court order requiring a person to appear in court and give testimony
subtle not obvious, elusive, difficult to discern, crafty or sly
succinct brief, concise
supine lying in the back, marked by lethargy
supplicant one who asks humbly and earnestly
surfeit an excessive amount of something, excess, overabundance
surly inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace, ugly
sybarite a person who indulges in luxury, voluptuary
sycophant a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage, ass-kisser, crawler, lackey, toady
Synonyms defective
Tacit (adj) understood without being said; implied, not stated directly; silent
taciturn habitually reserved and uncommunicative
Tangential (adj) only slightly relevant, going off topic
tawdry tastelessly showy; cheap and shoddy, brassy, cheap, flash, flashy, garish, gaudy, gimcrack, loud, meretricious, tacky, tatty, trashy,cheapjack, shoddy
Tenuous (adj) long and thin, slender; flimsy, having little substance
terrestrial Relating to the Earth or to land; worldly
terse Concise, brief and to the point (sometimes to the point of rudeness)
toady Someone who flatters or acts in a servile manner for self-serving reasons
tome Large or scholarly book; one of the volumes in a set of several books
tortuous marked by repeated turns and bends; not straightforward, twisting, twisty, voluminous, winding
tractable readily reacting to suggestions and influences; easily managed (controlled or taught or molded), amenable,manipulable
transitory lasting a very short time, ephemeral, fugacious, passing, short-lived, transient
travesty an absurd presentation of something; a mockery, farce, farce comedy,burlesque, charade, lampoon, mockery, parody, pasquinade, put-on, sendup, spoof, takeoff
trenchant characterized by or full of force and vigor; having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect, hard-hitting,searching
turbid muddy, opaque, in a state of great confusion
tyro someone new to a field or activity, beginner, initiate, novice, tiro
Ubiquitous (adj) existing everywhere at the same time
umbrage a feeling of anger caused by being offended, offence, offense
unconscionable unreasonable; unscrupulous; excessive, exorbitant, extortionate, outrageous, steep, usurious
unequivocal admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion, unambiguous, univocal
upbraid to reproach; to scold
usury Charging interest on a loan, esp. charging illegally high or excessive interest
variegated Varied in color, having multicolored patches or spots; diverse
venal mercenary, corruptible
Verbose (adj) wordy
vex annoy or bother; puzzle or distress
virulent Extremely infectious, poisonous, etc.; hateful, bitterly hostile
viscous thick, syrupy
vitiate to impair the quality of, corrupt morally
vituperate to criticize harshly; to berate, rail, revile, vilify
Volatile (adj) varying, inconstant, fleeting; tending to violence, explosive
voluble Easily fluent in regards to speech
wanton without check or limitation; showing no moral restraints to one's anger, desire, or appetites, easy, light, loose, promiscuous, sluttish
welter Confused mass or pile, jumble; confusion or turmoil (noun); roll around, wallow, toss about, writhe (verb)
winsome charming in a childlike or naive way
zenith the highest point; culmination
abase Degrade or humble; to lower in rank, status, or esteem
abet to support or encourage someone, especially someone who has done something wrong
abnegate to deny oneself things; to reject; to renounce
abortive unsuccessful
absolute total; unlimited; perfect
abstinence the giving up of certain pleasures
abstinent abstaining; voluntarily not doing something, especially something pleasant that is bad for you or has a bad reputation
abysmal extremely bad, abyssal, unfathomable
abyss A deep and vast space or cavity; anything profound or infinite
accede Agree, give consent; assume power (usually as "accede to")
accessible find, approachable / ACCESS: the right or ability to approach, enter, or use
acclaim recognition, fame, praise; to praise publicly and enthusiastically
accord to agree; to be in harmony; to grant or bestow
accost to approach and speak to someone aggressively
accrue to accumulate; grow by additions
acidulous Slightly acid or sour; sharp or caustic
adage a traditional saying; a proverb
adamant refusing to change one's mind, adamantine, inexorable, intransigent
address to speak to; to direct one's attention to
adduce offer as example; to bring forward as an example or as proof; to cite
adjunct something added, attached, or joined
admonitory serving to warn; expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective, cautionary, exemplary, monitory, warning
adumbrate Give a rough outline of; foreshadow; reveal only partially; obscure
advent arrival; coming; beginning
aerie Dwelling or fortress built on a high place; the nest of a bird of prey, such as an eagle or hawk, built on a mountain or cliff
aesthete one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature, esthete
affable likeable; easy to talk to, amiable, cordial, genial
affected pretentious; phony
affiliate associate
affront insult; a deliverate act of disrespect
agenda program; the things to be done
aggregate (v, adj) gather together, amount to (verb); constituting a whole made up of constituent parts (adj)
aggrieved unjustly injured
agnostic one who believes that the existence of a god can be neither proven nor disproven
agog eager; excited
agrarian relating to land; relating to the management or farming of land
allege to assert without proof
allusion an indirect reference (often to a literary work); a hint
amass to pile up; to accumulate; to collect for one's own use
ambivalence the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes
amnesty an official pardon for a group of people who have violated a law or policy; a pardon to a group or class of people
amoral lacking a sense of right and wrong; neither good nor bad, neither moral nor immoral; without moral feelings
amorous feeling loving, especially in a sexual sense; in love; relating to love
amortize Gradually pay off a debt, or gradually write off an asset
amulet ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits
analgesia Pain relief; inability to feel pain
analogy a comparison of one thing to another; similarity
anarchy (n) absence of law or government; chaos, disorder
anathema a detested person; the source of somebody's hate, bete noire
ancillary subordinate; providing assistance
anecdote a short account of a humorous or revealing incident
anguish agonizing physical or mental pain
annotate to add explanatory notes / ANNOTATION: a note explaining or criticizing a literary work
anomalous not normal
antedate precede in time, antecede, forego, forgo, precede, predate, foredate
apartheid the abhorrent policy of racial segregation and oppression in the Republic of South Africa
apathetic marked by a lack of interest, indifferent
apex the highest point, acme, peak, vertex
apocalypse a prophetic revelation, especially one concerning the end of the world
apothegm a short, pithy instructive saying, aphorism, apophthegm
appall horrify / APPALLING (adj)
apparition phantom
appease pacify by acceding to the demands of, assuage, conciliate, gentle, gruntle, lenify, mollify, pacify, placate
appellation name
appraise to estimate the value or quality of; to judge
apropos relevant
aptitude capacity for learning; natural ability
arabesque ornate design featuring intertwined curves; a ballet position in which one leg is extended in back while the other supports the weight of the body
arable able to be farmed
arbitrary based on a random, groundless decision
archetype An original model or pattern
ardent Very passionate, devoted, or enthusiastic
ardor great emotion or passion
arid very dry; lacking life, interest, or imagination
arrant complete and wholly (usually modifying a noun with negative connotation), complete, consummate, double-dyed, everlasting, gross, perfect, pure, sodding, staring, stark, thoroughgoing, unadulterated, utter
arrest to stop; to seize
artifact (n) any object made by humans, especially those from an earlier time, such as those excavated by archaeologists
artifice cunning tricks used to deceive others, ruse
ascendancy the state that exists when one person or group has power over another, ascendance, ascendence, ascendency, control, dominance
ascribe attribute or credit to, assign, attribute, impute
assert to claim strongly; to affairm
assimilate To take in; to absorb; to learn thoroughly. pop trends are assimilated into the mainstream
astute Shrewd; keen in judgment ;বিচক্ষণ
asylum place of refuge or shelter
atavism a reappearance of an earlier characteristic; throwback, reversion, throwback
atone make amends for a wrong
atrophy to wither away; to decline from disuse
attrition Gradual wearing away weakening or loss; a natural or expected decrease in numbers of size
augment enlarge or increase; improve
augur v. to predict; n. the person or thing doing the foretelling
autocratic characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty, authoritarian, despotic, dictatorial, tyrannic, tyrannical
autonomous (adj) self-governing, independent
avaricious excessively greedy, covetous, grabby, grasping, greedy, prehensile
averse opposed to something
aversion a strong feeling of dislike
avid marked by active interest and enthusiasm, zealous
avuncular like an uncle, benevolent and tolerant
awe reverential wonder or fear; the emotion of respect mixed with fear
awry Off course; twisted to one side. with his necktie twisted awry
axiomatic taken for granted; self-evident truth
baleful threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments, forbidding, menacing, minacious, minatory, ominous, sinister, threatening
balk refuse to comply, baulk, jib, resist
balm something that heals or soothes
banter playful conversation
baroque extravagantly ornate; flamboyant in style
base the lowest class were without any moral principles, foot, foundation, fundament, groundwork, substructure, understructure
bauble a gaudy trinket, trifle; a small, inexpencive ornament / TRINKET: 2(232) a small piece of jewlery; something of little value
beatify to sanctify; to bless; to ascribe a virtue to
bedizen to dress in a vulgar, showy manner
bedlam noisy uproar and chaos; a place characterized by noisy uproar and chaos
beget To give birth to; to create; to lead to; to cause. Abraham begot Isaac
beguile v. to influence by trickery, flattery, etc; to mislead
beleaguer To surround; to besiege; to harass
belittle lessen the importance, dignity, or reputation of, diminish,denigrate, derogate, minimize
bellicose warlike; inclined to quarrel, battleful, combative
belligerent characteristic of one eager to fight, aggressive
benediction divine blessing; an utterance of good wishes <-> MALEDICTION
beneficent Doing good
benevolent Generous; kind; doing good deeds. a benevolent society
bent Personal inclination or tendency
beset Harass; to surround. This man besets his female co-workers
besiege harass, as with questions or requests; cause to feel distressed or worried, beleaguer, circumvent, hem in, surround
bestow to give as a gift, grant; to confer
bevy Group of birds or other animals that stay close together; any large group
bilk Cheat or defraud
blandishment flattery
blasphemy Irreverence; an insult to something held sacred; profanity
blatant without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious, blazing, conspicuous
blight Disease that kills plants rapidly, or any cause of decay or destruction (noun); ruin or cause to wither (verb)
bliss happiness; perfect contentment; extreme joy
bluster to boast or make threats loudly; to roar; to be loud; to be tumultuous 고함치다, 엄포를 놓다 / BLUSTERY adj.
bombast self-important or pompous writing or speech
bonhomie Friendliness, open and simple good heartedness
boorish ill-mannered and coarse or contemptible in behavior or appearance, loutish, neandertal, neanderthal, oafish, swinish
bovine cowlike
brandish Shake, wave, or flourish, as a weapon
bravado a false show or ostentatious show of bravery or defiance
brazen unrestrained by convention or propriety, audacious, bald-faced, barefaced, bodacious, brassy, brazen-faced, insolent
breach a violation; a gap or break
brevity Briefness
buffoonery coarse jokes, etc
bureaucracy (n) government characterized by many bureaus and petty administrators or by excessive, seemingly meaningless requirements
byzantine intricate and complex, convoluted, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuous
cabal a secret group seeking to overturn something
cache a hiding place; the things hidden in a hiding place
cadge to beg; sponge
cajole v. to inveigle, coax, wheedle, sweet talk
calamity a disaster
callous thick-skinned; insensitive
callow young and inexperienced, fledgling, unfledged
canonical (adj) authorized, recognized; pertaining to the canon, or body of accepted rules, standards or artistic works
cant insincere talk; language of a particular group
canvass survey, examine thoroughly; to seek votes or opinions
capitulate to surrender (usually under agreed conditions)
captivate to engross, fascinate; to enchant; enrapture
caricature A portrait or description that is purposely distorted or exaggerated often to prove some point about its subject
carnal of the flesh or body; related to physical appetities
carping persistently petty and unjustified criticism, faultfinding
castigation punishment; chastisement; criticism
cataclysm an event resulting in great loss and misfortune, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, tragedy
categorical absolute; without exception
caucus smaller group within an organization
cavil quibble, raise trivial objections
cerebral involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct, intellectual
chagrin strong feelings of embarrassment, humiliation, mortification
champion to fight for a cause, defend
chaos great disorder or confused situation
charlatan a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes, mountebank
chary cautious, suspiciously reluctant to do something, cagey, cagy
chasten to correct by punishment or reproof; to restrain or subdue
chastise to reprimand harshly, castigate, chasten, correct, objurgate
chauvinism fanatical patriotism; belief that one's group/cause is superior to all other groups/causes, jingoism, superpatriotism, ultranationalism
chic stylish and fashionable; sophistication in dress
cipher zero; a nobody; a code; the solution to a code
circuitous roundabout
circumlocution An indirect expression; use of wordy or evasive language
circumspect Cautious, prudent; careful to consider the circumstances and consequences
circumvent cleverly find a way out of one's duties or obligations, dodge, duck, elude, evade, fudge, hedge, parry, put off, sidestep, skirt
civil Polite; civilized; courteous
clamor (v) noisy uproar or protest, as from a crowd; a loud, continuous noise
clandestine concealed or secret, usually for an evil or subversive purpose
cleave to split or separate, to stick, adhere
clemency leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice, mercifulness, mercy
clique a small, exclusive group
cloister to confine; seclude
clout influence; a blow
cloying Disgustingly or distastefully sweet
coagulate Cause a liquid to become solid or semisolid
coddle to pamper, bady, treat indulgently
coerce To force someone to do or not to do something
coffer Chest for storing valuables; financial resources, a treasury
cognizant informed; conscious; aware
coherent Holding together; making sense
collusion agreement on a secret plot, connivance
commiserate to express sorrow or sympathy for; to sympathize with; to pity
commodious spacious; roomy; capacious
compatible harmonious; capable of functioning, working, or living together in harmony; consistent
compelling Forceful; causing to yield
compendium Concise but complete summary; a list or collection
complement something that completes or makes up a whole
complementary enhancing each other's qualities (for two things or more)., complemental, completing
compliant (adj) obeying, submissive; following the requirements
composure the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself.
compromise to settle differences; to agree (rarely: to expose to suspicion or redicule)
compunction uneasiness caused by guilt
concave curving inward
concede acknowledge defeat
concerted done together / CONCERT: combined action; agreement
conciliatory (adj) reconciling, appeasing, attempting to make the peace
concomitant describing an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another, accompaniment, attendant, co-occurrence
concord Harmony; agreement
condescend To stoop to someone else level usually in an offensive way; to patronize
conducive making a situation or outcome more likely to happen
configuration arrangement
congeal solidify, as a liquid freezing, to become thick or solid
congenial similar in tastes and habits; friendly; suited to
congenital A trait or condition acquired between conception and birth; innate
congregate to get together
conjecture To guess; to deduce or infer on slight evidence
conjugal pertaining to marriage agreement
conjure To summon or bring into being as if by magic. he conjured wild birds in the air
consecrate to make holy or set apart for a high purpose, bless, hallow, sanctify
consensus Unanimity or general agreement (ঐক্যমত্য). the lack of consensus reflected differences in theoretical positions
consign to hand over; to assign; to entrust; to banish
consternation sudden confusion
construe interpreted in a particular way, interpret, see
consummate having or revealing supreme mastery or skill, masterful, masterly, virtuoso
contingent a gathering of persons representative of some larger group
contretemps an embarrassing occurrence; a mishap / cf. IMBROGLIO
contrition the feeling of remorse or guilt that comes from doing something bad, attrition, contriteness
convene to gather together; to assemble; to meet
convention practice widely observed in a group; custom; accepted technique or device
conventional common; customary; unexceptional
converge (v) move towards one another or towards a point; unite
conviction strong belief; a determination of guilt
convivial describing a lively atmosphere
cornucopia an abundant supply of something good, profuseness, profusion, richness
corollary a practical consequence that follows naturally
corporeal material; tangible; having substance like the body
corpulent fat
cosmopolitan comprising many cultures; global in reach and outlook, ecumenical, general, oecumenical, universal, world-wide, worldwide
cosset Treat as a pet, pamper
coterie Close or exclusive group, clique
covert (adj) secret, veiled, undercover
covet to wish for enviously;Wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person). she covets for her sister's house
cower showing fear, to cringe in fear
coy shy, modest; shyly flirtatious; calculating
cozen to mislead by trick or fraud; decieve
credence belief in something
crescendo steadily increasing in volume or force
cringe cower, to shrink in fear
criterion standard; basis for judgment
crux the central point; the essence
cryptic mysterious or vague, usually intentionally, cabalistic, cryptical, kabbalistic, qabalistic, sibylline
culminate reach the highest or most decisive point, climax
culpability a state of guilt, blameworthiness, culpableness
culpable deserving blame
curb to restrain or control
cursory hasty; superficial;(ভাসা ভাসা)। a cursory inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws
curtail to shorten; to cut short ...
debacle n. rout, fiasco, complete failure
debase reduce the quality or value of something, adulterate, dilute, load, stretch
debauchery corruption
debilitate to weaken; to cripple;enervate। Life in the camp debilitated him
decimate to kill or destroy a large part of 10:1;Kill one in every ten, as of mutineers in Roman armies. the plague decimated an entire population
declivity Downward slope
deduce to conclude from evidence; to infer
deface (v) vandalize, mar the appearance of
defame to malign; harm someone's reputation
default (n, v) failure to act, neglect (noun); fail to fulfill an obligation, esp. a financial one (verb)
definitive conclusive; providing the last word
deft skillful, dexterous
degenerate to break down; to deteriorate (ধসিয়ে দেওয়া)
delectable delightful; delicious
delude to deceive
demagogue A leader who lies and gains power by arousing the passions and especially prejudices of the people
demise death
demote to lower in rank
denizen an inhabitant; a regular visitor
denote be a sign or indication of; have as a meaning, refer
denounce to condemn
deplete to decrease the supply of; to exhaust; to use up <-> REPLETE
deplore to regret; to condemn; to lament
deploy to station soldiers or armaments strategically; to arrange strategically
depravity extreme wickedness or corruption;Moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles. its brothels, its opium parlours, its depravity
deprecate to express disapproval of
derogatory disapproving; degrading;disparaging
descry to perceive something, especially something hard to see; to discern
despondent extremely depressed; full of despair
despot a cruel and oppressive dictator, autocrat, tyrant
destitute poor enough to need help from others, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needy, poverty-stricken
desuetude state of disuse
deterrent (n) something that restrains or discourages
detraction the act of taking away
devoid empty
dexterous skillful, adroit
dichotomy Division into two parts or into two contradictory groups
dictum Formal or authoritative pronouncement; saying or proverb
diffidence shyness; lack of confidence
diffuse Spread widely, disseminate (verb); dispersed, widely spread out, or wordy and going off-topic (adj)
din (n) loud, confused noise, esp. for a long period of time
dire disastrous; desperate
discern to perceive or recognize
discerning (adj) having good judgment or insight; able to distinguish mentally
disconcert confuse; to upset; to ruffle; to perturb
discredit (v) injure the reputation of, destroy credibility of or confidence in
discreet careful to protect one's speech or actions in order to avoid offense or gain an advantage
discrepancy (n) difference or inconsistency
discretion quality of showing self-restraint in speech or actions
discriminate recognize or perceive the difference, know apart,separate
disdain arrogant scorn; contempt (অবজ্ঞা)
disjointed (adj) disconnected, not coherent, jerky; having the joints separated
dismal gloomy; dreary; causing gloom; causing dread
dismay dread; to fill with dread; to discourage greatly; to perturb
dismiss (v) allow to disperse or leave; fire from a job; put aside or reject, esp. after only a brief consideration
dispassionate unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice, cold-eyed
dispatch the property of being prompt and efficient, despatch, expedition, expeditiousness
dispirit discourage, to dishearten, make dejected; to lose spirit
dissident person who disagrees about beliefs
dissipate squander or spend money frivolously, fool, fool away, fritter, fritter away, frivol away, shoot
distaff Female, esp. relating to the maternal side of the family; women or women's work; a staff that holds wool or flax for spinning
distill (v) purify; extract the essential elements of
distrait inattentive; preoccupied
dither Act indecisively (verb); a state of fear or trembling excitement
diurnal Occurring every day; happening in the daytime (rather than at night)
diverge (v) differ, deviate; branch off or turn aside, as from a path
Divest (v) deprive or strip of rank, title, etc., or of clothing or gear; to sell off holdings (opposite of invest)
Divine (v) discover through divination or supernatural means; perceive by insight
docile easily handled or managed; willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed, gentle
Document (v) support with evidence, cite sources in a detailed way, create documentary evidence of
doggerel poor verse
doldrums low spirits; a state of inactivity
Dormant (adj) asleep, inactive, on a break
dour sullen and gloomy, stern and severe; forbidding
dovetail fit together tightly, as if by means of a interlocking joint, dovetail joint
draconian harsh; severe; cruel
drawl to speak with drawn-out vowels; to speak slowly
droll Funny in an odd way
drone speak in a monotonic voice; to talk on and on in a dull way
Dubious (adj) doubtful, questionable, suspect
dulcet melodious, harmonious, mellifluous
duplicity deceitfulness, pretending to want one thing but interested in something else, fraudulence
dyspeptic Grumpy, pessimistic, irritable; suffering from dyspepsia (indigestion)
ecclesiastical churchly
edify Uplift, enlighten, instruct or improve in a spiritual or moral way
edifying enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement, enlightening
efface Vt to erase; to rub away the features of eclipse Cf effaceable effacement
effectual efficient; effective; adequate <-> INEFFECTUAL
effigy Representation or image of a person, esp. a crude facsimile used to mock a hated person
effusive gushing, excessively demonstrative
Egalitarian (adj) related to the belief in the equality of all people, esp. in political, economic, or social spheres
egregious standing out in negative way; shockingly bad, crying, flagrant, glaring, gross, rank
egress An exit or the action of exiting
Ellipsis ellipsoid
elliptical Adj oval; missing a word or words; obscure
elusive difficult to capture or difficult to remember, baffling, knotty, problematic, problematical, tough
emaciated thin and wasted
emanate to express a feeling or quality through the way one looks; to come forth; to issue
emancipate to liberate; to free from bondage or restraint
embody personify
emend correct; to change
emollient soothing; mollifying
empathy identification with the feelings or thoughts of another
enfranchise V to grant the privileges of citizenship especially the right to vote
engaging enchanting, charming
Enhance (v) raise to a higher value, desirability, etc.
enigmatic mysterious, obscure, difficult to understand
ensue to follow immediately afterward; to result
envision imagine =+ ENVISAGE
epigram a witty saying, quip
epitome n. embodiment, quintessence
equable steady; unvarying; serene
equitable fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience, just
equivocal confusing or ambiguous
espouse to adopt or support an idea or cause, adopt, embrace, sweep up
essay to make an attempt; subject to a test
ethereal characterized by lightness and insubstantiality, aerial, aeriform, aery, airy
ethos The character, personality, or moral values specific to a person, group, time period, etc.
euphony Pleasing or sweet sound, especially as formed by a harmonious use of words
euphoria a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation, euphory
evoke to summon forth; to draw forth; to awaken; to produce or suggest
exact to force the payment of; demand and obtain by authority
exacting requiring and demanding accuracy, exigent,stern, strict
exalt praise or glorify, extol, glorify, laud, proclaim
exasperate to irritate intensely, aggravate, exacerbate, exacerbate, worsen, incense, infuriate
excoriate to criticize very harshly, condemn, decry, objurgate, reprobate
exemplar something to be imitated, example, good example, model
exemplify be characteristic of, represent
exempt excused; not subject to
Exhaustive (adj) comprehensive, thorough, exhausting a topic or subject, accounting for all possibilities; draining, tending to exhaust
exhume to unbury; to dig out of the ground / re POSTHUMOUS
exigency crisis; urgent requirements
existential having to do with existence
expatiate to speak or write at length
expatriate to send into exile
expedient Suitable, proper; effective, often at the expense of ethics or other considerations
expedite V to speed up or ease the progress of
Explicit (adj) direct, clear, fully revealed; clearly depicting sex or nudity
Exponent (n) person who expounds or explains; champion, advocate, or representative
extirpate to root up; to destroy
extol V to praise highly; to laud (কীর্তন করা)
Extraneous (adj) irrelevant; foreign, coming from without, not belonging
extrapolate draw from specific cases for more general cases, generalise, generalize, infer
extricate V to free from difficulty (উদ্ধার করা)
exuberant highly joyous or enthusiastic; overflowing; lavish / EXUBERANTLY / EXUBERANCE
facet aspect
facile arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth
Facilitate (v) make easier, help the progress of
faction Group or clique within a larger organization; party strife and dissension
farcical Adj absurd; ludicrous
fauna animals of a period o region
feckless lazy and irresponsible, inept
feign to make a false representation of; to pretend / FEINT n.
felicity the state of or something that causes happiness
fervent greatly emotional or zealous
fervid Very hot; heated in passion or enthusiasm
fervor warmth and intensity of emotion
fiasco a complete failure or disaster; an incredible screwup
fiat arbitray order; authorization
fickle liable to sudden unpredictable change, esp. in affections or attachments, erratic, mercurial, quicksilver
Fidelity (n) faithful, loyalty; strict observance of duty; accuracy in reproducing a sound or image
Figurative (adj) metaphorical, based on figures of speech; containing many figures of speech (as fancy-sounding writing); related to portraying human or animals figures
filibuster use of obstructive tactics in a legislature to block passage of a law
Finesse (n, v) extreme delicacy, subtlety, or diplomacy in handling a sensitive situation or in a performance or skill (noun); use tact or diplomacy; employ a deceptive strategy (verb)
fitful irregular; subject to sudden, violent outbursts
flagrant Adj glaringly bad; notorious; scandalous
flaunt V show off; to display ostentatiously
fledgling young and inexperienced; describing any new participant in some activity, callow, unfledged,entrant, fledgeling, freshman, neophyte, newbie, newcomer, starter,
flux a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event)
foible a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual, idiosyncrasy, mannerism
folly foolishness; insanity; imprudence
forbear to refrain from
forbearance patience
forgo v to do without ; to forbear
forsake v to abandon ; to renounce ; to relinquish (পরিত্যাগ করা )
foster to encourange; to promote the development of
founder to sink; fail; colapse
fragmentary incomplete; disconnected; made up of fragments
fraternal a like brothers
frenetic Wildly excited, frantic, distracted
froward stubbornly contrary; obstinately disobedient
frugality thrift
fruition realization, completion
galvanize to excite or inspire (someone) to action, galvanise, startle
gaunt thin and bony, especially from illness or lack of food
generic general; common; not protected by trademark
genteel marked by refinement in taste and manners, civilised, civilized, cultivated, cultured, polite
gerrymander to manipulate voting districts in order to favor a particular political party
gestation Pregnancy; the period from conception until birth of an animal or (metaphorically) of an idea or plan
gloat to brag greatly
glower Stare in an angry, sullen way
glut an excessive supply, oversupply, surfeit
glutton one who eats or consumes excessively; an excessively greedy eater
gouge Scooping or digging tool, like a chisel, or a hole made with such a tool (noun); cut or scoop out; force out a person's eye with one's thumb; swindle, extort money from (verb)
Gradation (n) a progression, a process taking place gradually, in stages; one of these stages
graft corruption, usually through bribery
grandiose a absurdly exaggerated
gratuitous a given freely said of something bad ; unjustified ; unprovoked ; uncalled for
grievous Causing grief or suffering; very serious, grave; flagrant, outrageous
grill to question aggressively
grimace to make an ugly, disapproving facial expression
guise outward appearance; false appearance
hallow v. to set apart as holy
hallowed holy; sacred
hapless Unlucky, unfortunate
harass to attack repeatedly; to torment or pester
harrow Farming tool that breaks up soil (noun); painfully disturb or distress (verb)
hedge to limit or qualify a statement; to avoid making a direct statement, circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, evade, fudge, parry, put off, sidestep, skirt
Hedonist (n) person devoted to pleasure
heed follow advice; to listen to
heinous shockingly evil; abominable; atrocious
herald harbinger; a royal proclaimer
heresy n any belief that is strongly opposed to established beliefs
heterodoxy an idea that departs from what is accepted
Heterogeneous (adj) different in type, incongruous; composed of different types of elements
heyday the pinnacle or top of a time period or career, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flower, flush, peak, prime
hidebound narrow or rigid in opinion, inflexible, oriented toward or confined to the past, extremely conservative
Hierarchy (n) a ranked series; a classification of people according to rank, ability, etc.; a ruling body
hirsute covered with hair
histrionic to be overly theatrical, melodramatic
hoard to accumulate; to save constantly
hodgepodge a confusing mixture or jumble, farrago, gallimaufry, hotchpotch, melange, mingle-mangle, mishmash, oddments, odds and ends, omnium-gatherum, ragbag
hone to sharpen
hoodwink to deceive or trick someone, bamboozle, lead by the nose, play false, pull the wool over someone's eyes, snow
hortatory urging to some course of conduct or action, encouraging
hubris overbearing pride or presumption
humility being humble
husband Manage prudently, sparingly, or economically; conserve
hypocritical deceiving, two-faced
illiberality (n) narrow-mindedness, bigotry; strictness or lack of generosity
illicit contrary to or forbidden by law, illegitimate, outlaw, outlawed, unlawful
imbue Permeate or saturate, as dye in a fabric; influence throughout
Impair (v) make worse, weaken
impartial free from undue bias or preconceived opinions, unprejudiced
impasse Position or road from which there is no escape; deadlock
impeccable without fault or error, faultless, immaculate
imperative completely necessary; vitally important
impious Not religious, lacking reverence, ungodly
implausible describing a statement that is not believable, farfetched
Implicit (adj) implied, not stated directly; involved in the very essence of something, unquestionable
Implode (v) burst inward
impromptu done without preparation, on the spur of the moment
improvise to perform without preparation; to make do with whatever materials are available
impudent improperly forward or bold, arch, audacious, bold, bold-faced, brash, brassbound, brassy, brazen, brazen-faced, cheeky, cocksure, cocky, fresh, impertinent, nervy, insolent, sassy, saucy, wise
impunity n. immunity from punishment, penalty, or harm
inadvertent happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally, accidental
inalienable cannot be transferred
inane a silly ; senseless. Mel made a few inane comments about the importance of chewing only on the left side of one's mouth
inaugurate v to begin officially ; to induct formally into office
incantation n a chant ; singing or chanting of magical formula, the repetition of statements or phrases in a way reminiscent of a chant (জাদুমন্ত্র)
incarnadine Blood red or flesh-colored
incarnate having bodily form
incense make furious, exasperate, infuriate
incessant uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing, ceaseless, constant, never-ending, perpetual, unceasing, unremitting
incisive having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions, acute, discriminating, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, piercing, sharp
incongruous lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness
Incorporate (v) combine, unite; form a legal corporation; embody, give physical form to
increment n an increase ; one in a series of increases
inculcate Teach persistently, implant (an idea) in a person
incursion sudden invasion
indecorous not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society, indecent, unbecoming, uncomely, unseemly, untoward
indefatigable Untiring, not able to become fatigued
Indeterminate (adj) not fixed or determined, indefinite; vague
indigence Extreme poverty
indigenous originating in a certain area, autochthonal, autochthonic, autochthonous, endemic
indignant feeling anger over a perceived injustice, incensed, outraged, umbrageous
indomitable invincible; unconquerable
indulgent lenient ; yielding to desire (প্রশ্রয়পূর্ণ). An indulgent parent
inept a clumsy ; incompetent ; gauche (অসমর্থ)
infatuated a foolish ; foolishly passionate or attracted ; made foolish ; foolishly in love. he was infatuated with her
infelicitous inappropriate
infinitesimal a very very very small ; infinitely small (ক্ষুদ্রাতিক্ষুদ্র)
infraction violation
infuse inspire, instill
ingenious characterized by skill and imagination
ingrate Ungrateful person
inimitable defying imitation; matchless
iniquitous characterized by wickedness
innate a existing since birth ; inborn ; inherent
innuendo an insinuation; a sly hint
inordinate Excessive, not within proper limits, unrestrained
inquest Legal or judicial inquiry, especially before a jury and especially made by a coroner into the cause of someone's death; the results of such an inquiry
inquisitive curious
insatiable a hard or impossible to satisfy ; greedy ; avaricious
inscrutable not easily understood; unfathomable, cryptic, cryptical, deep, mysterious, mystifying
insidious working in a subtle but destructive way, pernicious, subtle
insinuate Hint, suggest slyly; introduce (an idea) into someone's mind in a subtle, artful way
insolent rude and arrogant
insouciant indifferent; lacking concern or care
insubordinate disorbedient; not to acknowledge the authority of a superior / INSUBORDINATION
insuperable insurmountable; unconquerable
insurrection Rebellion or revolt against a government or similarly established authority
integral a essential
inter Bury (a dead body) or place in a tomb
interdict to forbid; prohibit
interminable seemingly unending; tediously long
internecine (of conflict) within a group or organization
intervene to come between opposing groups; to mediate; to take place; to occur between times
intimation an indirect suggestion, breath, hint
intricate complicated; sophisticated; having many parts or facets
Intrinsic (adj) belonging to the essential nature of a thing
introspective contemplating one's own thoughts and feelings
inured hardened; accustomed; used to
inveigh to disapprove; protest vehemently
investiture Investing; formally giving someone a right or title
invoke to entreat or pray for; to call on as in prayer; to declare to be in effect / vs. EVOKE
irrevocable incapable of being retracted or revoked, irrevokable
itinerary Travel schedule; detailed plan for a journey
jaunty lighthearted, springtly or dapper
jejune dull; lacking flavor, insubstantial,insipid, immature; childish, adolescent, juvenile, puerile
jest joke
jettison Discard, cast off; throw items overboard in order to lighten a ship in an emergency
jibe to be in agreement
jocose fond of joking; jocular
Judicious (adj) using good judgment; wise, sensible
juggernaut a force that cannot be stopped, steamroller
Juncture (n) critical point in time, such as a crisis or a time when a decision is necessary; a place where two things are joined together
junta an aggressive takeover by a group (usually military)
Keen (adj) sharp, piercing; very perceptive or mentally sharp; intense (of a feeling)
kindle Ignite, cause to begin burning; incite, arouse, inflame
knell The sound made by a bell for a funeral, or any sad sound or signal of a failure, death, ending, etc. (noun); to make such a sound (verb)
labile likely to change
Lament (v, n) mourn; express grief, sorrow, or regret (verb); an expression of grief, esp. as a song or poem (noun)
larceny Theft
largess extreme generosity and giving, largesse, magnanimity, munificence, openhandedness
lascivious lecherous; sexually perverted, lewd, libidinous, lustful
latitude freedom
legerdemain Slight-of-hand (magic as performed by a magician); trickery or deception
lethargy n sluggishness ; laziness ; drowsiness ; indifference
libel n a written or published falsehood that injures the reputation of or defames someone (বিদ্বেষপূর্ণ কুত্সা প্রচার)
licentious Sexually unrestrained; immoral; ignoring the rules
limn to draw, describe
lissome Flexible, supple, agile
listless Spiritless, lacking interest or energy
litany any long and tedious account of something
livid Furiously angry, enraged
Log (v, n) keep a record of, write down; travel for or at a certain distance or speed (verb); a written record (noun)
ludicrous ridiculous; absurd
lure entice; an attraction
machination plot or scheme
magnanimity n. the quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, especially in forgiving
magnanimous noble and generous in spirit, especially towards a rival or someone less powerful, greathearted
magnate Very important or influential person, esp. in business
maladroit clumsy
malaise n a feeling of depression uneasiness or queasiness, uneasiness, distress
malediction A curse
malevolent wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred, evil, malefic, malign
malfeasance misconduct or wrongdoing (especially by a public official)
mandate n a command or authorization to do something ; the will of the voters as expressed by the results of an election
manifest Obvious, apparent, perceptible to the eye (adj); to show, make clear, or prove (verb)
mannered Having a particular manner, esp. an artificial one
mar Damage, spoil, ruin
marginal related to or located at the margin or border; at the lower limit of quality; insignificant
martyr n someone who gives up his or her life in pursuit of a cause especially a religious one ; one who suffers for a cause ; one who makes a show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy
matriculate v to enroll especially at a college
maunder wander aimlessly
maxim a short saying expressing a general truth, axiom
meager thin; of small quantity
mediate v to help settle differences (মধ্যস্থতা করা)
melancholy a deep, long-lasting sadness
mellifluous smooth and sweet-sounding, dulcet, honeyed, mellisonant, sweet
mendacity the tendency to be untruthful.
mentor n a teacher tutor counselor or coach ; especially in business an experienced person who shows an inexperienced person the ropes teacher tutor
mercenary n a hired soldier ; someone who will do anything for money;A person hired to fight for another country than their own;soldier of fortune
mesmerize to spellbind or enthrall, bewitch, magnetise, magnetize, mesmerise
Metamorphosis (n) a complete change or transformer (in biology, a change such as a caterpillar becoming a pupa and then a butterfly)
minatory threatening; menacing
mire marsh, mucky ground
mirth Jollity, merriment; amusement or laughter
misanthropic a hating mankind
miscreant a person who breaks the law, reprobate
missive Letter, written message
molt Shed or cast off, esp. to regularly shed skin, feathers, etc. (as a snake)
momentum an impetus; force of movement; speed
monastic Relating to or resembling a monastery (where monks or nuns live), esp. by being quiet, secluded, contemplative, strict, and/or lacking luxuries
moratorium a suspension of activity; a period of delay
Mores (n) customs, manners, or morals of a particular group
mortify a to humiliate
motley many colored; made up of many parts
munificent very generous, lavish, overgenerous, too-generous, unsparing, unstinted, unstinting
Naive (adj) simple and unsophisticated, unsuspecting, lacking worldly experience and critical judgment
narcissism n excessive love of ones body or oneself
natty trimly neat and tidy, dapper
Negate (v) deny or refute; make void or cause to be ineffective
Nemesis unconquerable oppoment or rival; one who seeks just compensation or revenge to right a wrong; goddess of divine retribution
nettlesome causing irritation or annoyance, annoying, bothersome, galling, irritating, pesky, pestering, pestiferous, plaguey, plaguy, teasing, vexatious, vexing
nexus a means of connection; a center
nice exacting, extremely or even excessively precise, done with delicacy or skill
nihilism n the belief that there are no values or morals in the universe
nominal Trivial, so small as to be unimportant; in name only, so-called
normative Implying or attempting to establish a norm; expressing value judgments or telling people what to do (rather than merely describing that which is happening)
nostrum medicine or remedy of doubtful effectiveness
notorious a famous for something bad
nuisance annoyance
nullify to repeal; to cancel; to void / vs. ANNUL: to cancel or make void a marriage or a law
numismatics coin collecting
obeisance n. gesture that expresses deference, such as a bow or curtsy
objurgate express strong disapproval of, condemn, decry, excoriate, reprobate
obliterate to wipe out; to destroy completely
obstreperous noisily and stubbornly defiant; willfully difficult to control, casual, insouciant
obtain be valid, applicable, or true, hold, prevail
obtrusive interfering; meddlesome; having a tendency to butt in
obtuse slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity; lacking in insight or discernment, dense, dim, dull, dumb, slow
odyssey a long, adventurous voyage; a quest
olfactory concerning the sense of smell
oligarchy form of government in which power belongs to only a few leaders
omnipotent to be all-powerful
omniscient all-knowing; having infinite wisdom
opine Express an opinion
orotund Full, rich, and clear (of the voice or speaking); pompous, bombastic
oust to eject; to expel; to banish
override to overrule; to prevail over
overweening arrogant; presumptuous, excessive, extravagant, exuberant,uppity
overwrought Overly nervous, agitated, or excited; too ornate, elaborate, or fussy; overdone
pacify v to calm someone down ; to placate
paean song of joy or triumph; a fervent expression of joy
painstaking a extremely careful ; taking pains =pains-taking = taking pains
palatial Suitable for or resembling a palace, magnificent
pallor paleness; whiteness
palpable a capable of being touched ; obvious ; tangible
paltry a insignificant ; worthless
pan to criticize harshly
panacea hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; a universal solution, catholicon, cure-all, nostrum
pandemic widespread, occurring over a large area or affecting an unusually large percentage of the population
panoply Splendid, wide-ranging, impressive display or array
paranoid ...
pare Peel or cut off the outer layer (such as peeling fruit with a knife), reduce or trim as if cutting off the outer parts
parley Discussion, negotiation, esp. between enemies (noun); to have such a discussion (verb)
paroxysm outburst, convulsion; (감정의) 격발; 발작적 활동; (주기적) 발작
pastiche Mix of incongruous parts; artistic work imitating the work of other artists, often satirically
pastoral relating to the countryside in a pleasant sense, arcadian, bucolic
patent glaringly obvious, apparent, evident, manifest, plain, unmistakable
paternal a fatherly ; fatherlike
pathogenic Capable of producing disease
Pathological (adj) relating to or caused by disease; relating to compulsive bad behavior
pathology n the science of diseases
patriarch n the male head of a family or tribe
patrician n a person of noble birth ; an aristocrat ;
patronize treat condescendingly, condescend, patronise
pensive a thoughtful and sad
penurious lacking money; poor, hard up, impecunious, in straitened circumstances, penniless, pinched, parsimonious
peregrinate Travel from place to place, esp. on foot
peregrination wandering from place to place
peremptory bossy and domineering, autocratic, bossy, dominating, high-and-mighty, magisterial
periphery n the outside edge of something ;outer boundary
perjury n lying under oath (মিথ্যা হলফ)
Permeate (v) spread or penetrate throughout
perpetrate carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral action) / PERPETRATOR: the one who committed the act
personable pleasing in appearance, attractive
pertinent having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand, apposite, apt
perturb disturb in mind or cause to be worried or alarmed, cark, disorder, disquiet, distract, trouble, unhinge
peruse to read very carefully
phalanx Formation of soldiers carrying shields close together for defense; any very close group of people
Philanthropy (n) efforts to improve the well-being of humankind, generally through giving money
pillory ridicule or expose to public scorn, gibbet
pine to yearn for, ache, languish, yearn, yen
piquant having an agreeably pungent taste, savory, savoury, spicy, zesty
pique fleeting feeling or hurt pride
pith the most essential part of something, center, centre, core, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, substance, sum
pithy concise and full of meaning, sententious
pivotal a crucial crucial. a pivotal event
platonic spiritual; theoretical
plebeian crude or coarse; characteristic of commoners
pliable flexible; easy to bend; easy to convince, persuade, or mold / PLIABILITY
plunder to loot; to ransack; 약탈하다, 강탈하다, 빼앗다, 약탈
plutocracy Rule by the wealthy
polarize v to break up into opposing factions or groupings
polemical controversial, argumentative
politic Shrewd, pragmatic; tactful or diplomatic
polyglot Speaking or composed of many languages (of a person, book, etc.); a person who knows several languages
ponderous weighed-down; moving slowly, heavy, lumbering
porous full of holes; permeable to liquids
portent n an omen ; a sign of something coming in the future. he looked for a portent before going into battle
portentous ominously prophetic, fateful, foreboding
postulate n something accepted as true without proof ; and axiom
Potentate (n) ruler, person of great power
prate to talk idly; chatter
Preamble (n) introductory statement, preface
precipitous done with very great haste and without due deliberation, hasty, overhasty, precipitant, precipitate
preclude keep from happening or arising; make impossible, forbid, foreclose, forestall, prevent
predecessor someone or something that precedes in time <-> SUCCESSOR: comes after
predilection a strong liking, penchant, preference, taste
predominant most important; dominant; having power over others
preempt take the place of or have precedence over, displace
preemptive done before someone else can do it
preen v. to dress up, primp, groom oneself with elaborate care, in animals to clean fur or feathers
presage to foretell; indicate in advance
prescience the power to foresee the future, prevision
prescient Having foreknowledge or foresight, seeing the future
preternatural Supernatural, exceptional
primacy the state of being first in importance
problematic posing a problem; doubtful
procure to obtain or acquire by special means / PROCURABLE / PROCUREMENT
Profound (adj) very insightful, penetrating deeply into a subject; pervasive intense, "down to the very bottom;" at the very bottom
profuse plentiful; pouring out in abundance, exuberant, lush, luxuriant, riotous
profusion the property of being extremely abundant, cornucopia, profuseness, richness
Prohibitive (adj) tending to forbid something, or serving to prevent something
prolix Excessively long and wordy (of a person, piece of writing, etc.)
promulgate state or announce, exclaim, proclaim
propinquity nearness in time or place, affinity of nature, kinship
propitious presenting favorable circumstances; likely to result in or show signs of success
propound to set forth or propose; to offer for consideration
proprietary associated with ownership
prosaic dull and lacking imagination, earthbound, pedestrian, prosy,commonplace, humdrum, unglamorous, unglamourous
provident careful in regard to your own interests; providing carefully for the future
providential Lucky, fortunate, or relating to divine care (the idea that a deity has helped or cared for a person)
provincial characteristic of the a limited perspective; not fashionable or sophisticated
Prudent (adj) wise in practical matters, carefully providing for the future
pseudonym a false name; an alias
pugilism boxing, fighting with the fists
pugnacious eager to fight or argue; verbally combative
puissant powerful
pulchritude Physical beauty
punctilious marked by precise accordance with details, meticulous
pundit someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field, initiate, learned person, savant
putrefy v. to rot, decay, and give off a foul odor, became gangrenous
quail draw back, as with fear or pain, cringe, flinch, funk, recoil, shrink, squinch, wince
quaint pleasantly old-fashioned; picturesque
Qualified (adj) modified, limited, conditional on something else
qualify to be eligible for a role, status, or benefit by meeting specific requirements, measure up
qualm uneasiness about the fitness of an action, misgiving, scruple
quandary state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options, dilemma
quell to put an end to; to squelch; to suppress
query question
Quibble (v) make trivial arguments or criticisms, find faults in a petty way, esp. to evade something more important
quiescence n. stillness, motionlessness, quality of being at rest
rail to scold with bitter or abusive language
ramification implication, consequence
rampant widespread; uncontrollable; prevalent; raging
rapacious voracious, greedy, plundering, subsisting on prey
rarefy to make thinner or sparser
rationale fundamental reason
raucous stridently loud; harsh; rowdy
reactionary ultraconservative; right-wing; backward-thinking; 반동의, 반작용의, 반발적인; 극우적인, 보수적인, 복고적인; 역진하는
rebuff to snub; to reject; 거절하다, 퇴짜놓다, 저지하다
rebuke criticize severely or angrily; censure, bawl out, berate, call down, call on the carpet, chew out, chew up, chide, dress down, have words, jaw, lambast, lambaste, lecture, rag, remonstrate, reprimand, reproof, scold, take to task, trounce
rebut v to contradict; to argue in opposition to; to prove to be false
recapitulate Summarize, repeat in a concise way
recidivism the act of repeating an offense; 재범자, 상습범
reciprocal a mutual; shared; interchangeable mutual
Recluse (n) person who lives in seclusion
reconnoiter v. to engage in reconnaissance, make a preliminary inspection of
redeem to buy back; to fulfill; to make up for; to rescue from sin / REDEMPTION
redoubtable inspiring fear or awe, formidable, unnerving
redundant a unnecessarily repetitive; excessive; excessively wordy
regale to entertain
reiterate v to say again; to repeat (পুনরাবৃত্তি করা)
rejoinder Response or reply, esp. a witty comeback
relentless a continuous; unstoppable
relinquish v to release or let go of; to surrender; to stop doing (পরিত্যাগ করা)। I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest
remonstrate to make objections while pleading, bawl out, berate, call down, call on the carpet, chew out, chew up, chide, dress down, have words, jaw, lambast, lambaste, lecture, rag, rebuke, reprimand, reproof, scold, take to task, trounce
renege fail to fulfill a promise or obligation, go back on, renege on, renegue on
renounce v to give up formally or resign; to disown; to have nothing to do with anymore
rent v. torn, split apart, pierced as by a sound
reparation amends, compensation
repast A meal (noun); to eat or feast (verb)
repine fret, complain
replicate to reproduce exactly; to duplicate; to repeat
repose The act or state of resting; peacefulness, tranquility; lying dead in a grave
repress to hold back; to conceal from conself; to suppress
Requite (v) reciprocate, repay, or revenge
resolute adamant, steadfast, determined
Resolution (n) the quality of being firmly determined; resolving to do something; a formal judgment, esp. decided by a vote
resplendent brilliantly shining; radiant; dazzling
resurgent rising again as to new life and vigor, renascent
retort to make a sharp reply
revile to scold abusively; to berate; to denounce
revulsion loathing; repugnance; disgust
rotund round in shape, fat
rubric protocol, title or heading
rudimentary being in the earliest stages of development; being or involving basic facts or principles, fundamental, underlying
ruminate Turn over in the mind, reflect on; chew cud (as a cow)
Sacrosanct (adj) sacred, inviolable, not to be trespassed on or violated; above any criticism
salacious lascivious, lustful
sally a sudden rushing attack; an excursion; an expedition; a repartee; a clever rejoinder; 재치있는 농담, 출격
sanctimonious making a show of being pious; holier-than-thou, holier-than-thou, pharisaic, pharisaical, pietistic, pietistical, self-righteous
Sap (n, v) the inner fluid of a plant or any essential body fluid; energy, vitality; a person taken advantage of (noun); undermine, weaken, tire out (verb)
sartorial related to fashion or clothes
Saturate (v) soak or imbue thoroughly; cause a substance to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance
saturnine morose or gloomy, dark, dour, glowering, glum, moody, morose, sour, sullen
Savor (v) appreciate fully, taste or smell with pleasure
scanty meager, insufficient
schism division; separation; discord or disharmony
scintilla A tiny bit or trace
scintillating describes someone who is brilliant and lively, aglitter, coruscant, fulgid, glinting, glistering, glittering, glittery, scintillant, sparkly, bubbling, effervescent, frothy
scrutinize v to examine very carefully
scurvy Contemptible, mean
secrete Produce and release a substance from a cell or gland of the body for a functional purpose
sectarian narrow-minded; single-mindedly devoted to a sect / SECT: a small religious subgroup or religion; any group with a uniting theme or purpose
Secular (adj) not religious or holy; pertaining to worldly things
sedentary largely confined to sitting down; not physically active
sequester v to set or keep apart ;
seraphic Like an angel; serene, spiritually carried off or transported
servile submissive, obedient
shackle thing which hampers movement, bond, chain, handcuff; a manacle; a restraint
shrewd wily; cunning; sly
simper v. to smirk, to say something with a silly, coy smile, n. the silly smile itself
sinister evil
sinuous intricate, complex
Skeptic (adj) person inclined to doubting or questioning generally accepted beliefs
sneer to express contempt for
sobriety seriousness
sobriquet A nickname
sodden thoroughly soaked, saturated
somatic Of the body
sophomoric exhibiting immaturity, lack of judgement, pretentious
sordid involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt; foul and run-down and repulsive, seamy, seedy, sleazy, squalid,flyblown
Spectrum (n) a broad range of nevertheless related qualities or ideas, esp. those that overlap to create a continuous series (as in a color spectrum, where each color blends into the next in a continuous way)
spendthrift one who spends money extravagantly, scattergood, spend-all, spender
splenetic very irritable, bristly, prickly, waspish
Sportive (adj) playful, merry, joking around, done "in sport" (rather than intended seriously)
spurious plausible but false, specious
squalid Disgusting, filthy, foul, extremely neglected
squander spend thoughtlessly; waste time, money, or an opportunity, blow, waste,consume, ware
squelch suppress or crush completely, quell, quench
stanch to stop or check the flow of
stasis Equilibrium, a state of balance or inactivity, esp. caused by equal but opposing forces
staunch firm and dependable especially in loyalty, steadfast, unswerving
stickler someone who stubbornly insists on something
stipulate Specify; make an open demand, esp. as a condition of agreement
stoic indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain, steadfast
stratagem Military maneuver to deceive or surprise; crafty scheme
stratum One of many layers (such as in a rock formation or in the classes of a society)
stricture something that restrains, negative criticism
stultify cause one, through routine, to lose energy and enthusiasm, cripple
stymie hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of, block, blockade, embarrass, hinder, obstruct, stymy
subjugate to subdue and dominate; to enslave
sublime Lofty or elevated, inspiring reverence or awe; excellent, majestic; complete, utter
subordinate lower in importance position or rank; secondary
Subside (v) sink, settle down, become less active; return to a normal level
subsidiary supplemental; additional; secondary or subordinate
Substantiate (v) support with evidence or proof; give a material existence to
substantive essential
subsume contain or include
subversive in opposition to a civil authority or government, insurgent, seditious
succor relief, help in time of distress or want
succumb to yield or submit; to die ;
sully Make dirty, stain, tarnish, defile
sumptuous luxurious; splendid; lavish
sundry various
supercilious haughty and disdainful; looking down on others, disdainful, haughty, imperious, lordly, overbearing, prideful, sniffy, swaggering
superficial on the surface only; shallow; not thorough
superfluous serving no useful purpose, otiose, pointless, purposeless, senseless, wasted
Supersede (v) replace, take the position of, cause to be disregarded as void or obsolete
suppliant beseeching
supposition Assumption, hypothesis, something that has been supposed
surrogate Substitute, person who acts for another (noun); acting as a replacement (adj)
susceptible capable of being influenced by something; capable of being emotionally affected; vulnerable or receptive to
symbiosis Mutually dependent relationship between two organisms, people, groups, etc.
synthesis n. the combination of parts to make a whole
Table (v) lay aside to discuss later, often as a way to postpone discussion indefinitely
taint pollute; contaminant; a trace of something spoiled, contaminated, off-flavor, or otherwise offensive
talisman charm to bring good luck and avert misfortune
tangible touchable; palpable touchable palpable
taut tight, stretched; tightly drawn, as a rope; emotionally tense
tautology unnecessary repetition
teem to swarm (몰려들다); to be inundated; to overrun
temperance the trait of avoiding excesses, moderation,sobriety
temporal pertaining to time; pertaining to life; earthly existence; noneternal; short-lived
temporize to stall; to cause delay through indecision
tenacious stubbornly unyielding, dogged, dour, persistent, pertinacious, unyielding
tendentious likely to lean towards a controversial view, tendencious
tender offer up something formally, bid
tenet belief, doctrine
tepid characterized by a lack of force or enthusiasm
thorny full of difficulties; tough; painful
threadbare tattered; worn away to reveal threads
timbre voice tone color
timorous timid by nature or revealing fear and nervousness, fearful, trepid
toil hard work; labor; drudgery; exhausting effort
torque a turning or twisting force
Torrid (adj) very hot, parching, burning; passionate
tout advertize in strongly positive terms; show off, blow, bluster, boast, brag, gas, gasconade, shoot a line, swash, vaunt
transgression Violation of a law, moral rule, order, etc.; sin
transient lasting a very short time, ephemeral, fugacious, passing, short-lived, transitory
travail use of physical or mental energy; hard work; agony or anguish, effort, elbow grease, exertion, sweat
treacherous tending to betray, perfidious, punic
trepidation fear and anxiety
trite repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse, banal, commonplace, hackneyed, old-hat, shopworn, stock, threadbare, timeworn, tired, well-worn
truculence defiant aggressiveness, truculency
truculent having a fierce, savage nature
tryst agreement between lovest to meet, rendez-vous
tumid swollen, distended
turmoil confusion, strife
turpitude depravity; a depraved act
unalloyed pure
uncanny suggesting the operation of supernatural influences; surpassing the ordinary or normal, eldritch, unearthly, weird,preternatural
uncouth uncultured, crude; ill-mannered
unctuous oily both literally and figuratively; insincere
undermine to weaken (usually paired with an abstract term)
underscore give extra weight to (a communication), emphasise, emphasize, underline
unfeigned not false, genuine
unprecedented having never been done or known before; novel
unremitting unceasing; unabated; relentless
unseemly not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society, indecent, indecorous, unbecoming, uncomely, untoward
unstinting very generous, lavish, munificent, overgenerous, too-generous, unsparing, unstinted
untenable (of theories etc) incapable of being defended or justified, indefensible
untoward unfavorable; inconvenient, indecent, indecorous, unbecoming, uncomely, unseemly,adverse, inauspicious
unwitting unintentional; ignorant; not aware
uphold to maintain or fight for
urbane showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience, polished, refined, svelte
usurp to seize wrongfully
vacuous devoid of intelligence, matter, or significance, asinine, fatuous, inane, mindless,empty, hollow
vagary whim; unpredictable action; wild notion
vapid tasteless, dull
vaunt to boast, drag
venality the condition of being susceptible to bribes or corruption
veracious truthful, right
Veracity (n) truthfulness, accuracy; habitual adherence to the truth
verdant Green, such as with vegetation, plants, grass, etc.; young and inexperienced
verisimilitude the appearance of truth
veritable truthfully, without a doubt, authentic, bona fide, unquestionable
vernal Relating to the spring; fresh, youthful
vestige Trace or sign of something that once existed
vexation irritation, annoyance
Viable (adj) capable of living (or growing, developing, etc.); practical, workable
vicissitude Changes or variations over time, esp. regular changes from one thing to another
vigilant alertly watchful
vilify spread negative information about, rail, revile, vituperate
vim Pep, enthusiasm, vitality, lively spirit
vindictive to have a very strong desire for revenge
virtuoso someone with master skills, expert musician
vitriol abusive or venomous language used to express blame or bitter deep-seated ill will, invective, vituperation
vivacious lively; animated; full of pep
vociferous conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry, blatant, clamant, clamorous, strident
vogue prevailing fashion or practice
voluminous large; extensive; having great volume
voluptuous pleasant to the senses; luxurious; pleasure-seeking; extra full and shapely / VOLUPTUARY
voracious very hungry; approaching an activity with gusto, edacious, esurient, rapacious, ravening, ravenous, wolfish
waft n. a light breeze, a puff, v. to send floating through the air or over water
wan Unnaturally pale, or showing some other indication of sickness, unhappiness, etc.; weak, lacking forcefulness
wane to decrease in strength or intensity; to fade away; to decline in power
warrant to justify; to provide grounds for; to guarantee
Warranted (adj) justified, authorized (warrant can mean to justify or a justification, but can also mean to vouch for or guarantee)
Wary (adj) watchful, motivated by caution, on guard against danger
waver to fluctuate between choices
wayward erratic, reckless; going one's own way; unpredictable
whet Stimulate, make keen or eager (esp. of an appetite)
Wily (adj) crafty, cunning, characterized by tricks or artifice
wince cringe; to shrink in pain
wistful vaguely longing, sadly thoughtful
wizened Withered, shriveled
woe deep suffering or grief; affliction; distress
xenophobia Fear or hatred of foreigners or that which is foreign
yoke A burden or something that oppresses; a frame for attaching animals (such as oxen) to each other and to a plow or other equipment to be pulled, or a bar across a person's shoulders to help carry buckets of water, etc. (noun); to unite together or to burden (verb)
Zeal (n) great fervor or enthusiasm for a cause, person, etc.; tireless diligence in furthering that cause; passion, ardor
zealot one who is fanatically devoted to a cause
zealous fervent, ardent, impassioned
abandon 방종, 자유분방; 버리다
abatement a lessening in amount or degree
abbreviate (단어, 문장, 글) 줄이다
abbrogate v. to abolish or annul by authority; put down
abduct kidnap
ablution cleansing, washing
abominate to hate / ABOMINATION: something despised or abhorred; extreme loathing
aboriginal native; dating back to the very beginning
abound to be very numerous
aboveboard open and honest, straightforward
abrade 마모시키다
abrasive (adj) rough, suitable for grinding or polishing (such as sandpaper); causing irritation or annoyance
abreast Side-by-side. The more common "abreast of" means keeping up with, staying aware of, or remaining equal in progress with.
abreast of ~와 나란히 하는, 뒤떨어지지 않는, (최신 정보 등) 알고 있는
abrogate revoke formally
abscise v. to cut off or remove
accelerate 가속화하다
accentuate to emphasize; to accent; to highlight
access the ability to go into (when somebody or something must allow you to enter) , accession, admission, admittance, entree
acclimate 적응하다
accountable 책임 있는; 설명될 수 있는
accouter equip / ACCOUTERMENTS: personal clothing, accessories, or equipment; trappings
accrete 점진적으로 증가하다
acknowledge 인정하다; 감사하다
acolyte 시종, 조수; (로마가톨릭 예배의식) 시제(時祭)(altar boy), 복사(服事)
acoustics 음향시설; 음향악
acquisitive seeking or tending to acquire; greedy
acquit 무죄를 선고하다
acquittal released from blame (as by a court) / ACQUIT: to find not guilty; to behave or conduct oneself
acrimony bitterness and ill will, acerbity, bitterness, jaundice, tartness, thorniness
activism (n) the practice of pursuing political or other goals through vigorous action, often including protests and demonstrations
adapt 적응시키다; (새로운 용도, 목적에) 맞추다, 조정하다
adept 능숙한
adequate good enough for what you need, decent, enough
adhere (v) stick (to), such as with glue, or to a plan or belief
adjourn discontinue; to suspend until another time
adjudicate to serve as a judge in a competition; to arrive at a judgment or conclusion, decide, resolve, settle,judge, try
admonition n. a warning or a scolding
adolescent 사춘기의, 청년기의; 미성숙한
adorn 장식하다
adrift 표류하는, 떠내려가는; 불안정한, 방황하는
adulator n. someone who shows excessive admiration or devotion
adulteration the process or effect of reducing purity by combining with inferior ingredients
adventitous accidental; connected to but nonetheless unrelated; irrelevant
adversary 적, 원수
adversity 역경, 고난
affect 영향을 미치다; 가장하다, 꾸미다
affidavit a sworn written statement made before an official
affirm 단언, 확언하다
afflict 괴롭히다, 고통스럽게 하다
affliction misery; illness; great suffering; a source of misery, illness or great suffering
afford provide with an opportunity
aftermath consequence; events following some occurrence or calamity
aggravate 악화시키다; 화, 짜증나게 하다
aggrieve to afflict, distress, mistreat; to do grievous injury to; to offend
aghast horrified; terrified; shocked
agile 민첩한, 빠른, 영리한
agitate (마음) 어지럽히다, 괴롭히다; 선동하다
agony 큰 고통
ailing 아픈; 병약한, 아픈; (비유적 의미) (경제, 기관 등) 병든, 비틀거리는
albeit Although, even though
alchemist n. someone who practices or studies alchemy
alcove a room extension
alienate (v) cause to become unfriendly, hostile, or distant
alienated distanced, estranged
align 제휴, 연합하다; 정렬하다
allay to lessen; ease; soothe
allegiance loyalty
allegory fable, symbolic representation; a story in which the characters are symbols with moral or spiritual meanings
allot to apportion, allocate, or assign
allude 넌지시 말하다, 암시하다
allure the power to entice by charm
altercation argument, noisy dipute; a heated fight, argument, or quarrel
altruistic 이타적인
amalgam a mixture of multiple things
ambiance Atmosphere; mood; feeling mood
ambience atmosphere; mood; feeling
ambient surrounding; circulating
ambiguity n. uncertainty in meaning
amble 천천히, 느긋하게 걷다
ambrosia something delicious; the food of the gods
amend (법 등을) 개정하다, 수정하다
amicable politely friendly; not hostile
amid among; in the middle of
amity 우호, 우정, 친목
amply admore than is adequate, fully
amuck adin a frenzied or uncontrolled state, amok, murderously
anachronistic 시대착오적인; 구시대적인
analgesic medication that reduces or eliminates pain
analog something similar in a particular respect to something else
anemic lacking energy and vigor, anaemic
angst anxiety; fear; dread
animadversion 호된 비난
animated 활력있는, 활발한
annex to attach
annuity an annual payment or income; the annual interest payment on an investment; anyregular allowance or income
annul Make void or null, cancel, abolish (usually of laws or other established rules)
anoint (v) rub or sprinkle oil on; make sacred, such as by ceremony that includes applying oil to someone
anonymous 무명의, 익명의
antecede 선행하다, 앞서다
antediluvian prehistoric
anterior before, prior, preceding; situated in front
anthology a collection, especially of literary works
anthropomorphism 신인(神人) 동형론, 의인관(擬人觀), 의인화
anthropomorphous nonhuman having or resembling human form or quality (사람모양을 한) / ANTHROPOMORPHIC: 의인화
antic ludicrously odd, fantastic, fantastical, grotesque
antidote 해독제; 해결책
antipathetic showing a strong aversion
antipathy (n.) deep dislike, aversion, or repugnance, somtimes without reason
antipodal situated on opposite sides of the earth; exactly opposite
antiquated old-fashioned; belonging to an earlier period in time, antediluvian, archaic
antiquity ancientness; ancient times / ANTIQUARY (골동품 수집/연구/애호가) / ANTIQUARIAN (골동품 전문가)
aperture an opening
aphoristic something that is concise and instructive of a general truth or principle
aplomb great coolness and composure under strain, assuredness, cool, poise, sang-froid
apocalyptic 종말론적인, 계시적인, 중요한
apologist 변론자, 옹호자
apoplexy stroke / APOPLECTIC
apostle Pioneer of a reform movement (originally, an early follower of Jesus)
appease (v.) pacify, satisfy, relieve; concede to be belligerent demands, sometimes at the expense of principles
append affix, attach / APPENDAGE / APPENDIX
apportion to distribute proportionally; to divide into portions
appreciable large enough to be noticed (usu. refers to an amount)
appreciable (adj.) enough to be perceived, considerable
apprehend 체포하다; 이해하다; 두려워하다
apprehension fearful expectation, apprehensiveness, dread,misgiving
approbate v. to approve something officially
approbatory expressing praise or approval, affirmative, approbative, approving, plausive
approve 찬성하다, 동의하다, 칭찬하다; 승인하다
appurtenances subordinate possessions, 부속 구조물; something extra; an appendage; an accessory
appurtenant supply added support, accessory, adjunct, adjuvant, ancillary, auxiliary
apt suitable; appropriate; having a tendency to; likely = APROPOS = APPOSITE
arbitrary (adj.) based entirely on one's discretion; capricious, unreasonable, or having no basis
arbitrate to judge a dispute between two opposing parties
arcade a roofed passage between shops
arcana deep secrets
arch to be deliberately teasing, condescending, patronising, patronizing
archeology the study of material evidence of past human life
archipelago group of islands
archives a place where historical documents or materials are stored; the documents or materials themselves
argot a specialized vocabulary used by a group
aristocratic Of noble birth; snobbish
armada a fleet of warships, 함대
armament implements or war; the process of arming for war (군비, 무기, 군비확충)
armistice truce, 휴전
arraign indict, to call to court to answer a charge; to bring to court to answer an indictment; to accuse / ARRAIGNMENT
arrears the state of being in debt; unpaid debts
arresting holding one's attention
arriviste a person who has recently reached a position of power; a social climber, nouveau-riche, parvenu, upstart
arrogant 오만한, 거만한
arsenal ammunition store house; a collection of armaments
artisan a person skilled in a craft
artlessness the quality of innocence, ingenuousness, innocence, naturalness
ascertain (v) find out with certainty
asceticism the adherence to or belief in ascetic practices
aseptic Free from germs
askance adwith a look of suspicion or disapproval
aspersions Damaging remarks, defamation, slander
aspiration 열망, 염원
assent 찬성하다, 동의하다
assess 평가하다
assessment estimation
assiduously adwith care and persistence
assorted 다양한, 여러가지의
assume 가정하다; 가장하다; (임무, 자리 등) 맡다
atrocious 극악무도한, 매우 잔인한; 아주 나쁜
atrocity / atrocious adj. great cruelty or reackless wickedness /
attentive 주의를 기울이는, 경청하는; 배려하는, 신경을 쓰는
attest 증명하다, 입증하다
attribute to credit to or assign; to ascribe
attune 조화를 이루다, (악기, 관계 등을) 조율하다
attuned In harmony; in sympathetic relationship
auspice n. protection or support, patronage; sign or portent
auspices protection; support; sponsorship / UNDER THE AUSPICES OF
austerity rigid economy (often followed by the word "measures")
authenticate (진짜임을) 입증하다
authoritarian 독재적인
authoritative 권위 있는, 믿을만한; 권위적인
autonomously adIn an autonomous or self-governing manner.
autonomy 자율, 자치, 자립, 독립
auxiliary secondary; additional; giving assistance or aid
avail assistance; to help; to be of use; to serve / AVAILING <-> UNAVAILING
avant garde vanguard
avert turn away
avocation secondary occupation
avow To claim; to declare boldly; to admit. Before God I avow I am innocent
bacchanal orgy, drunkenly festive / BACCHANALIA: 큰 술잔치
bacchanalian pertaining to riotous or drunken festivity; pertaining to revelry
backwater 침체상태; 벽지, 후미진 곳; (강의) 잔잔한 후미
badger to pester, beleaguer, bug, pester, tease
badinage 가벼운 농담; 가벼운 놀림
baffle 당황하게 하다; (계획) 좌절시키다
bale 재앙; 불운, 고통, 불행
balky (사람, 기계 등) 말을 안 듣는
ballast heavy material used to balance a ship
balloon Swell or puff out; increase rapidly
ballyhoo sensational advertising or promotion; uproar
balmy person eccentric or foolish person
balmy weather mild, pleasant, wonderful weather
banality a trite or obvious remark, bromide, cliche, commonplace, platitude
bandy discuss lightly; to toss back and forth; to exchange
baneful causing harm or ruin, pernicious, destructive
banish expel from a community, residence, or location; drive away, ban, blackball, cast out, ostracise, ostracize, shun
barb (화살촉, 낚시바늘의) 미늘; 가시 돋친 말
bard poet
barefaced 뻔뻔스런; 숨김없는
barrage a lot of questions or criticism; a concentrated outpouring of artillery fire, or of anything else
barrel 쏜살같이 움직이다, 질주하다
barren 열매 맺지 않는, 수확이 없는
bask take pleasure in sun; to enjoy warmth and sunshine; to enjoy praise
bask (in) (햇볕을 기분 좋게) 쪼이다, 누리다
bastardization an act that debases or corrupts, bastardisation
bastion Stronghold; fortress; fortified place;A group that defends a principle. a bastion against corruption
bawdy obscene
baying Howling in a deep way, like a dog or wolf
beatific blissfully happy, angelic, angelical, sainted, saintlike, saintly
beatitude a state of bliss, and beatific means having a blissful appearance
becoming appropriate, and matches nicely, comely, comme il faut, decent, decorous, seemly
bedeck 장식하다, 꾸미다
befitting 적당한, 어울리는, 알맞은
befuddle 혼란, 혼동시키다, 어리둥절하게 하다
beg to evade or dodge (a question)
begrudge to envy someone for possessing or enjoying something, resent
behemoth huge creature; anything very large and powerful
behest command; order
behold 보다
behooves to be one's duty or obligation
being opaque, in a state of turmoil
belabor To go over repeatedly or to an absurd extent;Attack verbally with harsh criticism. She was belabored by her fellow students
belfry bell tower; room in which a bell is hung
bemoan express discontent or a strong regret, bewail, deplore, lament
bemused Confused; bewildered
benefactor One who provides help especially in the form of a gift or donation
benighted fallen into a state of ignorance, nighted,dark
benignant 친절한, 다정한, 유익한
bequeath 유증하다
bequest Something left to someone in a will
berate 호되게 꾸짖다
bereave (가족을) 잃다, 여의다, 사별하다
bereaved Deprived or left desolate especially through death. bereaved of hope
bereft unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love, lovelorn, unbeloved
bereft of ~가 없는, 빼앗긴
besmirch damage the good name and reputation of someone, asperse, calumniate, defame, denigrate, slander, smear, smirch, sully
besotted strongly affectionate towards
bespeak 나타내다, 보여주다
betray to reveal or make known something, usually unintentionally, bewray
bewail 슬퍼하다, 한탄하다; 유감으로 생각하다, 개탄하다
bewilder 당황하게 하다, 어리둥절하게 하다
bewitch 마술 걸다, 매혹시키다
bigot 편협한 사람 (나와 생각, 종교, 사상 등이 다른 사람을 배척하는 사람)
bilious irritable; always angry, atrabilious, dyspeptic, liverish
bipartisan both parties
biting 신랄한; 통렬한
bivouac a temporary encampment, especially of soldiers
bizarre 이상한, 별난
blackmail 공갈 협박하다
blanch to turn pale; to cause to turn pale
bland boring or without taste; mild; tasteless; dull; unlively
blare (소리) 울려퍼지다; 요란하게 울리다, 떠들어대다; 요란한 소리
blase bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned
blazon 과시하다, 자랑하다
bleak having a depressing or gloomy outlook, bare, barren, desolate, stark
blemish 흠, 결점, 오점
blinkered to have a limited outlook or understanding
bludgeon 위협하다, 강요하다
blunder 실수하다, (일) 그르치다; 실수
blunt (칼날 등이) 무딘; (사람이) 퉁명스럽고 직설적인; 무디게 하다
blurt (말을) 불쑥 내뱉다, 무심코 말하다
boast 자랑하다, 허풍 떨다; 자랑할만한 ~를 가지고 있다
bode 전조하다, 징조가 되다
boggle 깜짝 놀라게 하다, 압도하다
bogus (adj) fake, fraudulent
boisterous loud, noisy, rough, lacking restraint
bon vivant a person who enjoys good food, good drink, and luxurious living
bona fide done or made in good faith; sincere; authentic; genuine
boon a desirable state, blessing
bootless 소용없는, 쓸모 없는
booty loot 노획물; plunder; stolen or confiscated goods
border (on) ~에 가깝다
botch to bungle; to ruin through poor or clumsy effort (서투른 솜씨로) 망치다
bourgeois Middle class usually in a pejorative sense; boringly conventional
bowdlerize edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate, bowdlerise, castrate, expurgate, shorten
bracing invigorating
brackish 짭짤한, 소금기 있는; 불쾌한
brash 뻔뻔한, 무례한, 건방진; 무모한, 성급한
brawn / brawny (adj.) big muscles; great strength
brawny 건장한
breakthrough 돌파구; (과학 등) 큰 발전, 약진
bridle the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess, check, curb
bridling v. to control or hold back, restrain
brink edge / BRINKMANSHIP 위기정책
brisk (발걸음, 기운) 경쾌한, 활발한, 기운찬; (사업) 활발한; (바람, 날씨) 쌀쌀하지만 상쾌한
bristle react in an offended or angry manner, abound, burst
bristling 화가 나서 발끈한
brittle 깨지기 쉬운, 부서지기 쉬운
broadside a strong verbal attack, bill, broadsheet, circular, flier, flyer, handbill, throwaway
bromide a trite or obvious remark, banality, cliche, commonplace, platitude
brouhaha uproar; hubbub
browbeat be bossy towards; discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner, ballyrag, boss around, bully, bullyrag, hector, push around, strong-arm
brusquely adin a blunt, direct manner, bluffly, bluntly, flat out, roundly
buck resist, go against
buffer (n) something that shields, protects, absorbs shock, or cushions
buffoon a joker, especially one who is coarse or acts like an ass 어릿광대 a ridiculous but amusing person; a clown.
bully 약한자를 괴롭히는 사람, 불량배; 위협하다, 괴롭히다
bulwark fortification
bumbling lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands, bungling, butterfingered, ham-fisted, ham-handed, handless, heavy-handed, left-handed
bumptious 자기 주장이 지나치게 강한, 건방진, 잘난 체하는, 거만한
bungle 어설픈짓하다, 실수하다
buoy 기분을 좋게 하다(북돋다)
buoyant 부력이 있는; 기운찬, 명랑한
burlesque A ludicrous mocking or exaggerated imitation (ব্যঙ্গ - রচনা)
burly 건장한
bustle 활기찬, 부산하게 움직이다
bygone (adj, n) past, former (adj); that which is in the past (usually plural noun)
cacaphonous unpleasant or harsh-sounding
cadaverous emaciated; gaunt, bony ,haggard, pinched, skeletal, wasted
cadence Rhythm the rise and fall of sounds
cagey 터놓지 않는, 조심하는
calculated 계산된, 계획된, 의도된
caliber 능력, 역량, 우수성; (총, 포의) 구경
calibrate (총의) 구경을 재다; (온도계, 자 등) 눈금을 정하다; 조정하다
calumniate v. to slander, make a false accusation
camaraderie 우정, 동지애
camouflage 위장, 속임; 위장하다
candidness the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech, candor, candour, directness, forthrightness, frankness
candor Truthfulness; sincere honesty
canny careful, cautious, knowing
cantankerous irritable; ill-humored
capacious spacious; roomy; commodious
capacity noun the amount or volume something can hold ability (especially mental)
capital most significant, pertaining to wealth
Capitalism Free enterprise
caprices sudden changes of mind or actions
capricous fickle
captious faultfinding; intended to entrap, as in an argument
carcinogenic causing cancer / CARCINOGEN
careen swerve, to lean on one side
carnage physical remains
carnality n. something relating to the body or flesh
cartographer a person who makes maps or charts
cascade small waterfall
caste any of the hereditary social classes in Hindu society; social stratification
casual 대충하는, 건성의; 우연한; 비형식적인
casualty (사건, 사고) 사상자
catalyze to act as a catalyst, to bring about
cater (to) (요구, 필요를) 제공하다, 맞추다, 만족시키려 애쓰다; 음식, 서비스를 공급하다
catharsis Purification that brings emotional relief or renewal
causal involving a cause
causality n. the relationship between cause and effect
cavalier given to haughty disregard of others, high-handed
cavort 흥청거리다; 뛰놀다
cede relinquish possession or control ove, deliver, give up, surrenderr
celerity speed, rapidity, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, speediness
celestial concerned with sky or heavens; sublime
celibacy Abstinence from sex
censor to examine and remove objectionable material, ban
censorious tending to or expressing censure
censorship 검열
centrifugal moving away from a center
centripetal moving or directed toward a center
ceremonious 의식의, 지나치게 격식을 갖춘
certitude 확신
cescendo (n) steady increase in force, intensity, or the loudness of a musical passage; a climactic moment or peak
cessation 중지, 중단
cession (특히 전후 국가간 영토) 이양(양도)
chaff worthless products or an endeavor
challenge 이의를 제기하다
chameleon a highly changeable person
channel to direct; to cause to follow a certain path
chaotic a state of chaos
charisma A magical-seeming ability to attract followers or inspire loyalty
chasm A deep gaping hole; a gorge
chaste pure, virgin; pure and unadorned; abstaining from sex
chastened corrected, punished, or humbled
check to limit (usually modifying the growth of something)
checkered one that is marked by disreputable happenings
cherish 소중히 여기다
cherubic sweet, innocent / CHERUB n. a supercute chubby-cheeked child; a kind of angel
chianery n. trickery or subterfuge
chide 꾸짖다
chimerical illusory or improbable
chivalrous being attentive to women like an ideal knight, gallant, knightly
chivalry the qualities idealized by knighthood such as bravery and gallantry toward women
chortle to chuckle, laugh merrily, chuckle, laugh softly
chronic Constant; lasting a long time; inveterate
chronicle A record of events in order of time; a history
chronological (adj) arranged in or relating to time order
churl n. someone who is boorish, difficult, and vulgar
chutzpah brazenness; audacity
circumnavigate to sail or travel completely around
citadel fortress or stronghold
clairvoyant one who can predict the future; psychic
clamber Climb awkwardly or with difficulty, scramble
clangorous making a loud, resonant sound
clannish 씨족의, 당파적인
clarion (소리) 명쾌한, 낭랑한
classic top-notch; of the highest quality; serving as a standard or model
cleft split
cliche An overused saying or idea
cliché 진부한 표현
climactic relating to the highest point; coming to or having to do with a climax
climatic having to do with the climate
clinch (v) make final or settle conclusively; to fasten or hold together
clone duplicate
coarse 조악한, 거친, (입자) 굵은; 세련되지 않은, 저속한
coax 감언으로 꼬셔서 ~하게 하다
codify to systematize
coercion 강제, 강요, 강압
cogitate ponder; to meditate; to think carefully about / COGITATION n.
cognitive Dealing with how we know the world around us through our senses; mental
cohesive well integrated, forming a united whole
cohort an associate; a group
coincide 동시에 발생하다; 일치하다
coincidence 우연의 일치
collaborate 공동 작업하다, 협력하다; 부역하다
collage artistic composition of materials pasted over a surface; an assemblage of diverse elements
colloquial Conversational; informal in language. wrote her letters in a colloquial style
collude Conspire; cooperate for illegal or fraudulent purposes
colossal so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe, prodigious, stupendous
combustible 가연성의, 불붙기 쉬운
commemorate to honor the memory of; to serve as a memorial to
commendable worthy of high praise, applaudable, laudable, praiseworthy
commitment 약속; 책임, 의무; 헌신
commonplace 진부한; 진부한 문구
compendious 포괄적이면서도 간결한
compensate 보상, 보완, 보충하다; 상쇄하다
competence skillfulness / COMPETENT: capable; qualified <-> INCOMPETENT
compilation collection
compile collect; to gather together; to gather together into a book
complaisance n. the willingness to comply with the wishes of others
complicit Associated with or participating in an activity, especially one of a questionable nature.
complicity Participation in wrongdoing; the act of being an accomplice
composed calm; tranquil
compound make more intense, stronger, or more marked, deepen, heighten, intensify
comprehensive Covering or including everything
comprise To consist of; to be composed of cf constitute compose
comradeship 동료애, 우정
concentric having a common center
concession / concede something that you agree to do or give to someone in order to end an argument
conciliate to make peace with, appease, assuage, gentle, gruntle, lenify, mollify, pacify, placate
concise Brief and to the point; succinct
concoct to invent
concoct / concoction to create by mixing ingredients; to devise / something that has been concocted
concur (v) approve, agree
concurrent Happening at the same time; parallel
condemn to pronounce judgement against
condensed 요약된, 간결한
condole 위로, 조의를 표하다
confederate an ally; an accomplice / CONFEDERATION / CONFEDERACY
confer (v) consult, compare views; bestow or give
conference meeting
confidant a person with whom secrets or private thoughts are shared / CONFIDANTE
confide trust another
confidential 기밀의
conflagration a very intense and uncontrolled fire, inferno
conflate mix together different elements or concepts, blend, coalesce, combine, commingle, flux, fuse, immix, meld, merge, mix
conform (규칙, 관습) 따르다, 순응하다, 지키다
congruence conformity / CONGRUENT: of the same shape
congruent 일치하는
congruous 일치하는, 조화를 이루는, (수학) 합동의
conjunction 결합, 연결; 동시발생
connive 공모하다
conniving taking part in immoral and unethical plots
connote Suggest or imply in addition to the precise, literal meaning
conscientious 양심적인; 면밀한, 근면성실한
conscript a person compulsorily enrolled for military service
consequential pompous, self-important
conservatory a greenhouse, usually one attached ot another structure; a music school or drama school
console (v, n) lessen the suffering or grief of (verb); a control panel, or small table or cabinet (noun)
consolidate (v) unite, combine, solidify, make coherent
consonance 일치, 조화, 화음
consonant Harmonious; in agreement. salaries consonant with current trends
conspicuous without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious, blatant, blazing
conspire 공모하다
constituent a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes
constrain 강제하다; 억제하다
constraint something that limits or restricts, restraint
constrict (v) squeeze, compress; restrict the freedom of
contemn v. to scorn or despise
contemplate 응시하다, 심사숙고하다
contempt 경멸, 멸시
contemptuous scornful, looking down at others with a sneering attitude, disdainful, insulting, scornful
contend to assert
contention 논쟁; 주장
contest 다투다; 이의를 제기하다
contextualize (v) place in context, such as by giving the background or circumstances
continence self-control; abstention from sexual activity
continuum a continuous whole without clear division into parts
contort 뒤틀다, 일그러지다
contraband smuggled goods
contradict 모순되다, 상반되다; 부인(부정)하다, 반박하다
contraries Things that are opposing; either of two opposite things
contravene 위반하다, 어기다; 부인(부정)하다
contrive to pull off a plan or scheme, usually through skill or trickery, devise, excogitate, forge, formulate, invent
contrived Artificial; labored
controvert 부인(부정)하다, 반박하다
contumely rudeness; insolence; arrogance / CONTUMELIOUS
convergence 합침, 집합, 집중
conversant (adj) knowledgeable about or experienced with
converse the opposite
conversely (adv) in an opposite way; on the other hand
convert 변형시키다, 바꾸다, 개종시키다
convex curved outward
convey to transport; to conduct; to communicate
convict 유죄를 선고하다
convoke Call together, as to a meeting
convulsion 경련, 경기; 격변
coquette woman who flirts
cordial gracious; warm; sincere
corporal ...
corporate 기업의, 법인(체)의; 공동의
corps a body of people, 단체, 단 ex) army corps vs. CORPSE: 시체
correlate 상관관계에 있다
correlation a mutual relation between two or more things
correspond 부합하다, 상응하다; 서신을 교환하다
corrigibility n. capacity to be set right
corrigible capable of being set right, correctable, reparable
corrode to ruin or destroy
corrosive causing graudal decay
corrugate shaped with folds or waves
cosmology study of the universe as a totality; theory of the origin and structure of the universe
cosseted treat with excessive indulgence
coterminous being of equal extent or scope or duration, coextensive, conterminous
counter 반대하다, 반박하다; 무효로 하다
counterintuitive (adj) against what one would intuitively expect
countermand a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command
counterpart 대응물 (동일한 것)
counterpoint (n) contrasting item, opposite; a complement; the use of contrast or interplay in a work of art
counterproductive (adj) defeating the purpose; preventing the intended goal
coup a brilliant victory or accomplishment; the violent overthrow of a government by a small internal group; A sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force (মিলিটারিরা যা করে আরকি ক্ষমতা নেওয়ার জন্য, ক্যু )
court (애정, 환심, 명성 등) 구하다, 얻으려 하다; (재난 등) 초래하다, 자초하다
courteous 공손한, 예의바른
covenant a solemn agreement; a contract; a pledge(চুক্তি)
covetous desiring something owned by another
cow to intimidate, overawe
crafty (adj) cunning, skillful in deception or underhanded schemes
crass crude, unrefined; extremely unrefined; gross; stupid
craving 갈망, 열망
credibility (n) believability, trustworthiness
creditable deserving of praise but not that amazing
credo statement of belief or principle; creed
credulity tendency to believe readily
creep 살금살금 걷다, 기다
crest 정점, 정상; (조류) 볏; (가문의) 문장, 상징
crestfallen brought low in spirit, chapfallen, chopfallen, deflated
crevice crack; a narrow split, or fissure / CREVASSE: a very large crevice in a glacier
critique a critical review
crotchety 화잘내는, 까다로운
crumble 바스러지다; 무너지다
crystallize cause to take on a definite and clear shape, crystalise, crystalize, crystallise
cuisine a style of cooking
culinary relating to cooking or the kitchen(রন্ধনসম্পর্কীয়)
cull pick out, select; to pick out from among many
cumbersome difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight, cumbrous
cunning 교활한; 교활함
curt (말) 퉁명스런; 간결한, 짧은
cynic one who deeply distrusts human nature; one who believes humans are motivated only by selfishness
cynical (adj) thinking the worst of others' motivations; bitterly pessimistic
cynicism n. an attitude or quality of belief that all people are motivated by selfishness
dabble (물) 튀기다; 재미삼아 ~ 하다
daft 바보같은, 어리석은, 미친
dally 꾸물거리다, 시간 낭비하다; 가지고 놀다, 희롱하다
damn 비난하다
damp v. to diminish the intensity or check something, such as a sound or feeling
dampen 축축하게 하다; (활력, 열의) 꺾다
dart 쏜살같이 움직이다
dashing 용감한, 늠름한; 멋진, 세련된
dated 구식의, 오래된
daunting dismaying, disheartening
dauntless fearless, undaunted, intrepid
dawdle 꾸물거리다, 늑장부리다
dazzle 눈부시게 하다; 매료시키다, 압도하다
deadpan 무표정한, 진지한 표정의
debonair having a sophisticated charm, debonaire, debonnaire, suave
debutante young woman making debut in high society
decadent decaying or decayed especially in terms of morals
decimation destroying or killing a large part of the population
decipher (암호, 수수께끼) 풀다, 해독하다
declaim Speak in an impassioned, pompous, or oratorical manner; give a formal speech
decode 해독하다; 해석하다, 이해하다
decree an official order, usually having the force of law
decrepit (사람) 노쇠한, (사물) 노후한
decry express strong disapproval of, condemn, excoriate, objurgate, reprobate
deem (v) judge; consider
defamatory (adj.) slanderous, injurious to someone's reputation
defeasible 무효화할 수 있는, 파기할 수 있는
defer 연기하다, 미루다; (뜻을) 따라주다
deferential showing respect, deferent, regardful
deferrable 연기할 수 있는
defiant 도전적인, 반항적인, 시비조의
deficiency 부족; 결점
deficit a shortage, especially of money
defile pollute, to make unclean or dishonor; to make filthy or foul; to desecrate
deflate (타이어, 풍선 등) 공기를 빼다; 기를 꺾다
deflect (v) cause to curve; turn aside, esp. from a straight course; avoid
defray to help pay the cost of, either in part of full
defunct no longer existing
defunt extinct, no longer existing, dead; no longer in effect
defuse (긴장 등을) 완화시키다
defy (공공연하게) 저항/도전하다, 불복종하다
degrade reduce in worth or character, usually verbally, demean, disgrace, put down, take down
dehydrate 탈수시키다, 건조시키다
deify 신격화하다, 숭배하다
deign do something that one considers to be below one's dignity, condescend, descend
deity a god or goddess
deject 사기를 꺾다, 낙담시키다
dejected depressed; disheartened
delegate give an assignment to (a person), assign, depute, designate
deliberate think about carefully; weigh the pros and cons of an issue, consider, debate, moot, turn over
delimit Fix, mark, or define the boundaries of
delinquent negligent, culpable; neglecting a duty or law; late in payment
deluge a flood; an inundation
delve dig, explore (of ideas); to search or study intensively
demean to insult; to cause someone to lose dignity or respect, degrade, disgrace, put down, take down
demeanor behavior; manner / vs. DEMEAN: to lower its dignity or stature / DEMEANING
demographic related to population balance
demography (어느 사회의 일정 기간에 걸친) 인구 변동[동태]; 인구 통계학
demolish 파괴하다
demonstrative given to or marked by the open expression of emotion
demoralize 사기를 꺾다
demotic pertaining to people
demure to be modest and shy, coy, overmodest
demystify (신비함, 편견) 없애다, 이해하기 쉽게 설명하다
denomination a classification; a category name
denude 발가벗기다, 박탈하다
denunciate 공공연히 비난하다
depict to portray, especially in a picture; to describe
depose to remove from office or position of power
depredate v. to plunder, pillage, ravage or destroy, to exploit in a predatory manner
depredation preying on, plunder / syn. PREDATION / DEPREDATE: to prey upon; to plunder
depredations attacks, ravages
deracinate 뿌리째 뽑아버리다; (뿌리 내리고 살던 곳에서) 쫓아내다
dere withered, arid
derelict (of a person) not doing one's duties, delinquent, neglectful, remiss
derision n. scorn, ridicule, contemptuous treatment
derisive abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule, gibelike, jeering, mocking, taunting
derivate unoriginal, obtained from another source
derive come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example, come, descend
derogate 비하하다, 격하시키다
derogative expressed as worthless or in negative terms, derogatory, disparaging
desecrate to willfully violate or destroy a sacred place, outrage, profane, violate
desiccated uninteresting, lacking vitality, arid, desiccate
desideratum something desired as a necessity
desist to stop doing
despicable 경멸스러운, 비열한, 야비한
despite preposition
detached (adj) impartial, disinterested; unconcerned, distant, aloof
detachment 무심함; 객관적 태도
detain 붙들다, 지체시키다; 구류하다
deter turn away from by persuasion, dissuade
deteriorate 악화시키다, 손상시키다
determinant 결정요인
deterministic 결정론의, 결정론적인
detract (가치·중요성·명성 따위를) 떨어뜨리다, 줄이다; (주의를) 딴 데로 돌리다
detractor 중상을 일삼는 사람, 명예 훼손자
detrimental (sometimes followed by "to") causing harm or injury, damaging, prejudicial, prejudicious
deviate (표준, 기준에서) 벗어나다
devious 부정직한, 사악한
devolve pass on or delegate to another, degenerate, deteriorate, drop
devout deeply religious; fervent
diabolical to be extremely wicked like the devil, demonic, diabolic, fiendish, hellish, infernal, satanic, unholy,devilish, diabolic, mephistophelean, mephistophelian
dialectical relating to discussions; relating to the rules and methods of reasoning; approaching truth in the middle of opposing extremes
dictatorial expecting unquestioning obedience; characteristic of an absolute ruler, authoritarian, overbearing,authoritarian, autocratic, despotic, tyrannic, tyrannical
diehard 보수적인, 완고한
differentiate be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait (sometimes in positive sense), distinguish, mark
digression act of straying from the main point
dilapidated in terrible condition, bedraggled, broken-down, derelict, ramshackle, tatterdemalion, tumble-down
dilemma ...
dilettantish (effort or interest) frivolous or superficial
diligent characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks, persevering
dilute 묽게 하다; 약화시키다
diminution reduction; the act or process of diminishing
diminutive to indicate smallness
dingy 칙칙한, 지저분한
diplomatic 수완이 있는, 능숙한
disaffected discontented as toward authority, ill-affected, malcontent, rebellious
disapprobation n. an expression of disapproval
disarming (심리적으로) 상대방을 무장해제 시키는, 마음 (화, 적개심)을 누그러뜨리는
disarray disorder; confusion
disavow 부인하다, 거부하다, 의절하다
disavowal denial / DISAVOW: to deny
discernment 인식력, 분별력, 판단력
disciplinary 징계의
disciplined 규율, 기강을 따르는, 훈련, 단련된
disclaim to deny any claim to; to renounce
disclosure 폭로
discombobulate 혼란스럽게 하다, 당황스럽게 하다
discomfiting Disconcerting, confusing, frustrating
discompose 마음의 평정을 없애다, 동요시키다
discord lack of agreement or harmony, strife
discourse spoken or written expression in words; conversation
discourteous 무례한
discretionary 재량껏 할 수 있는
discriminating (adj) judicious, discerning, having good judgment or insight
discursive (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point, digressive, excursive, rambling
disembarrass (짐, 장애, 걱정 등에서) 해방하다
disenfranchise deprive of voting rights, disfranchise
disengage (연결, 접속) 풀다; (의무) 해방하다
disgruntle to make sulky and dissatisfied; to discontent
disgruntled 화난, 불만족한
disheartened made less hopeful or enthusiastic, demoralised, demoralized, discouraged
disillusion (환상, 몽상을) 깨뜨리다
disinfect 살균 소독하다
disinformation false information purposely disseminated, usually by a government, for the purpose of creating a false impression
disintegrate 붕괴, 해체되다
disjunction 괴리, 차이
dislocate (뼈) 탈구시키다; 혼란에 빠뜨리다, 붕괴시키다
dispensable 없어도 되는
dispensation an exemption from a rule or obligation
disperse (v) scatter, spread widely, cause to vanish
displace 쫓아내다, 강제 이주시키다; 대신, 대체하다
disposition (n) a person's general or natural mood; tendency
disproportionate out of proportion; too much or too little
disquiet 불안, 동요; 동요, 걱정시키다
disquieted DISQUIET: to make uneasy
disquieting (adj) disturbing, causing anxiety
disrepute 불명예
disrupt 방해하다. 지장을 주다
dissect (표본) 해부하다, 분석하다
dissension disagreement that leads to discord
dissent (v, n) disagree or take an opposing view, esp. in relation to a formal body such as a government, political party, or church; such a view
disservice a harmful action; an ill turn
dissimulate 감추다, 위장하다
dissolute licentious, libertine
dissuade to persuade not to
distinctive 특색 있는, 다른 것과 다른
distinguish to tell apart; to cause to stand out
distort 왜곡하다
distract (주의를) 딴 데로 돌리다
distraught extremely agitated with emotion
divergent 분기하는, 갈라지는, (의견) 다른
divert 경로, 방향을 바꾸다; (생각 관심을) 다른 데로 돌리다; 즐겁게 해주다
divisive 분리, 분열시키는
doctrine 정설, 원칙
dodge (몸을) 재빨리 움직여 피하다; 기피, 회피하다
doff Take off (such as clothes), put aside; remove one's hat as a gesture
dog to pursue relentlessly; to hound, chase, chase after, give chase, go after, tag, tail, track, trail
dogged 완강한, 끈덕진
doleful filled with or evoking sadness, mournful
dolorous showing sorrow, dolourous, lachrymose, tearful, weeping
dolt a stupid person; a dunce / DOLTISH adj.
domestic having to do with the household or family; not foreign
domicile 거주지, 집
domineering 지배(군림)하려는, 거만한, 오만한
don assume, put on, especially clothing
dossier a file of documents or records
dotage senility, mental decline; foolish affection
dotard a senile person
dote 맹목적으로 좋아하다, 애지중지하다
double-entendre having two meanings one of which is sexually suggestive; when the second meaning is risque
doughty brave; bold; courageous
downcast directed downward; dejected; depressed
downplay 경시하다, 하찮게 여기다
drab 칙칙한, 재미없는
drain 서서히 배출하다, 물기 없애다; 소모시키다
dramatize 극적으로 보여주다
drench 흠뻑 적시다
drivel 허튼 소리
ductile (금속) 두드려 변형시킬 수 있는; 영향을 잘 받는, 잘 변하는
duly 적절하게, 적당하게
duress compulsory force or threat
dwindle 점차 줄어들다
dynamo n. generator, forceful, energetic person
dysfunctional 제대로 기능을 하지 않는, 고장 난
e.g. (abbre.) for example, such as
earmark (자금, 물건 등을) 책정하다, 예정하다, 배정하다
earthly 지상의; 세속적인
eavesdrop 엿듣다
ebb recede, to face away; to diminish
ebullience the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings
echelon A level, rank or grade; the people at that level
Eclipse (n, v) the obscuring of one thing by another, such as the sun by the moon or a person by a more famous or talented person (noun); to obscure, darken, make less important (verb)
economical avoiding waste, efficient, frugal, scotch, sparing, stinting
economy 검소함, 아껴씀
ecumenical 전(全) 기독교적인, 세계 교회 주의의; 보편적인, 전반적인
edict an official decree; 포고령, 칙령
edifice a big, imposing building
effervescence state of high spirits or liveliness; process of bubling as gas escapes
effervescent marked by high spirits or excitement, bubbling, frothy, scintillating, sparkly
effete depleted of vitality; overrefined; decadent
efficacious producing the intended result, effective, effectual
efflorescence n. the state or a period of flowering, an example or result of growth and development
effluvium a disagreeable or noxious vapor; an escaping gas; 발산, 증발, 취기, 악취
effusion N a pouring forth Effuse v Effusive a
egocentric A selfish; believing that one is the center of everything n egoism egoistic -tical
egoism the tendency to see things in relation to oneself; self-centeredness
egotist a conceited and self-centered person, egoist, swellhead
egotistical excessively self-centered; conceited
eke To live off meager resources, to scrape by
elaborate marked by complexity and richness of detail, luxuriant
elastic 탄성 있는; 신축적인, 융통성 있는
Elated (adj) very happy, in high spirits
elation a feeling of great joy
electorate voters
elegiac expressing sorrow
elemental 기본적인, 근본적인
Elevate (v) raise, lift up; lift the spirits of; move up to a higher rank or status or raise up to a higher spiritual or intellectual plane
elite upper-class; the best or most select group / cf. ELITIST: favoring, advocating, or restricted to an elite.
elixir a sustance believed to have the power to cure ills
elocution the art of public speaking / LOCUTION: a particular word or phrase
elongate 길어지다, 길이를 늘이다
elucidate make clearer and easier to understand, clear, clear up, crystalise, crystalize, crystallise, crystallize, enlighten, illuminate, shed light on, sort out, straighten out
elude escape understanding, bilk, evade
Elysian delightful; blissful
emaciate Make abnormally thin, cause to physically waste away
embargo restriction
embed (단단히, 깊숙이) 박다, 끼워 넣다
embezzle 횡령하다, 사취하다
emblematic 상징적인
embolden 대담하게 하다
embrace 포함하다; (생각, 의견) 받아들이다, 채택하다
embroiled involved in argument or contention, entangled
embryonic in an early stage of development, embryotic, embryologic, embryonal
emigrant a n immigrate
emigrate V to move to a new country; to move a new place to live; to expatriate
emissary a messenger or representative sent to represent another
empathetic showing understanding and ready comprehension of other peoples' states and emotions, empathic
empiricism any method that derives knowledge from experience, used in experimental science as a way to gain insight and knowledge, empiricist philosophy, sensationalism
empower to give power or authority to; to enable
enamor attraction or feeling of love, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, charm, enamour, enchant, entrance, fascinate, trance
enamored 매료된
encapsulate 요약하다
enchant 매료시키다; 마법을 걸다
encoded 암호화된
encompass 둘러싸다, 포위하다; 포함하다
encroach Vi to make gradual or stealthy inroads into; to trespass on upon
encumber hold back, constrain, cumber, restrain
endear to make dear; to make beloved / ENDEARMENT: an expression of affection
endeavor 노력; 노력하다, 시도하다
endorse 승인, 지지하다
endow 주다, 부여하다; 기부하다
enduring 영속적인, 지속적인
enfeeble 약화시키다, 활력을 없애다
engross 몰두, 열중시키다
enjoin give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority, order, say, tell
enlighten 설명하다, 가르치다; 계몽하다
enmity a state of deep-seated ill-will, antagonism, hostility
enrapture 황홀하게 하다, 미칠 듯이 기뻐하게 하다
ensign a flag; a naval office
entail to have as a necessary consequence; to involve
entangle 뒤엉키게 하다, 복잡하게 만들다
enterprising 진취적인
enthrall hold spellbound, delight, enchant, enrapture, enthral, ravish, transport
entice get someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises, lure, tempt
Entitlement (n) having the right to certain privileges; believing, sometimes without cause, that one deserves or has a right to certain privileges
entity something that exists; a distinct thing <-> NONENTITY
entomology the scientific study of insects
entrammel 얽히게 하다, 구속하다, 방해하다
entrance 도취시키다, 황홀하게 만들다
entreat 간청, 탄원하다
entreat / entreaty (n) plead, beg; to ask earnestly / an earnest or humble request.
entrenched fixed firmly or securely
entrepreneur ...
entrepreneurial 기업가적인, 모험심 있는, 진취적인
enunciate to pronounce clearly
epicenter (지진) 진앙지; 중심점
epilogue ...
epiphany a sudden revelation or moment of insight
episodic loosely connected, not flowing logically, occurring at intervals
epistemology branch of philosophy tha texamines the nature of knowledge
epithet n. disparaging word or phrase
epitomize 요약하다; 전형이 되다
epoch an era; a distinctive period of time / EPOCHAL adj.
eponym the name derived from a person (real or imaginary); the person for whom something is named
equestrian having to do with horseback riding
equilibrium 평형, 균형; (마음) 평정
equipoise 균형, 평형
equity 공평, 공정, 공명정대; 가치, 자산의 순가치
equivalent 상응하는, 동등한, 같은
eradicate to completely destroy, exterminate, extirpate, root out, uproot, annihilate, carry off, decimate, eliminate, extinguish, wipe out
err to make an error, mistake, slip
Erroneous (adj) mistaken, in error; improper, morally incorrect
erstwhile Former, previous (adj); in the past, formerly (adv)
erudition profound learning or extensive knowledge, learned primarily through books
escalate (싸움, 갈등, 시위, 전쟁) 확대시키다, 확대되다
espy to glimse; to descry; (문예체) 갑자기 ... 를 보게되다
esteem 존경, 존중하다; 존경, 존중
estrange 사이를 멀어지게 하다, 소원하게 하다
estranged alienated, separated
ethical ...
ethnocentric based on the attitude tha one's group is superior
etiology causes or origins
etymology origin an history of a word
eugenics study of factors that influence the hereditary qualities of the human race and ways to improve those qualities
eulogium 찬양하는 연설[글], 찬사
euthanasia mercy killing
evade (감금, 법, 의무, 문제 등) 피하다
evasive avoiding or escaping from difficulty or danger or commitment
evenhanded without partiality
even-handed 공정한
even-tempered (마음) 차분한, 온화한
evict 퇴거시키다, 내쫓다
evidence 입증하다; 증언하다
evocative tending to call to mind or produce a reaction
exceptionable 반대될 수 있는, 이의제기 될 수 있는
excise 삭제하다, 잘라 내다
excision removal / EXCISE: to remove by cutting, or as if by cutting
excruciating extremely painful, agonising, agonizing, harrowing, torturesome, torturing, torturous
execrable detertable; abhorrent
execrate to curse and hiss at, accurse, anathematise, anathematize, anathemise, anathemize, comminate
exegesis critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text
exemplary 전형적인, 모범적인
exhaust 지치게 하다; 고갈시키다; (연구 등) 철저히 살피다
exhilarate 유쾌하게, 즐겁게 하다
exigencies urgent or pressing situations
exiguity the quality of being meager, leanness, meagerness, meagreness, poorness, scantiness, scantness
exodus a mass departure or journey away
exorbitant greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation, extortionate, outrageous, steep, unconscionable, usurious
exorcise to expel evil spirits; free from bad influences
expansive communicative, and prone to talking in a sociable manner, talkative
expediency 편의주의, 편법, 꼼수
expeditious 신속한
explicable able to be accounted for or understood / EXPLICATE: to make a detailed explanation of the meaning of
explicate to explain;interpret;clarify
exploit 위업, 업적; 부당하게 이용하다, 착취하다; (자원 등) 개발하다, 개척하다
exponential 기하급수적인, 급격한
exposition explanation; a large public exhibition / EXPOSITORY adj.
expository explanatory
expound add details or explanation; clarify the meaning; state in depth, dilate, elaborate, enlarge, expand, expatiate, exposit, flesh out, lucubrate
express 명확한, 명백한, 확실한
expunge to eliminate completely, excise, scratch, strike
extemporize (연설, 연주 등을) 즉흥적으로 하다
extenuate (죄, 과실) 경감시키다, 가볍게 하다
extenuating making less guilty or more forgivable
extort to obtain through force, threat, or illicit means / EXTORTION n.
extrapolation the act of estimation by projecting known information
extravagant 사치하는, 낭비하는; 터무니 없는, 지나친
extremity the outermost point or edge; the geratest degree; grave danger; a limb or appendage of the body
extrinsic not inherent of essential
extrovert N an open outgoing person; a person whose attention is focused on others rather than on himself or herself
exude 스며나오게 하다, 발산시키다
exult V to rejoice; to celebrate
exultant 매우기뻐하는
fabricate 날조하다, 조작하다; 제작(조립)하다
fabrication N a lie; something made up
facade the front of a building; the false front of a building; the false front or misleading appearance of anything
factious produced by, or characterized by internal dissension, dissentious, divisive
factitious artificial; not natural
factotum a person who does all sorts of work; a handyman
faddish 일시적으로 유행하는, 그런 유행을 좇는
fainsay v. to deny, dispute, contradict, oppose
falter 비틀거리다; 주저하다; 말을 더듬다
fanatic 광신도, 열광자; 광적인
Fanciful (adj) whimsical, capricious; imaginary; freely imaginative rather than based on reason or reality
far-reaching (효과·영향 등이) 멀리까지 미치는, 폭넓은, 지대한 영향을 가져올
fashion 만들어내다
fastness 요새, 안전한곳; 고정; 신속
fatalist N someone who believes that future events are already determined and that humans are powerless to change them (অদৃষ্টবাদী)
Fathom (v) measure the depth of (usually of water) as with a sounding line; penetrate and discover the meaning of, understand
fatigue 피로, 피곤
faultfinding 트집잡기
faux pas false step, mistake / FAUX: false
favor 편애하다; 호의를 보이다, 찬성하다; 유리하다
fawning seeking flavor by flattering
faze 당황하게 하다, 동요시키다
fealty (영주에 대한) 충성
Feasible (adj) possible; logical or likely; suitable
feeble 연약한
feisty 적극적인, 원기왕성한
fell terribly evil, barbarous, brutal, cruel, roughshod, savage, vicious
feral existing in a wild or untamed state
ferocity 사나움, 광포함
ferret to search for something persistently, ferret out
ferret [v] 찾다, 뒤지다
fertile 비옥한; 생산력이 풍부한
ferver passion or intense emotion
fester decay; to generate pus
fetching 매력적인
fete to celebrate a person, celebrate
fetish an object of obsessive reverence, attention, or interest
feud (두 집안 사이의 또는 여러 대에 걸친) 불화, 반복, 다툼
figment something made up or invented; a fabrication
filigree n. an ornamental work, especially of delicate lacelike patterns, resembling such a pattern, v. to adorn
filthy 매우 더러운; 추잡한, 난잡한, 비열한
finagle achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods, manage, wangle
finale 공연의 마지막, 대미
finicky 몹시 까다로운
firebrand someone who deliberately creates trouble, inciter, instigant, instigator, provoker
fiscal 재정의, 재무의, 회계의
fissure crevice
fit 적당하다; 발작
flabby 살이 축 늘어진, 무기력한
flaccid 축 늘어진; 무기력한
flamboyant 눈부신, 화려한, 현란한
flatter 추켜세우다, 알랑거리다, (찬사 등으로) 기쁘게하다
flay 껍질을 벗기다; 남을 깎아내리다, 혹평하다
fledging beginner; novice
flee 도망가다; 빠르게 지나가다, 사라지다
fleece to deceive, gazump, hook, overcharge, pluck, plume, rob, soak, surcharge
Fleeting (adj) passing quickly, transitory
flimsy 부서지기 쉬운, 약한; (주장이) 설득력이 없는
fling 거칠게 내던지다; 버리다, 폐기하다
flip sarcastic, impertinent
flippant showing inappropriate levity, light-minded
flit 휙 스치다 (지나가다)
float 부유하다, 뜨다
floppy (옷이) 펄럭이는, 늘어진, 느슨한
flora plants of a region or era
flounder behave awkwardly; have difficulties, stagger
flourish en embellishment or ornamentation
flower to flourish; to mature well
fluctuate 변동하다
fluke Stroke of luck, something accidentally successful
flummox be a mystery or bewildering to, amaze, baffle, beat, bewilder, dumbfound, get, gravel, mystify, nonplus, perplex, pose, puzzle, stick, stupefy, vex
flush to be in abundance, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flower, heyday, peak, prime
fluster (특히 너무 많은 일로) 허둥지둥하게 만들다
fodder coarse food for livestock; raw material
foe 적, 원수
foil 방해하다, 막다, 좌절시키다
foolhardy marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences, heady, rash, reckless
foot-dragging 지체, 더딤, 주저
footloose 마음대로 할 수 있는, 구속없는
foppish overly dressed
for(e)swear 포기하다; 위증하다
forage Wander in search of; rummage, hunt, make a raid
foray raid, 진출, 습격; an initial venture
forebodding sense of evil to come / FOREBODE: to be an omen of; to predict; to foretell
forebode 전조가 되다
foreclose ...
foreknowledge 선지, 예지, 통찰력
forensic related to or used in courts of law
Foreshadow (v) indicate or suggest beforehand, presage
Forfeit (v) surrender or lose as a result of an error, crime, or failure to fulfill an obligation
forge 위조하다; (철을) 벼리다, 주조하다; 꾸준히 나아가다
forgive 용서하다; 빚을 탕감하다
forlorn marked by or showing hopelessness
formidable menacing; threatening
formulaic 도식적인, 공식에만 따른
forte a person's strong point, special talent, or specialty
forthcoming available when required or as promised, approaching, coming, upcoming
forthright characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion, blunt, candid, frank, free-spoken, outspoken, plainspoken, point-blank, straight-from-the-shoulder
Fortify (v) strengthen, invigorate, encourage
forward 앞으로의, 앞쪽에 있는; 뻔뻔한, 건방진
foul 불쾌하고 역겨운; (날씨) 사나운, 나쁜; (사람,언행) 사악한, 부도덕한, 저속한
fragile 약한, 부서지기 쉬운
frail (사람) 연약한, (사물) 약한, 깨지기 쉬운
frantic 광란의, 정신 없는, 미쳐날뛰는
fraternize 사귀다, 친해지다, 형제처럼 지내다
fraudulent 사기치는, 속이는
fraught 가득한, (정신) 괴로워하는, 걱정하는
frenzy 광란, 열광
frequent 자주 들르다
fresco a painting done on plaster
fretful 안달하는, 초조해하는, 화내는, 언짢아하는
friable 잘 부서지는
friction 마찰, (사람 사이의) 갈등, 마찰
frieze ornamental band on a wall
Fringe (n, adj) on the margin, periphery (adj); the people in a group who hold the most extreme views (noun)
frivolous not serious in content or attitude or behavior
frothy 거품같은; 가벼운, 경박한
fruitful productive; producing good or abundant results; successful
frustrate hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of, baffle, bilk, cross, foil, queer, scotch, spoil, thwart,
fugitive 도망자; 도망을 다니는; 덧없는, 금방사라지는
full-fledged 깃털이 다 난; 완전히 성장한
fulmination 심한 비난
fulsome so excessive as to be disgusting
fumble 서툴게 다루다, 더듬거리다
fusillade a rapid outburst, as of gunfire
fusion union; synthesis
fussy 지나치게 꼼꼼한
fustian 과장되고 허풍 떠는 (말이나 글)
gaffe a socially awkward or tactless act, faux pas, gaucherie, slip, solecism
gait 걸음걸이
gall the trait of being rude and impertinent, cheekiness, crust, freshness, impertinence, impudence, insolence
gallant 용감한; 정중한, 기사도적인
gambit a maneuver or risk in a game or conversation, designed to secure an advantage, ploy, stratagem
gamut the full range (of something)
garble 왜곡하다, (문장 등에 함부로 손을 대다); 혼동하다
gargantuan 거대한
garish 지나치게 화려한, 너무 요란한
garnish 장식하다
gastronomy the art of eating well / GASTRONOMIC
gaudy (옷,장식) 지나치게 화려한, 세련되지 못한
Gawky (adj) physically awkward (esp. of a tall, skinny person, often used to describe teenagers)
genesis beginning; origin; creation
genial agreeable, conducive to comfort, kind
geniality cheerfulness; kindliness; sociability
genre n a type or category especially of art or writing
genuine 진짜의; 순수혈통의, 순종의
gesticulate v to make gestures especially when speaking or in place of speaking
ghastly horrible; shockingly horrible; frightful; ghostlike
gibberish 이해할 수 없는 말, 글, 횡성수설
gibe 조롱(하다)
giddy 경솔한, 경박한; 어지러운, 아찔한
gill the breathing organ of a fish
girder a steel beam used in the frame of a building
Gist (n) main idea, essence
glacial Pertaining to glaciers; cold, icy, slow, unsympathetic
glance 흘긋보기; 흘긋보다
glaring 눈부시게 빛나는; (색) 지나치게 야한; 눈에 띄는, 뻔한
glean collect information bit by bit, harvest, reap
glee 큰 기쁨, 환희
glide 미끄러지듯 움직이다
glimmer 희미하게 빛나다
gloss ~에 주를 달다, ~을 주해(주석)하다; (over) 속이다, 둘러대다, 얼버무리다
Goosebumps (n) the bumps created by hairs standing up on the skin in response to cold, fear, etc.
gorge 협곡, 좁은 골짜기; 잔뜩(실컷) 먹다
gourmand 미식가, 대식가
grandiloquence n. pompous speech or expression
grandstand Perform showily in an attempt to impress onlookers
gratify 만족시키다
grating Irritating; harsh or discordant (of a noise); scraping
gratis free of charge
grave 엄숙한, 진지한
gravelly 자갈같은, 자갈소리가 나는, 귀에 거슬리는
gravity n seriousness
green 경험이 없는, 미숙한; 초목이 우거진
grim 엄격한, 단호한, 잔인한, 무서운, 섬뜩한, 무시무시한
gripe (사소한 일에) 불평하다
gripping 주의를 끄는, 흥미로운, 재미있는
gritty 용감한, 단호한
grouch 불평꾼, 짜증 잘내는 사람
groundless 근거없는
groveling 비굴한, 아첨하는; 기는
growl 으르렁 거리다
grudge 원한; 유감
grueling 몹시 힘든, 녹초로 만드는
gruesome 소름 끼치는, 오싹하는
gruff 퉁명스런, (목소리) 거친, 쉰
grumble 투덜거리다, 불평하다
guarded 조심하는, 신중한; 보호받는, 감시받는
guffaw laugh boisterously, laugh loudly
gull 속이다
gumption resourcefulness and determination, backbone, grit, guts, moxie, sand
gust (갑자기) 획 부는 바람, 돌풍
gustatory affecting the sense of taste
habituate accustom; to train; to accustome to a situation
hagiographic excessively flattering toward someone's life or work
hail enthusiastically acclaim or celebrate something, herald
hairbreadth 털끝만한 간격, 폭; 가까스로(의)
hale 튼튼한, 원기왕성한
halfhearted 열성이 없는, 내키지 않는
hallmark A mark indicating quality, purity, genuineness, etc.; any distinguishing characteristic
hallucination 환각
halting (말) 더듬거리는; 막히는
ham-handed 서투른, 실수하는
hamper prevent the progress or free movement of, cramp, halter, strangle
hamstring 무력화하다, 좌절시키다; 다리를 절게하다; 방해하다
hamstrung made ineffective or powerless
hand-wringing Grasping, squeezing, etc. of the hands as an expression of nervousness, guilt, etc.; extend debate over what to do about an issue
hangar storage facility for planes
hangdog 처량한, 부끄러워하는
hankering 갈망
haphazard marked by great carelessness; dependent upon or characterized by chance, slapdash, slipshod, sloppy, hit-or-miss
happenstance n. a chance happening or event
harbor 피난처를 제공하다, 숨겨주다
hard-boiled 현실적인, 실제적인; 무정한, 감상적이지 않은, 비정한
hardheaded 완고한, 고집센; 현실적인, 빈틈없는, 냉정한
hard-nosed 냉철한, 현실적인; 강경한
Hardy (adj) bold, brave, capable of enduring hardship, fatigue, cold, etc.
harebrained 경솔한, 무모한
harp to repeat tediously; to go on and on about something / cf. CARP: complaining excessively or finding unreasonable fault
harried troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances, annoyed, harassed, pestered, vexed
harrowing extremely distressing; terrifying
harry 괴롭히다, 못살게 굴다
hasten 서둘러 하다; 재촉하다 (앞당기다)
haughty having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy, disdainful, imperious, lordly, overbearing, prideful, sniffy, supercilious, swaggering
haunt 자주 가는 장소; (어떤 장소에) 귀신이 나타나다, (어떤 생각이) 계속 떠오르다
hauteur overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors, arrogance, haughtiness, high-handedness, lordliness
Haven (adj) harbor or port; refuge, safe place
havoc 대파괴, 황폐, 대혼란
headlong 무모하게, 성급하게
headstrong 고집센
Hearken (v) listen, pay attention to
hearten 용기, 기운을 북돋어주다, 격려하다
heart-rending 마음을 찢어지게 하는, 매우 슬픈
heated 화난, 격렬한; 열렬한
heavy-handed 서투른, 솜씨없는; 고압적인, 가혹한
heckle 괴롭히다; 방해하다, 야유를 퍼붓다
hector to bully or intimidate, ballyrag, boss around, browbeat, bully, bullyrag, push around, strong-arm
heirloom (집안의)가보
helter-skelter 허둥지둥, 허겁지겁 하는
herbivorous an animal that feeds mainly on plants
hererodox unorthodox, heretical, iconoclastic
heretic a person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion), misbeliever, religious outcast
heretical violating accepted dogma or convention, unorthodox
heretofore 이제까지, 여태까지
hermeneutic explanatory or interpretive
heroic 영웅적인, 용감한
heterodox not widely accepted
hew Strike, chop, or hack (as with an axe, sword. etc.); make or shape something (such as a statue) with a cutting tool
hiatus n a break or interruption often from work ;
hieroglyph 상형문자
hieroglyphics a system of writing in which pictorial symbols represent meanings or sounds; wirting or symbols that are difficult to decipher
hindrance an obstacle; an obstruction; an annoying interference or delay
hiss 쉿' 소리를 내다; 야유하다, (화난 어조로) 낮게 말하다[쉿 하고 말하다]
hitherto 지금까지, 여태까지
hoarse (목소리가) 거친, 쉰 소리가 나는
hoax 짓궂은 속임수; 속이다
hobble to hold back the progress of something, gimp, hitch, limp
hobnob (높은 신분과) 친하게 지내다, 사귀다
hoist 들어올리다
hollow 텅빈, 내용없는
homage Honor or respect demonstrated publicly
homeopathy a system of natural healing
homeostasis automatic maintenance by an organism in balance with itself
homiletics the art of preaching
homogenize to process a liquid so that its particles do not separate
homogenous same throughout
hortative (조언, 연설 등이) 격려하는; 충고의
hospitable 친절한, 대접을 잘 하는
hotly In an intense, fiery, or heated way
hound to pursue relentlessly, hunt, trace
hue 색깔, 색조
humdrum dull and lacking excitement, commonplace, prosaic, unglamorous, unglamourous,monotonous
humiliate 굴욕스럽게하다
hunch 예감, 직감, 느낌
husbandry n thrifty management of resources ; livestock farming
husky (소리가) 거친; 건장한
hybrid 잡종, 잡종의; 혼성체, 혼합물
hygiene 위생
hypnotic 최면에 걸리게 하는, 잠이오게하는
hypocrite one who makes false professions of his views
hypothetical a uncertain ; unproven
ideology n a system of social or political ideas
idiocy 우둔함
idiom a use of words peculiar to to a paricular language
idle 게으른, 나태한; (기계, 공장) 작동하지 않는, 사용되지 않는
idolatrious given to intense or excessive devotion to something
idolatrous 우상숭배적인; 맹신하는
idyll n. a carefree, lighthearted pastoral or romantic episode or experience, a literary or musical piece describing such
ifnominious shameful, dishonorable, ignoble, undignified, disgraceful
igneous produced by fire; volcanic
ignominious (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame, black, disgraceful, inglorious, opprobrious, shameful
ignominy n deep disgrace (বেইজ্জতি). suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison
illegible 읽을 수 없는, 해독불가한
illiteracy 무학, 문맹, 무교양
illuminate 조명하다, ~에 불을 비추다; (이해하기 쉽게) 밝히다, 명백히 설명해주다
illustrate (그림, 차트, 예를 이용해서) 설명하다
illustrious widely known and esteemed; having or conferring glory, celebrated, famed, famous, far-famed, notable, noted, renowned
imbibe to drink or absorb as if drinking, absorb, draw, soak up, sop up, suck, suck up, take in, take up
immaterial not relevant, extraneous, impertinent, orthogonal, incorporeal
immediate (시간, 장소, 관계) 가까운, 즉각적인
immemorial 옛날의, 태고적의
immerse 푹 담그다; 열중, 몰두시키다
immortalize 불멸로 만들다, 불후의 명성을 주다
immune 면역의; 면제된
immure to enclose, usually in walls, gaol, imprison, incarcerate, jail, jug, lag, put away, put behind bars, remand
impassionate 열정적인
impeach to accuse or indict; to challenge; call into question
impeachable 탄핵/비난 받을 만한
impediment 장애물
impel 강요하다, 강제하다
impending close in time; about to occur, at hand, close at hand, imminent, impendent
impenetrable 통과할 수 없는, 스며들 수 없는; 이해할 수 없는
imperceptible 지각/감지할 수 없는, 미세한, 경미한
Imperial` a like an emperor or an empire
imperil transitive verb. to put at risk; endanger; synonyms
impertinent being disrespectful; improperly forward or bold, fresh, impudent, overbold, sassy, saucy, smart, wise
impinge to strike; encroach
implant 심다, 이식하다, 박다, 주입하다
implement v to carry out
implicate convey a meaning; imply, entail
Implication (n) act of implying or that which is implied; close connection, esp. in an incriminating way
imponderable impossible to estimate or figure out
importunate persistent in asking
importune v. to ask incessantly, beg, nag
importuned beg persistently and urgently
impose 부과하다, 지우다; 강제하다
impostor (다른 사람 행세를 하는) 사기꾼
impotent a powerless ; helpless ; unable to perform sexual intercourse (যৌনসঙ্গমে শক্তিহীন)
impoverish to make indigent or poor; to make destitute
impregnable immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with, inviolable, secure, strong, unassailable, unattackable
impresario a person who manages public entertainments (especially operas, but other events as well.)
impressionable (비판력 부족으로) 영향을 잘 받는; 감수성이 예민한
improvident not given careful consideration, ill-considered, ill-judged, shortsighted
imprudent not wise
impudence the characteristic of being impudent
inadequate 불충분한, 부적당한
inadvertenly carelessly; unintentionally
inadvisable 현명하지 못한
inanimate 살아있지 않은; 생명이 없는
inanity total lack of meaning or ideas, mindlessness, pointlessness, senselessness, vacuity
inarticulate without or deprived of the use of speech or words, unarticulate
Inasmuch (adv) in like manner, considering that (contradiction of "in as much," generally followed by "as")
inattentive 주의를 기울이지 않는, 신경을 쓰지 않는
incandescent a brilliant ; giving off heat or light (ভাস্কর)
incapacitate disable
incarcerate 투옥시키다, 감금시키다
Incendiary (adj) setting on fire, pertaining to arson; arousing strife, rebellion, etc.; "inflaming" the senses
Incentive (n) something that encourages greater action or effort, such as a reward
inception 시작, 설립
inch 천천히 움직이다
incidental 부수적인; 우연적인
incinerate 소각하다
incise 자르다, 절개하다
incite 자극하다, 선동하다
inclement (of weather) unpleasant, stormy
inclination tendency; preference; liking
incognito 익명의, 무명의
incoherent (말, 글) 조리가 없는
inconclusive 결정적이지 않은
incongruity state of not fitting
inconsequencial insgnificant; unimportant
Inconsequential (adj) insignificant, unimportant; illogical
inconsistent 일치하지 않는; 일관성없는; 모순적인
inconsonant 조화/일치되지 않는
inconstancy Fickleness, unreliability; the state of changing without good reason
incontrovertible necessarily or demonstrably true; impossible to deny or disprove, demonstrable,irrefutable, positive
incriminate 죄를 씌우다, 고소하다; ~이 유죄인 것처럼 보이게 하다
inculpate 혐의를 씌우다, 죄를 씌우다
incumbent necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility
indefeasible 무효화할 수 없는, 파기할 수 없는
indefinite 막연한, 애매한, 불명확한
indelible 지울 수 없는; 잊을 수 없는
indemnify to guard or secure against anticipated loss
indenture ~의 고용을 계약서로써 정하다; 기한부 도제로 받아들이다
indict to formally charge or accuse of wrong-doing
indifference the trait of seeming not to care, apathy, numbness, spiritlessness, emotionlessness, impassiveness, impassivity, phlegm, stolidity, unemotionality
indigent poor; having very little, destitute, impoverished, necessitous, needy, poverty-stricken
indignation 분노, 분개
indiscriminate random, haphazard
indispensable 필수불가결의
indistinguishable 구별안되는
induce to persuade; to influence; to cause / INDUCEMENT
indulge 탐닉하다; 관대히 하다, ~가 제멋대로 하게 하다
industrious characterized by hard work and perseverance, hardworking, tireless, untiring
inedible 먹을 수 없는, 못 먹는
ineffable too sacred to be uttered; defying expression or description, unnameable, unspeakable, unutterable,indefinable, indescribable, unspeakable, untellable
ineptitude unskillfullness resulting from a lack of training
inequity injustice by virtue of not conforming with rules or standards, unfairness
ineradicable incapable of being removed or destroyed or eradicated
inestimable 측량할 수 없는, 무수한
inevitable 피할 수 없는, 불가피한
inexhaustible 소모, 고갈되지 않는
inexplicable 설명될 수 없는, 난해한
infallible Incapable of error; certain
infamous a shamefully wicked ; having an extremely bad reputation ; disgraceful
infer v to conclude ; to deduce
infiltrate 잠입하다
infirm 허약한; (마음) 불확실한
inflame 불타게하다, 격앙(격분)시키다; (상황을) 악화시키다 (겉잡을 수 없게 만들다)
inflammable extremely controversial, incendiary
inflate 부풀리다; (사실과 다르게) 부풀리다, 과장하다
influx inflow
Inform (v) inspire, animate; give substance, essence, or context to; be the characteristic quality of
infrangible 파괴할 수 없는; (정신력이) 강한; 위반해서는 안되는, 불가침의
infringe to violate; to encroach or trespass
infuriate 몹시 화나게 하다, 분노케하다
ingenous naive and trusting; lacking sophistication
ingenuity the power of creative imagination, cleverness, ingeniousness, inventiveness
Ingrained (adj) deep-rooted, forming part of the very essence; worked into the fiber
inhere to be inherent or innate to something
inhibit 억제(저해)하다; (불안하거나 당황해서) (...하지) 못하게 하다
injudicious showing lack of judgement, unwise, imprudent, indiscreet
injunction n a command or order especially a court order
inkling a slight suggestion or vague understanding, glimmer, glimmering, intimation
innervate v. to supply with nerves, energize
inopportune (시기) 부적절한
inquisition ruthless questioning; an official investigation characterized by cruelty
insentient 무감각한, 비정한, 생명 없는
insight 직관력, 통찰력
insolvent unable to pay one's bills; bankrupt
insouciance lack of concern, carefreeness, lightheartedness, lightsomeness
instable 불안정한
instigate v to provoke ; to stir up;exhort;egg (উসকান)
instill (점차적으로) 주입하다
insubstantial 실질적이지 않은, 대단치 않은, 미약한; 실체가 없는, 공허한
insufferable intolerable, difficult to endure, impossible, unacceptable, unsufferable
insularity narrow-mindedness; isolation
insulate to set off in a detached position
insurgent n a rebel ; someone who revolts against a government (বিদ্রোহী)
intact 온전한, 손대지 않은, 전혀 손상되지 않은
intangible not material
integrate unite
integrity 정직, 청렴; (나뉘지 않고) 완전한 상태, 온전함, 보전
Intelligible (adj) able to understood, clear
intemperate 무절제한, 방탕한; 과음(폭음)하는
intensify 심화시키다; 강화시키다
intercede 탄원하다[선처를 호소하다/중재에 나서다]
interdiction a prohibition against something
interdisciplinary 학제적인 (여러 학문 분야가 관련된)
interfere 간섭 (개입/참견)하다
interim 중간의, 임시의
interloper intruder; trespasser; unwanted person
interlude an intervening episode; an intermission; a pause
intermittent stopping and starting at irregular intervals
interplay Interaction, reciprocal relationship or influence
interpolate to insert; change by adding new words or material
interpose (두 사람, 물건 사이에) 두다[넣다]; (대화 중에 질문, 발언을) 덧붙이다, 끼어들다
interrogate 심문하다
intersperse to distribute among, mix with; to place at intervals
intertwine 얽히게 하다
intimidate 위협하다
intransigence stubbornness; refusal to compromise
intrigue plot, mystery; a secret scheme; a crafty plot
intriguing 호기심을 자아내는, 재미를 자아내는; 매력적인
introspection 내성, 자기성찰
introverted 내성적인, 내향적인
intrusive 거슬리는; 간섭, 참견하는
invalidate 틀렸음을 입증하다; 무효로 하다
inventory 재고목록, 품목 일람, 재고조사
invert 거꾸로 하다
invigorate 기운나게하다, 격려하다
invincible 이길 수 없는, 무적의
inviolable never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored, impregnable, secure, strong, unassailable, unattackable
inviolate must be kept sacred, inviolable, sacrosanct
involved complicated, and difficult to comprehend, byzantine, convoluted, knotty, tangled, tortuous
invulnerable 상처입힐 수 없는, 해칠 수 없는, 안전한
irate angry; extremely angry
irenic 평화[협조]적인
iridescnet displaying glowing, changing colors / IRIDESCENCE
irk irritate or vex, gall
ironic a meaning the opposite of what you seem to say ; using words to mean something other than what they seem to mean
irreconcilable (차이가 너무 커서) 해소할 수 없는, 화해될 수 없는; (사상, 의견이) 양립할 수 없는
irrefutable impossible to deny or disprove, incontrovertible, positive
irregular 고르지(가지런하지) 못한; (시간적 간격이) 불규칙적인; 변칙적인, 비정상적인
irreproachable 비난의 여지가 없는, 흠잡을 데 없는
irresolution 주저함, 마음의 불확실
irreverent 불손한, 불경스런
irritation 화, 짜증; 염증, 아픔
issue 나오다, 흘러나오다; 방출하다, 지급하다; 발표하다
itinerate v. to travel from place to place
jaded 지친, 지긋지긋한, 싫증난
jaundice to be biased against due to envy or prejudice
jaundiced havind a yellowish discoloration of the skin; affected by envy
jaunt a short pleasure trip
jeer 야유, 조롱하다
jingoist a person who thinks that their country should be at war, chauvinist, flag-waver, hundred-percenter, jingo, patrioteer
jittery 신경질적인, 초조해하는
jocund high-spirited
jovial full of or showing high-spirited merriment, i.e. happiness, gay, jocund, jolly, merry, mirthful
jubilant full of high-spirited delight because of triumph or success, exultant, exulting, prideful, rejoicing, triumphal, triumphant,elated, gleeful, joyful
jubilation exultation
juxtaposition 병렬, 병치
knack 요령, 비결, 재주
knotty 매듭으로 가득한; 복잡한, 풀기 어려운
kowtow to bow or act in a subservient manner, bootlick, fawn, kotow, suck up, toady, truckle
label a name or phrase given to a group of things to identify them (often negative)
laborious characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort, arduous, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, operose, punishing, toilsome
labyrinth n a maze ; something like a maze maze (গোলকধাঁধা)
lacerate deeply hurt the feelings of; distress
Lackluster (adj) not shiny; dull, mediocre, lacking brilliance or vitality
lag 꾸물거리다, 처지다
laic 속인의; 속인, 평신도
laity 평신도, 문외한, 아마추어
lambast criticize severely or angrily, bawl out, berate, call down, call on the carpet, chew out, chew up, chide, dress down, have words, jaw, lambaste, lecture, rag, rebuke, remonstrate, reprimand, reproof, scold, take to task, trounce
lambaste to trash verbally or physically
Landmark (n, adj) object (such as a building) that stands out and can be used to navigate by; very important place, event, etc.
landslide (산)사태; 압도적 승리
languish become feeble, fade
languor 쇠약; 무기력, 권태; 무관심
lapidary relating to precious stones or the art of cutting them
lapse (일시적인) 쇠퇴, 잘못, 과실
largess or largesse Generosity, the giving of money or gifts (esp. with the implication that the giver is a bit superior to the recipient)
largesse generous giving (as of money) to others who may seem inferior; generosity
larval 애벌레의; 미숙한
lax Not strict; careless, loose, slack
laxity carelessness / LAX: negligent; lazy; irresponsible; careless; not diligent; relaxed; not strick or firm; loose or slack
layman nonprofessional; a person who is not a member of the clergy / LAITY: layman collectively
Layperson (n) a person who is not a member of the clergy or not a member of a particular profession (such as medicine, law, etc.)
leaden 납빛의, 탁한 회색의; 무거운; 활기없는
leaning 기호, 편애
learned 유식한
leaven to raise dough
legacy n something handed down from the past ; a bequest, a gift made by a will (উত্তরাধিকার)
legendary 전설적인, 매우 유명한
legible 읽을 수/이해할 수 있는
lenient (처벌, 규칙 적용이) 관대한
lettered 박식한, 교육받은; 글자를 넣은
levee en embankment that prevents a river from overflowing
leviathan 거대한 바다괴물; 거대한 것
Levy (v, n) collect tax from, wage war on, or enlist for military service (verb); act of collecting tax or amount owed, or the drafting of troops into military service (noun)
liaison connection; association; alliance; secret love affair
liberality 후함; 관대함
liberalize (법률, 정치, 종교적 시스템을) 완화하다; 관대하게 하다
liberate 해방시키다; 자유롭게(벗어나게) 해주다
libido sexual desire
license 허락, 인가하다
lighthearted 걱정이 없는, 쾌활한, 명랑한
ligneous woodlike
liken 비유하다, 비견하다
Likewise (adv) also, in addition to; similarly, in the same way
lilliputian extremely small
limp 절뚝거리다; 기운없는, 축 처진(늘어진); 흐물흐물한, 흐느적거리는
linger (아쉬운 듯이) 남아있다, (떠나지 않고) 꾸물거리다; 서성대다
linguistic pertaining to language
list v. to tilt or lean to one side
literati scholarly of learned persons
lithe 유연한, 우아한
litigant person involved in a lawsuit
litigate v to try in court ; to engage in legal proceedings
litigation legal proceedings
loaf 빈둥거리다
loath unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom (usually followed by 'to'), loth, reluctant, antipathetic, antipathetical, averse, indisposed
loathe 혐오하다
loathsome 혐오스러운
locus (특정) 위치, 장소
lofty 높은, 높이 솟은; 숭고한; 오만한, 거만한
loll to hang out lazily
longevity 장수, 오래 지속됨
lope to run at a steady, easy pace
lopsided 한쪽으로 기울어진; 불균형의
lout goon; boor; oaf; clod / LOUTISH
lubricate 기름칠하다, 매끄럽게 하다, 원활하게 하다
lucrative 수지 맞는, 돈벌이가 되는
lucre money or profits
lukewarm (물) 미지근한; 열의없는
Lull (n, v) soothe or cause to fall asleep (as in a lullaby); quiet down; make to feel secure, sometimes falsely (verb); a period of calm or quiet (noun)
luminary 선각자, 권위자, 유명인
lurch (갑자기) 휘청하다(휘청거리다)
lurid Gruesome or excessively vivid; sensational, shocking, unrestrained
lurk 잠복하다, 숨어서 기다리다
luster 광택
lustrous shining
luxuriant 무성한, 비옥한, 풍성한
luxurious 사치스런; 호사스런
lyrical suitable for poetry and song, expressing feeling
macabre suggesting the horror of death and decay; gruesome, ghastly, grim, grisly ,sick
mace a medieval war club
macerate to soften by soaking; 물에 불리다
machiavellian crafty; double-dealing
machinate engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together, cabal, complot, conjure, conspire
machination or machinations Crafty schemes or plots
machinations plots or schemes
maculate 반점이 있는, 더러워진; 반점을 찍다, 더럽히다
madcap 무모한, 무분별한, 황급한, 미친
magisterial offensively self-assured or given to exercising unwarranted power, autocratic, bossy, dominating, high-and-mighty, peremptory
magnaminity generosity; nobility
magniloquent 호언 장담하는, 과장된
maintain to assert, defend
majestic 장엄한, 위풍당당한
Makeshift (n, adj) a temporary, often improvised, substitute (noun); improvised for temporary use (adj)
malady a disease or sickness, illness, sickness, unwellness
malapropism the confusion of a word with another word that sounds similar, malaprop
malefactor evildoer, culprit; a person who does a bad things <-> benefactor
malicious 악의[적의]있는, 심술궂은
malign to speak evil of
malingerer someone shirking their duty by pretending to be sick or incapacitated, shammer, skulker
malodorous having an unpleasant smell, ill-smelling, malodourous, stinky, unpleasant-smelling
mania madness
maniac 광적으로 열중하는 사람
manifesto n a public declaration of beliefs or principles usually political ones
manipulate 조종하다; 교묘하게 다루다, 조작하다
manumit 해방하다
marbled 대리석 무늬의
marshal v to arrange in order ; to gather together for the purpose of doing something ;
mask 숨기다, 가리다
massacre 대학살
masterful 명인 솜씨의, 대가의, 훌륭한
masticate 씹다
matchless 적수가 없는, 대단한
matriculation 입학, 입학허가
matter-of-fact 현실적인, 실질적인; 사무적인
maven 전문가
mawkish overly sentimental to the point that it is disgusting, bathetic, drippy, hokey, kitschy, maudlin, mushy, schmaltzy, schmalzy, sentimental, slushy, soppy, soupy
mean 못된, 심술궃은; 인색한
meander to wander aimlessly, thread, wander, weave, wind
measly (양) 아주 조금인, 쥐꼬리만한
measured 정확히 측정한; 균형잡힌, 신중한
mecurial characterized by rapid and unpredictable change in mood
meddle 참견하다
meddlesome inclined to interfere
mediocre 보통밖에 안되는, 썩 좋지는 않은
meek 온순한, 유순한
meet 적절한
megalomania delusions of power or importance
meld 혼합하다
melee a wild, confusing fight or struggle, battle royal, scrimmage
melodious 듣기 좋은
menace 위협하는 것(사람); 위협하다
menagerie a variety of animals kept together
mend 고치다, 수선하다; (문제, 불화 등을) 해결하다
menegerie zoo; a collection of animals
menial 하인의, 비천한
merge 융합, 합병하다
merit (칭찬 · 관심 등을) 받을 만하다, 자격이 있다, 가치가 있다
metamorphose 변형하다
metaphor figure of speech comparing two different things
metaphoric(al) 은유의, 은유적인
metaphysical Concerned with abstract thought, related to metaphysics (branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the nature of being and of the world); very subtle or abstruse
metaphysics a branch of philosophy tha tinvestigates the ultimate nature of reality
meteoric like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience
metereological concerned with the weather
methodical 질서정연한, 체계적인, 꼼꼼한
mettle courage; endurance
milestone 이정표; 기념비적인(획기적인) 사건, 일
milk v. to exploit, to squeeze every last ounce of
millennium a period of 1000 years; a thousandth anniversary
mince v. pronounce or speak affectedly or too carefully, euphemized, take tiny steps, tiptoe
mindful 인식하는, 알고 있는, ~에 유념하는
mint 대량, 다량; 화폐주조소, 조폐국; 주조하다
minute 매우 작은; 하찮은; 상세한, 세세한
minutia petty details
minutia(e) 작고 사소한 세부사항
mired Stuck, entangled (in something, like a swamp or muddy area), soiled
misanthrope or misanthropist Hater of humankind
misapprehension misunderstanding
misattribute To erroneously attribute; to falsely ascribe; used especially of authorship.
miscellaneous 갖가지 잡다한; 잡동사니의
miscellany mixture of writtings on various subjects
misconstrue interpret in the wrong way, be amiss, misapprehend, misconceive, misinterpret, misunderstand
misdemean 나쁜 행동을 하다
miser a person who doesn't like to spend money (because they are greedy)
mishap 불행한 일
mislead 속이다, 오도하다
misnomer 오칭, 부적절한 명칭
mnemonic realated to memory; assisting memory
mode prevailing style; method of doing; type; manner; fashion
moderate 완화시키다, 누그러뜨리다
Modest (adj) humble; simple rather than showy; decent (esp. "covering up" in terms of dress); small, limited
modish Stylish, contemporary
modulation toning down, changing from one key to another / MODULATE: to reduce or regulate; to lessen the intensity of
mold 만들다, 주조하다
mollycoddle to pamper; to spoil someone with kind treatment
moment significant and important value, consequence, import
momentous 매우 중요한
monopolize 독점하다
moot open to argument or debate; undecidable in a meaningless or irrelevant way, arguable, debatable, disputable
moralistic 지나치게 도덕적인, 도덕주의자처럼 구는
morbid 병의, 병적인
mordant biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style, caustic, corrosive, erosive, vitriolic,black, grim
Moreover (adv) besides; in addition to what was just stated
moribund being on the point of death; declining rapidly losing all momentum in progress, stagnant
morph To undergo dramatic change in a seamless and barely noticeable fashion.
motif a recurring theme or idea
motility spontaneous movement
mottle 점, 얼룩을 묻히다
muddle 뒤죽박죽을 만들다; 혼란스럽게 하다
muffle 소리를 죽이다 (약하게 하다); (따뜻하게 하기 위해) 감싸다(덮다)
mulct to defraud or swindle, bunco, con, defraud, diddle, gip, goldbrick, gyp, hornswoggle, nobble, rook, scam, short-change, swindle, victimize
mulish 고집스런
multifaceted having many aspects
municipal pertaining to a city (or town) and its government
murky 어둑어둑한, 안개가 자욱한, 모호한, 애매한
muse to ponder; to meditate
muster to gather one's forces; to assemble for battle or inspection; to summon up / TO PASS MUSTER: to be found to be acceptable
mutability 변화성
mutate 변화하다, 변화시키다
mute 무언의, 침묵하는; 약화, 완화하다
muted softened, subdued, hushed, quiet, subdued
mutiny 반항, 반란, 폭동
mystic otherworldly; mysterious; enigmatic
necessitate 필요하게 하다
necromancy black magic
negligent 태만한; 적절한 주의를 기울이지 못하는
negligible so small as to be meaningless; insignificant, paltry, trifling
nervy 건방진, 뻔뻔스런
nescient not knowing, or ignorant
nest to fit snugly together; to make a home
Net (adj, v) remaining after expenses or other factors have been deducted; ultimate (adj); to bring in as profit or to catch as in a net (verb)
Nevertheless/Nonetheless (adv) however, even so, despite that
newfangled new; untested
nibble 조금씩 물어뜯다, 잠식하다
nimble 빠른, 날렵한; 민첩한,영리한
nirvana a blissful, painless, worry-free state
nitpick 트집잡다
nocturnal 밤의, 야행성의
nomad 유목민, 방랑자
nomadic wondering from place to place; without a permanent home
nomenclature a set or system of names; a designation; a terminology
nonchalant coming across as uninterested or unconcerned; overly casual, casual, insouciant
noncommittal 분명한 의견을 표명하지 않은, 애매한, 확실하지 않은
nonconformity (표준, 전통, 규칙, 법률 등) 따르지 않음, 불순응, 불일치
nondescript 뚜렷한 특징이 없는, 평범한
nonentity 별 볼일 없는(보잘것 없는) 사람
nonplus 어찌할 줄 모르게 하다, 당황(혼란)스럽게 하다
nontrivial Important or big enough to matter
notch (V자형 모양) 새김눈; 급, 단계
Notoriety (n) ill fame; the state of being well-known for a disgraceful reason
novice 초보자
nugatory trifling; invalid
numberless 셀 수 없이 많은
nurture 양육하다, 돌보다
oafish 우둔한, 바보의
obeisant 정중한
obese 비만의
obfuscation something that causes confusion
Objective (adj) factual, related to reality or physical objects; not influenced by emotions, unbiased
obliging showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others, complaisant
oblivious 알아채지 못한, 염두에 없는, 망각한
obloquy 악평, 비난, 오명, 불명예
obscenity 저속한 행동,말
obsequy funeral ceremony
observant 지각력이 예민한, 기민한
obsolescence 쇠퇴함, 퇴행
Obsolete (adj) out of date, no longer in use
obstructionist (입법행위) 의사방해자
offbeat 색다른
offend 불쾌하게 하다
Offhand (adj) casual, informal; done without preparation or forethought; rude in a short way, brusque
Offset (v, n) counteract, compensate for (verb); a counterbalance (noun)
ogle flirt; to stare at, especially in a disrespecful or suggestive way
ominous threatening; menacing; portending doom
omnipresent unverisally present, ubiquitous
omnivorous animal eats all kinds of food, including meat and plants
onomatopeia formation or use of words that imitate sounds of the actions they refer to
onset (특히 불쾌한 일의) 시작
opportune (시기, 시간) 적절한
opportunistic 기회주의적인
opprobium public disgrace; contempt
opprobrious damning; extremely critical; disgraceful (K38)
Optimal/Optimum (adj) best, most desirable or favorable
opulence wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living, luxuriousness, luxury, sumptuousness
oracle 계시, (신탁) 예언자
orator 웅변가, 대중연설가
ordinance law; regulation; decree / vs. ORDNANCE: military weapons or artillery
orient (~을) 지향하게 하다; (특정 목적에) 맞추다; (새로운 상황에) 적응하다(익숙해지다)
ornate marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details, flowery
ornithologist scientist who studies birds
oscillation n. the act or state of swinging back and forth with a steady, uninterrupted rhythm
osmosis gradual or subtle absorption 삼투성, (조금씩) 흡수함
ossified changed into bone, made rigidly conventional and unreceptive to change
ostensible or ostensive Professed, evident, or pretended; outwardly appearing in a certain way
ostentation excessive showiness
ostracize exclude from a community or group, ban, banish, blackball, cast out, ostracise, shun
ouster an instance of ousting
outcome 결과
outdated 구식의
outgrowth a result; a part growing out of something else; a consequence
outlandish 별난, 기이한, 희한한; 이국적인
outlaw 범법자, 무법자; 금하다
outmoded 구식의
outspoken 거침없이 말하는; 솔직한
Outstrip (v) surpass, exceed; be larger or better than; leave behind
overbearing 고압적인,거만한; 압도적인
overhaul 정밀 점검하다; 전면 개보수하다; (경주에서 남을) 앞지르다
overpower 제압하다; 압도하다, 사로잡다
overriding 가장 중요한, 최우선의
overrule (결정 등) 뒤엎다, 파기하다
Overshadow (v) cast a shadow over, darken; dominate, make to seem less important
overt 공공연한, 명백한, 숨김없는
overture advance, proposal, musical introduction; opening move; preliminary offer
overwhelming 압도적인
oxymoron a figure of speech in which two contradictory words or phrases are used together
palatable acceptable to the taste or mind, toothsome
palaver speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly, blab, blabber, chatter, clack, gabble, gibber, maunder, piffle, prate, prattle, tattle, tittle-tattle, twaddle
paleonthology study of past geological eras through fossil remains
palimpsest something that has been changed numerous times but on which traces of former iterations can still be seen
palindrome a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward
palliative (병 · 아픔을) 완화하는; (병 · 아픔의) 완화제
palpitate (심장) 빠르게 뛰다
palter 둘러대다, 얼버무리다, 속이다
pandemonium 대혼란
parable religious allegory; fable; morality tale; 우화, 비유(담), 비유하여 얘기하다
paradoxical seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true, self-contradictory
parallel 평행한; 유사한 것
paralyze 마비시키다
paramount 가장 중요한; 최고의
paranoia ...
paranormal supernatural
parasite 기생 식물(동물)
parity 동등, 동격, 동량
parlance (특정 집단 등의) 말투(어법/용어)
parquet (parquetry) a type of floor using pattern of inlaid wooden pieces
parsimony 인색함
Partial (adj) biased, prejudiced, favoring one over the others; having a special liking for something or someone (usually partial to)
partition division; dividing wall
parvenu a person who has suddenly become wealthy, but not socially accepted as part of a higher class, arriviste, nouveau-riche, upstart
pathos that which makes people feel pity or sorrow, 비감, 애수, 비애감 vs. BATHOS: trite, insincere, sentimental pathos 꾸민 (지나친) 감상
patina surface discoloration caused by age and oxidation; 녹청, (골동품 등의) 고색창연한 빛
patois jargon; a regional dialect
patrimony an inheritance, especially from a father; a legacy
patronage 후원
Patronizing (adj) condescending, having a superior manner, treating as an inferior
pauper 빈곤자, 빈민
peculate embezzle, steal / IMPECUNIOUS
peculiar unusual; bizarre; individual; belonging to a particular region
pecuniary relating to or involving money, monetary
pedagogue 선생님; 교육자; 남을 가르치기 좋아하는 사람
pedagogy n. the art or profession or training, teaching, or instructing
peddle Travel around while selling; sell illegally; give out or disseminate
peerless 적수가 없는, 최고의
peeve 화나게 하다
peevish easily irritated or annoyed, cranky, fractious, irritable, nettlesome, peckish, pettish, petulant, scratchy, techy, testy, tetchy
pell-mell 뒤죽박죽, 황급한
penetrate 관통하다, 꿰뚫다; (사실, 진리) 간파하다, 통찰하다, 이해하다
penitential expression of regret for one's wrongdoing
penumbra Outer part of a shadow from an eclipse; any surrounding region, fringe, periphery; any area where something "sort of" exists
pep 활기, 원기, 활력
per se Intrinsically; by itself; in itself
perceive to be aware of, to sense or feel, comprehend
perceptive 통찰력(직관력)있는; 지각의
percipient highly perceptive, clear
perforate 구멍 뚫다
perimeter 주변, 주위; 한계, 한도
Peripheral (adj) relating to or making up an outer boundary or region; not of primary importance
permeable penetrable
permute 변경하다, 순서를 바꾸다
peroration conclusion of an oration / PERORATE: to speakm formally
perpetual 영원한
perpetuate cause to continue
perplex 혼란, 당혹스럽게 하다
persecute (특히 인종, 종교, 정치적 이유로) 박해하다; 귀찮게(못살게)굴다
persevere 인내하다, 견디다
persistent 끈질긴, 집요한; 지속하는
personify ~을 전형적으로 보여주다; 의인화하다
perspective 관점, 시각
perspicuous 명확한, 명료한
pertain (특정한 상황, 때에) 적용되다; 관계있다
pertinacious 끈질긴, 끈덕진, 완고한, 고집센
perverse unreasonable; contrary; stubborn
pester 괴롭히다, 끈덕지게 조르다
petrify v. to make hard or rocklike, to paralyze with fear
petrous like a rock, hard, stony
petty 사소한, 하찮은; 옹졸한, 째째한
phantasm apparition; ghost; phantom
phantasmagorical illusive; unreal, phantasmagoric, surreal, surrealistic
phantom 유령, 혼령; 환영, 환상
phenomenal 경이로운, 대단한; 경험으로 알 수 있는, 현상의
philanthropic humanitarian, benevolent
phoenix anything that is restored after suffering great destruction
Phony (adj) fake, counterfeit; insincere, not genuine
physiognomy facial features
picaresque involving clever rogues or adventurers
picayune trifling or petty (a person), fiddling, footling, lilliputian, little, niggling, petty, piddling, piffling, trivial
picturesque picture-like, charming, quaint
pied multicolored, usually in blotches
piety devoutness
pilfer 훔치다
pinion 손발을 묶다, 구속/속박하다
pinnacle the highest point, acme, elevation, height, meridian, peak, summit, superlative, tiptop, top
pirate v. to use or reproduce illegally
pitfall 함정, 숨겨진 위험
pittance a small amount (of money)
plagiarism 표절
plague 괴롭히다
plangent pounding, thundering, resounding
plasticity pliability; condition of being able to be shaped or formed
platitudinous 진부한
plaudit 박수, 갈채, 찬양
Plausible (n) believable; having the appearance of truth
plead 간청하다, (법원에서) 탄원하다
plebian Of the common people
plenitude 풍성함
pliant 모양이 잘 휘는; 고분고분한
plight sad situation; a dangerous, distressing, or unpleasant situation; 곤경, 궁지, 어려운 상태
plodding (of movement) slow and laborious, leaden
plot 음모; (극, 이야기) 구성, 플롯
ploy a clever plan to turn a situation to one's advantage, gambit,stratagem
pluralistic including a variety of groups
poised 차분한, 침착한
polarity 양극성
Polarized (adj) divided into sharply opposed groups
polemics the art or practice of controversy and argumentation
Pollyannaish extremely optimistic, cheerful, upbeat
pompous (태도, 말) 오만한, 거만한, 과장된
ponder 심사숙고하다
pontificate talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner
pool (자금, 정보 등을) 공동 출자하다; ~을 공동 이권으로 하다
portend ~의 전조가 되다, ~을 예고하다
poseur poerson who affects an attitude to impress others
posterior <-> ANTERIOR
posterity future generations; descendants; heirs
Posthumous (adj) happening or continuing after death
posture to act or speak artificially or affectedly; (~인)체하다
potable 마시기에 적당한
powwow an informal meeting or discussion
precatious uncertain, risky, dangerous
precede 선행하다, 우선하다
precedent an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time, case in point
precipice 절벽, 낭떨어지, 위기, 궁지, 위험한 상태
precipitation 서두르기, 허둥대기; 강수, 강우; 침전
precis short summary of facts
précis Concise summary, abstract
precocious characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude)
preconception 편견
predetermined 미리 결정된
predicament a dangerous or unpleasant situation; a dilemma
Predisposed (adj) having an inclination or tendency beforehand; susceptible
predisposition tendency, inclination
predominate 지배적이다, 우세하다; 통제권이나 권력을 가지다/행사하다
Pre-empt (v) prevent; take the place of, supplant; take before someone else can
preemption prior appropriation of or claim to something
pregnant highly significant; overflowing
prehensile capable of grasping
prelude introduction; something that precedes something else
premeditate planned beforehand; prarranged; plotted
premeditated 미리 계획된
premise n an assumption ; the basis for a conclusion
premonition forewarning; presentiment
premonitory serving to warn beforehand
preoccupied 몰두한, (다른 일에) 마음을 빼앗긴
preponderance superiority in weight, number, size, extent, influence, etc.; majority; predominance
preponderant 우세한, 압도적인, 능가하는
prepossess v to preoccupy ; to influence beforehand or prejudice ; to make a good impression on beforehand
prepossessing 매력있는
preposterous 비상식적인, 터무니없는
prerequisite 전제 조건; 사전에 필요한
prerogative privilege, unquestionable right
prescribe 규정하다, 명령하다; 처방하다
presentiment a feeling of evil to come, boding, foreboding, premonition
preservative 방부제
prestigious 훌륭한, 일류의
presumably probably; the assumption is that; doubtless
presume 추정하다
presumption an assumption that is taken for granted, given, precondition
Presumptive (adj) based on inference or assumption; providing reasonable grounds for belief
presuppose assume; to assume beforehand; to take for granted in advance; to require as a prior condition
Pretentious (adj) claiming or demanding a position of importance or dignity, esp. when unjustified; showing off creating deceptive, false show of worth
prevail be widespread in a particular area at a particular time; be current
prevailing 우세한, 지배적인, 유행하는
prevalent 일반적인, 널리 퍼져있는
primal first, beginning; original; of the greatest importance
prime 가장 중요한, 가장 우선적인; 최초의, 근간이 되는; 가장 뛰어난, 탁월한
primeval 원시시대의; 본능적인
primordial original; existing from the beginning
Principled (adj) having high moral standards
privation lack of comforts or necessities; poverty / DEPRIVATION
privilege 특권
prize v. to pry, press or force with a lever
proclaim announce; declare; make known / PROCLAMATION
procrastinate 미루다, 지연하다, 늑장부리다
prodigy n an extremely talented child; an extraordinary accomplishment or occurrence; wonder /
profane a not having to do with religion; irreverent; blasphemous
profess v to declare; to declare falsely or pretend cf professed professional a n; Claim openly but often falsely that one has (a quality or feeling): "he had professed his love for her".
proficient a thoroughly competent; skillful; very good at something at in n expert
progeny offspring; descendants / PROGENITOR
prognostication a statement made about the future, forecasting, foretelling, prediction
proletariat n the industrial working class
proliferation the act of increasing quickly
prolixity boring verbosity, long-windedness, prolixness, windiness, wordiness
Prologue (n) introductory part to a book, play, etc.
prominent 돌출한; (사물) 눈에 띄는 두드러진; (사람) 중요한, 유명한
prone lying face down
Pronounced (adj) distinct, strong, clearly indicated
proofread 교정하다
propagate Reproduce, spread, increase
proper (윤리, 규율, 규정, 법규에) 적합한, 적절한, 예의바른; ~에게 고유한
property 재산, 소유물; (사물의) 속성, 특성
prophetic Relating to prophesy, predicting, ominous
proponent a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea, advocate, advocator, exponent
prose ordinary language used in everyday speech
prosecution 기소
proselytize convert to another religion, philosophy, or perspective, proselytise
prospect 채굴하다
Prospective (adj) potential, in the future
prostrate 엎드린, 굴복한, 기진맥진한
protagonist n the leading character in a novel play or other work; a leader or champion
protean readily taking on different roles; versatile
protege a person under the care of someone interested in his welfare or career 후배(제자)
protocol diplomatic etiquette and customs
protract v to prolong prolong
protuberance 돌출, 돌기, 융기
provision 조항; 보급품, (복수) 식량
provisional under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon, probationary, provisionary, tentative
provocation incitement to act or respond
provocative titillating; exciting; attracting attention
provoke (감정, 반응) 유발시키다; 화나게하다; 자극하다
prowess strength, expertise, bravery, skill; exceptional skill or strength; uncommon bravery
prowl (먹잇감, 훔칠 것 등을 찾아서) 은밀하게 돌아다니다, 배회하다
proximate (관계, 원인, 장소, 시간) 가장 가까운; 근사값의
proximity n nearness
proxy Agent, substitute, person authorized to act on behalf of another
prude a person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to propriety or decorum; especially a woman who shows or affects extreme modesty / PRUDISH
prudence wisdom, caution, or restraint
prudish (성적인 것에 대하여) 고상한 체하는, 얌전떠는
prurient having lustful thoughts or deisres; causing lust
pry 사적인 문제를 지나치게 캐묻다; 엿보다, 엿듣다
psyche soul, mind
pucker to gather into wrinkles
puckish 짓궂은, 장난기 있는
puissance Power, might
pulverize 분쇄하다
pummel to pound or punch with the fists
punitive inflicting a punishment
puny 작고 연약한, 하찮은, 보잘 것 없는
purblind obtuse, dim-sighted; practically blind; lacking understanding or imagination
puritanical adhering to a rigid moral code
purport to profess, suppose, claim
purported a rumored; claimed
pushover a person easily influenced or exploited
putative a commonly accepted; supposed; reputed
pyrrhic describing a victory that comes at such a great cost that the victory is not worthwhile
quack 돌팔이 의사, 사기꾼
quaff v. to drink deeply
quagmire marsh, difficult situation
qualitative a having to do with the quality or qualities of something as opposed to the quantity
qualms n. misgivings, reservations, causes for hesitancy
quarry 채석하다; 사냥감
quash 억제하다, 억누르다
quasi almost; near; resembling
quay a landing on the edge of the water; wharf; pier
queasy 멀미하는; 멀미나게 하는; 걱정, 염려하는, 긴장한
quench 갈증을 해소하다, 만족시키다; (감정) 억누르다; (뜨거운 것) 열로 식히다; 불을 끄다
queries n. questions, inquiries, reservations
queue a line or file
quintessence the most essential part of anything / QUINTESSENTIAL: being the most perfect example of
quip a witty saying or remark, epigram,crack, sally, wisecrack
quirky 별난, 특이한
quisling a traitor, collaborationist, collaborator
quizzical odd; teasing; mocking; questioning; inquisitive
quorum number of memeber necessary to conduct a meeting
rabid 과격한, 광신적인, 맹렬한
radical (변화가) 근본적인, 철저한; 과격한
raffish marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness, devil-may-care, rakish
raft a large number of something, batch, deal, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, passel, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad
ragged (옷이) 낡고 헤진, 헤진 옷을 입은; (표면이) 울퉁불퉁한
raillery light teasing, backchat, banter, give-and-take
raiment clothing
rakish marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness, devil-may-care, raffish
rally 세를 규합하다; 집회로 모이다; (사기) 진작시키다; (건강, 기세) 회복시키다, 회복하다
rambunctious (사람이) 떠들석한; 왁자지껄한
ramifications the developments or consequences growing out of something
ramify v. to be divided or subdivided, branch out
rampart a fortification; a bulwark or defense
ramshackle (집 등) 쓰러져가는, 상태가 매우 안 좋은
rancid (부패로) 악취나는
rancorous characterized by bitter, long-lasting resentment
rankle gnaw into; make resentful or angry, eat into, fret, grate
Ranks (n) personnel; a group of people considered all together
ransack (특히 약탈과 파괴를 위해) 철저히 수색하다, 조사하다
rant (흥분하여, 허세부리면서) 고함치다, 부르짖다, 폭언하다; (흥분하여) 허세부리는 말, 비난하는 말
rapacity avarice, the practice of extorting or exacting by injustice
rapport (관계) 조화로움, 친근함
rapprochement the reestablishing of cordial relations, reconciliation
rapt deepy absorbed; entranced or ecstatic / RAPTURE: ecstasy; bliss; unequaled joy / RAPTUROUS: full of rapture / ENRAPTURED
rarity 희귀함; 희귀하고 진귀한 것
rash marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences; imprudently incurring risk, foolhardy, heady, reckless
ratify approve, confirm / RATIFICATION N.
ratiocination logical reasoning (논리적인) 추론 (추리)
rationalize 합리화하다
ravage 휩쓸어 파괴하다
rave 횡설수설 말하다; 극찬하다
ravenous extremely hungry; devouring or craving food in great quantities, esurient, famished, sharp-set, starved,edacious, esurient, rapacious, ravening, voracious, wolfish
reactant Something that reacts; a substance that undergoes a change in a chemical reaction
Reap (v) harvest, such as by cutting; gather; get as a result of one's effort
reassure 안심시키다
rebel 반역자, 반란군; 반항하다, 반란을 일으키다
rebu puzzle in whic pictures or symbols represent words
recapitulation a summary (think of recap), recap, review
recast 고쳐만들다, 변경하다
recede 물러나다; 감소하다
recess 쉬는 시간; 휴식기간; 활동의 임시적 중단
recession 경기침체기, 쇠퇴
reckless 무모한, 무분별한
reclaim to make uncultivated areas of land fit for cultivation; to recover usable substances from refuse; to claim again; to demand the restoration of
reclusive a hermitlike; withdrawn from society
reconcile make (one thing) compatible with (another), accommodate, conciliate
reconnaissance (군사) 정찰활동; 사전조사, 검사, 답사
recourse 의지, 의뢰
recrimination mutual accusations
recrudesce to break out or happen again, break, develop, erupt
recrudescent Revival, breaking out into renewed activity
rectitude (행동) 정의로움, 옮음, 정직
recumbent leaning, resting, prone
recuperate 회복하다, 재기하다
recur 다시 발생하다, 되풀이되다; (생각, 기억) 다시 떠오르다
recurrent 재현되는, 재발하는
redound To have a good or bad effect, esp. as a result of a person's efforts or actions (usually used with to, on, or upon)
referendum 국민투표, 일반투표
refrain 삼가하다
regime a governing power; a system of governnent; a period during which a government is in power
regimen a regulated course
regimentation 조직화, 편성, 통제
register to put your name or other information in a list for something
regression 회귀, 복귀
rehabilitate 사회로 복귀시키다, 기능 회복 훈련을 하다, 갱생시키다
rein 억제하다, 멈추다
reinforce 강화시키다
rejuvenate 다시 젊게 하다
rekindle 다시 불 붙이다, (흥미, 관심) 다시 불러 일으키다
relent 누그러지다; (날씨, 심한 것) 약해지다
relevant closely connected to the topic and therefore important
Remedial (adj) providing a remedy, curative; correcting a deficient skill
remedy (결함 등의) 구제책, 개선방법
reminisce 회상하다
remiss to be negligent in one's duty, delinquent, derelict, neglectful
remission lessening, relaxation; the temporary or permanent disappearance of a disease; pardon; payment
remit forgive, send payment
remold (모양, 구조, 특징) 바꾸다, 개조하다
remorse 양심의 가책, 후회
remorseless (행동) 가혹한, 무자비한, 뉘우치지 않는
remunerate 보답하다, 보수를 지불하다
remunerate / remuneration to pay / payment; recompense
remunerative 보수가 있는, 유리한, 보답하는
renaissance n a rebirth or revival
rend Tear violently, esp. to tear one's clothing or hair out of grief; pull apart, split, or tear away
Render (v) give, submit, surrender; translate; declare formally; cause to become
renegade 배교자, 변절자; 반역자
repartee witty conversation; a quick, witty reply; witty, spirited conversation full of quick, witty replies
repeal 취소하다, 철회하다
repel 물리치다; 불쾌감을 주다
repellent 불쾌감을 주는
repercussion n a consequence; an indirect effect. his declaration had unforeseen repercussions. Lenovo shuts down its app store, lets customers deal with the repercussion.
repertorial Pertaining to a repertory or repertoire, a stock of available things or a number of theatrical performances presented regularly or in sequence
replenish v to fill again; to resupply; to restore. replenish my glass, please
reprehend 책망하다, 비난하다
reprehensible a worthy of blame or censure
reprimand stern reproof; official rebuke
reprisal a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime
reprise repetition, especially of a piece of music
reprove v to criticize mildly
repugnance 혐오함, 증오
repugnant repulsive; offensive; disgusting
repulsive 불쾌감을 주는, 역겨운
repute 간주하다, 평가하다; 평판; 호평
requisite required necessary
resentful 분개한
reservation an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly, arriere pensee, mental reservation
reserve 제한, 한정, 제외, 조건, 의심; 자제, 내성적인 태도, 말없음
reserved (사람, 기질) 마음을 털어 놓지 않는, 내성적인
reside 거주하다; 존재하다, 있다
resignation the acceptance of something unpleasant that can't be avoided, surrender
resigned accepting or a situation
resilient 탄력 있는; 회복력 있는
resonant 낭랑하게 울리는, 공명하는
resort to 호소하다
resound to ring; to sound loudly
resource some saved material that can be used for a purpose (especially money, anything used to make energy such as oil, or information sources such as books)
Respectively (adv) in the order given
respite a pause from doing something (as work), break, recess, time out,
restitution 손해 배상, 보상, 변상; 복권, 복직, 복원
restrain 제한하다, 억제하다
resume 재개하다
resurge 다시 나타나다, 소생하다
resurrect (죽은 사람을) 되살리다; (기억, 관습 등을) 되살리다
resurrection return to life; revival
resuscitate (사람, 동물을) 소생하다: (생각이나 사업 등을) 부활시키다
retain 보유하다, 유지하다
retaliate (같은 수단으로) 보복하다, 복수하다, 앙갚음하다
retention 보존, 보유, 유지, (학생) 재적
retiring to be shy, and to be inclined to retract from company, reticent, self-effacing
retract pull inward or towards a center; formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure, draw in,abjure, forswear, recant, resile
retreat (군대) 후퇴하다, 철수하다; 철회하다
retrench 삭감하다
retrieve 되찾다, 회수하다
Retrospective (adj, n) looking to the past or backward; applying to the past, retroactive (adj); an art exhibit of an artist's work over a long period of time (n)
revamp Renovate, redo, revise (verb); a restructuring, upgrade, etc. (noun)
revel 매우 기뻐하다, 즐거워하다, 마시고 흥청거리다
revelry noisy or unrestrained merrymaking / REVEL: to enjoy thoroughly; to take delight in; to carouse / REVELATION
reverberate 반향하다, 울려퍼지다
revere v to respect highly; to honor
reverence a strong feeling of awe or respect
revert 되돌아 가다
revisionist 수정주의자
rhapsody emotional literary or musical work / RHAPSODIZE: to speak extremely enthusiastically; to gush
rhetorical used for persuasive effect
rickety (구조물, 특히 다리나 계단) 곧 무너질 것 같은
ridden Dominated or burdened by
riddle 수수께끼, 난제
Rife (adj) happening frequently, abundant, currently being reported
rift A gap or fissure (such as in rock), a break in friendly relations
righteous 도덕적인, 바른, 정의로운
rigid 휘지 않는, 융통성 없는, 엄격한
rigor 정확함, 엄격함; 역경, 힘든 상황 (복수형으로 rigors)
rigorous a strict; harsh; severe (তীব্র)
rile cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations, annoy, bother, chafe, devil, get at, get to, gravel, irritate, nark, nettle, rag, vex
rind a tough outer covering, especially of a fruit
rip 거칠게 찢다, 갈기갈기 찢다
ripen 익다, 숙성하다, 익히다, 숙성시키다
riposte retaliatory action or retort
risible hilarious, provoking laughter, people who are inclined to be amused
rite 의식, 절차
ritual 의식, 절차, 전례
rive 찢다, 찢어발기다
rivet to engross; to hold firmly
riveting 대단히 매력적인, 푹 빠지게 하는
robust sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction
rogue n a criminally dishonest persons; a scoundrel (বদমাশ লোক)
roil 화나게 하다, 초조하게 만들다; 액체를 휘저어 흐리게 하다
roost (새가) 나무에 앉다
rout vanquish; to put to flight; to scatter; to cause a huge defeat; 패주, 대패, 혼잘된 군중
row an angry dispute, dustup, quarrel, run-in, words, wrangle
rowdy 소란스러운, 난폭한
rudiment 기초, 초보, 원리
rueful expressing sorrow
ruffled irritated / RUFFLE: to disturb the smoothness of; to upset mildly
rummage hunt
ruse trick, crafty stratagem
sabotage 고의적으로 방해하다, 파괴하다
saccharine a sweet; excessively or disgustingly sweet
sacrilege n a violation of something sacred; blasphemy; profanation, desecration
sacrilegious 신성을 더럽히는, 신성모독의
saga 무용담, 영웅이야기
sage wise
saline 염분을 함유한; 짠
salutation greeting; welcome; opening words of greeting / SALUTATORY: a welcoming address given to an audiance / SALUTATORIAN
salvage (난파선이나 그 화물을) 구조하다, 해난구조하다
salvation (죄로부터) 구원, 구제; 구제, 구출, 구제수단
sanctimony n. self-righteousness, pretended piety
sanctuary 피난처, (동식물) 보호구역
sangfroid calmness or poise in difficult situations
sapient 슬기로운, 지혜로운
sarcasm cutting and reproachful language; irony
sarcastic 빈정대는, 비아냥거리는
sate 충분히 만족시키다
Satiate or Sate (v) to fully satisfy; to go beyond satisfying to the point of excess (possibly inducing disgust, tiredness, etc.)
satyr a creature that is half-man, half beast, with the horns and legs of a goat
savant Learned person, scholar, someone admitted to membership in a scholarly field; a person with amazing mental abilities despite having a cognitive difference or disability
savoir-faire tact, polish; social grace, or the knowledge of what to do and how to behave in any situation; (사교적) 재치 (수완)
savory 짭짤하면서 맛있는; 평판이 좋은
savvy a perceptive understanding, apprehension, discernment, understanding
Scant (adj) not enough or barely enough
Scathing (adj) severe, injurious; bitterly harsh or critical (as a remark)
schadenfreude joy from watching the suffering of others
schematic relating to or in the form of an outline or diagram
scheme 음모, 모의; 음모를 꾸미다
scintillate v to sparkle (ঝিকমিক করা) either literally or figuratively
scission 절단, 분리, 분열
scoff 조롱하다
score 악보, 총보(모든 파트가 다 나와있는 악보); (점수 등) 획득하다, 확보하다
scorn discain, reject; to find someone or something contemptible / SCORNFUL
scotch to put an end to; to injure
scour (솔과 물로) 북북 문질러 닦다; 샅샅이 뒤지다
screed an abusive rant (often tedious)
scrimp 매우 아끼다, 인색하게 굴다
scruple (나쁜 일 하기 전의) 양심의 가책, 양심에 의한 망설임
scrupulous characterized by extreme care and great effort, conscientious, painstaking
scurrilous 상스런, 저속한, 욕하는
seamy 지저분한, (도덕적으로) 불결한
searchingly In a searching or penetrating manner; while examining closely or probing for answers
seasoned 경험있는, 능숙한
secede withdraw; to withdraw from an alliance / SECESSION
secluded ...
seclusion solitude
secretive 비밀의, 숨기려 하는
seemly 예절을 지키는, (행동) 적절한
seethe (마음속이) 분노로 부글부글 끓다
segregate to keep apart; separate
seine n. a large net hung out and dragged in to catch fish
seismic relating to earthquakes
self-abasement 자기비하
self-deprecating to belittle yourself or your accomplishments
self-effacing reluctant to draw attention to yourself, reticent, retiring
self-possessed having or showing control of one's feelings, behavior, etc.; composed; poised.
self-righteous confident of one's own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.
semantic Relating to the different meanings of words or other symbols
semantics 의미론; (단어의) 의미
semblance an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading, color, colour, gloss
seminal like a seed, constituting a source, originative
sensory a having to do with the senses or sensation
sensual relating to the senses, gratifying the physical (sexual) senses
sensuous relating to the senses
sententious to be moralizing, usually in a pompous sense
sentimental effusively or insincerely emotional, especially in art, music, and literature, bathetic, drippy, hokey, kitschy, maudlin, mawkish, mushy, schmaltzy, schmalzy, slushy, soppy, soupy
sequence 순서, 연속
sequent 다음의, 잇따라 일어나는, 연속적인; (결과로서) 필연적인
sequential 순차적인, 연속적인
serendipitous come upon or found by accident, fortuitous
serendipity the instance in which an accidental, fortunate discovery is made
serene calm and peaceful, tranquil, unagitated
serenity 조용함, 고요함, (마음의) 평온함, 차분함
serpentine snakelike in either shape or movement; winding, as a snake travels
serrated with many edges, as a knife
serration 톱니모양
serried (사람, 물건) 꽉 찬, 빽빽한
servitude 노예상태
sextant navigation tool that determines latitude and longitude
shadow 미행하다
shadowy 그림자 드리워진, 희미한, 애매한
sham 가짜의, 모조의; 모조품, 가품
sheer 순전한, (강조) 완전한; (절벽) 가파른
shibboleth password; a peculiarity of pronunciation, behavior, that distinguishes a particular class or set of persons; a slogan or catchword. 캐캐묶은 생각 [원칙/어구]
shiftless 야망이나 목적의식이 없는; 게으른
shifty 교활한, 속이는
shirk (일, 책임, 의무) 기피하다, 회피하다
shoddy (물건 등) 질 떨어지는, 볼품없는; (사람) 비도덕적인, 원칙이 없는
shore up 지탱하다, 떠받치다
shrivel 줄어들어 주름지다, 시들다, 시들게 하다; 위축되다, 무력해지다
shrug (무관심, 의문, 불쾌의 표시) 양 어깨를 으쓱하다
shun 기피하다
sidereal relating to the stars
simian apelike, relating to apes
simile comparison of one thing with another using "like" or "as"
simplistic 지나치게 단순화된
simulacrum a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture), effigy, image
simulate 흉내내다; 인척하다, 가장하다
Simultaneous (adj) at the same time
sinew 기운을 북돋우다, (힘줄에 힘 주듯) 힘을 내다
sinewy 힘찬, 활발한, 건장한
skeptical 회의적인
sketchy 대략적인
skiff a small boat
skimp 아까워하다, 인색하게 굴다
skirmish a fight between small numbers of troops; a brief conflict
Skirt (v) border, lie along the edge of , go around; evade
skittish Shy, fickle, uncertain, or prone to act suddenly due to nervousness; lively in a restless or excessive way
skulk 숨다; 살금살금 움직이다
Slack (adj, v, n) loose, negligent, lazy, weak (adj); neglect to so one's duties; loosen up, relax (verb); period of little work (noun)
slacken 느슨하게 만들다, 느슨해지다, 느려지다, 약해지다
slander to speak badly about someone publicly; to defame; to spread malicious rumor
slant 기울다, 기울어지게 하다; 왜곡하다, 편향된 시각을 보여주다
slapdash carelessly and hastily put together, haphazard, slipshod, sloppy
Slew (n) a large number or quantity
Slight (adj, v, n) small, not very important, slender or delicate (adj); treat as though not very important; snub, ignore (verb); an act of treating in this way, a discourtesy (noun)
slink 조용히, 은밀하게 움직이다
slipshod 대충하는, 성의없는; 단정하지 못한, 닳아빠진 옷이나 신발을 신은
sloth laziness; sluggishness
slothful 게으른
slouch 구부정하게 서있다/걷다; 게으름뱅이, 무능한 사람
slovenly 되는대로 하는, 날림의; 지저분한, 단정치못한
sluggard a lazy person
sluggish 둔한, 활력 없는
slur 중상하다, 비방하다
sly 교활한, 간사한, 음흉한
smash 박살내다, 파괴하다; 격렬하게 충돌하다
smattering a slight or superficial understanding of a subject; a small amount of something, handful
smirk (우쭐해서 자기만족 또는 비웃듯이) 히죽웃다
smolder 연기만 내면서 서서히 타다; (울분 등을) 내비치다
smother (입과 코를 막아서) 질식시키다; (감정, 행동) 억제하다
smug marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction, self-satisfied
smuggle 밀수하다
snarl 뒤엉키게 하다, 방해하다
snide expressive of contempt; derogatory or mocking in an indirect way, sneering, supercilious
snub refuse to acknowledge; reject outright and bluntly
soak 흠뻑적시다
soar (하늘로) 높이 올라가다; 치솟다
sober (행동, 분위기가) 조용한, 근엄한, 엄숙한; (색상, 복장이) 차분한, 어두운
solace consolation; comfort
solder v. to weld, fuse or join, as with a soldering gun
solemn serious, somber; grave
solicit 요청하다, 구하다, 간청하다
solicitude a feeling of excessive concern, solicitousness
solidarity Fellowship in interests, feelings, responsibilities, etc., such as among a group of people or among classes, nations, etc.
soliloquy literary or dramatic speech by one character, not adressed to others
solitude 혼자있음, 외로움
soothe 달래다, 진정시키다; (통증을) 줄여 주다
sop 달래려고 준 것; 뇌물
sophism 궤변, 잘못된 이론
sophisticated (기계) 정교하고 복잡한, 발달된; (사람) 세상을 많이 아는; 세련된
sophistry n. fallacious reasoning, plausible by faulty logic
Sound (v) measure the depth of (usually water) as with a sounding line; penetrate and discover the meaning of, understand (usually as sound the depths)
sovereign supreme ruler; monarch
sparse thin, not dense, arranged at widely spaced intervals
Spate (n) sudden outpouring or rush; flood
spawn to bring forth; to produce a large number
Spearhead (v) be the leader of
spectral ghostly / SPECTER: ghost; phantom / SPECTERLIKE
Speculate (v) contemplate; make a guess or educated guess about; engage in a risky business transaction, gamble
speculative 추측에 의한, 이론적인
spent (힘, 에너지) 소진된
spew 유출하다, 분출하다
spiral (물가, 발전 등이) 급상승하다
spirited 활기(용기, 열의) 넘치는
spleen 울화, 악의
splinter a shark, slender piece broken or split off from something; to split
splurge (돈) 펑펑 쓰기; (돈) 펑펑 쓰다
spontaneous 사전계획이나 외부적 자극없이 행해진; 충동/즉흥적으로 움직이는; 자발적인; 저절로 움직이는
sprawl 불규칙하게 퍼져 있다
spur 박차를 가하다, 독려하다, 자극하다; 자극제
spurn reject with contempt, disdain, freeze off, pooh-pooh, reject, scorn, turn down
squabble 사소한 말다툼
squash 진압하다, 억압하다; 거부하다
squeamish 비위가 약한; 너무 까다로운
staccato marked by abrupt, clear-cut sounds
stagnant (물이) 고여있는, 침체된
stagnation motionlessness; inactivity
staid characterized by dignity and propriety, sedate
stain 얼룩; 흠; 더럽히다
stalemate 교착상태, 꼼짝할 수 없는 상태
stalwart dependable; inured to fatigue or hardships, stout,hardy ,sturdy
Standing (n, adj) status, rank, reputation (noun); existing indefinitely, not movable (adj)
standoffish 쌀쌀맞은, 마음을 잘 열지 않는, 무뚝뚝한
stanza division of a poem; a section of a poem; verse
Stark (adj) complete, total, utter; harsh or grim; extremely simple, severe, blunt, or plain
starry-eyed 순진하게 열정적이고 이상적인; 비현실적인
start to suddenly move in a particular direction
Status Quo (n) existing state or condition
steadfast marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable, firm, steady, stiff, unbendable, unfaltering, unshakable, unwavering
steep v. to saturate or completely soak
steeped Immersed (in), saturated (with)
stem to hold back or limit the flow or growth of something
stench 악취
stifle 숨막히게 하다; 제한하다, 억제하다
stigmatize to brand with disgrace; to set a mark of disgrace upon
still 움직임이나 소리가 없는
stilted (글, 말) 형식적인, 부자연스러운
stilts tall, slender supporting posts
Stingy (adj) not generous with money, reluctant to spend or give
stinting restraining
stipend a regular allowance (of money)
stodgy 지루하고 재미없는; 고지식한, 매우 보수적인
Stoic or Stoical (adj, n) indifferent to pleasure or pain, enduring without complaint (adj); person indifferent to pleasure or pain (noun)
stopgap 임시변통
stout plump; stocky; substantial / brave, plucky, or resolute
straightforward 복잡하지 않은, 이해하기 쉬운; 솔직한, 직설적인
straited striped, grooved, or banded
stratified arranged in layers
stratify 계층화하다
stray (있어야할 곳을 벗어나) 헤매다
streamline (일, 과정) 능률적으로 하다, 간소화하다
strenuous 부단히 분투하는, 노력하는, (행동 · 노력 등이) 격렬한
striated marked with thin, narrow grooves or channels
striations the bands themselves
strident loud, harsh, unpleasantly noisy
strife bitter conflict; discord; a struggle or clash
stringent demanding strict attention to rules and procedures, rigorous, tight
strive 노력하다, 애쓰다
stun 깜짝 놀라게 하다, (멍해질 정도로) 큰 충격을 주다
stunning 놀랄만큼 아름다운
stupendous remarkable; extraordinary; remarkably large or extraordinarily gigantic
stupor lethargy; a stunned condition; near-unconsciousness; apathy; inertia / STUPOROUS
sturdy 튼튼한, 근육질의
stygian dark and gloomy, hellish
Stymie or Stymy (v, n) block, hinder, or thwart (verb); an obstacle (noun)
subdue (감정이나 사람) 가라앉히다, 억누르다; 정복하다
subdued suppressed, stifled / SUBDUE: to conquer; to bring under control; to lessen the intensity of something
Subjective (adj) existing in the mind or relating to one's own thoughts, opinions, emotions, etc.; personal, individual, based on feelings
submerge 물에 푹 빠뜨리다, 잠수시키다
submissive 순종하는, 순응하는
subservient 복종하는, 굴종하는; 부차적인, 부수적인
subsidize financial assistance; to provide financial aid; to make a financial contribution
subsidy 보조금, 장려금, 기부금
substantial 상당히 크고 중요한; 튼튼한; 현실적인, 물질적인; 본질적인
subterfuge something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity, blind
subvert (권력, 시스템을) 약화시키다, 전복시키다
Succeeding (adj) coming after or following
succulent 과즙이 많은, 맛있는
suffice adequate; to be sufficient; to be enough
suffrage the right to vote
suffragist one who advocates extened voting rights / SUFFRAGE: the right to vote
suffuse pervade, permeate; to cover; to overspread; to saturate
sulky 성질 더러운, 토라진, 뚱한, 삐진
sullen showing a brooding ill humor, dark, dour, glowering, glum, moody, morose, saturnine, sour
summit the peak or highest point, acme, elevation, height, meridian, peak, pinnacle, superlative, tiptop, top, crest, crown
sunder 분리하다, 절단하다
superb 훌륭한, 우수한
superlative superior; of the highest quality; superb; praiseworthy
supple 유연한, 잘휘는
supplement 보완하다, 보충하다
Supplicate (v) pray humbly; ask, beg, or seek in a humble way
supreme 최고의
surge 급증; 급증하다
Surmise (v) guess, infer, think, or make an opinion with incomplete information
surmount 극복하다
surpass 능가하다
surrender 포기하다, 양보하다
surreptitious stealthy, taking pains not to be caught or detected, furtive, sneak, sneaky, stealthy
suspend 매달다; 중단시키다; 연기시키다
suspended (침전물 등이 용액이나 공기중에) 부유하는
sustain 유지하다, 계속하다; 지탱하다
swagger to strut (to walk with overconfidence)
swath 넓은 지역, 넓은 길
sway (의견 등) 흔들리다; (남의 맘이나 의견 등) 흔들다, 기울게 하다
sweeping far-reaching; extensive; wide-ranging
swerve 방향을 갑자기 바꾸다
swindler cheat; a cheat; a con man
syllogism a form of deductive reasoning with a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion
sylvan related to the woods or forest
symmetrical 대칭의, 대칭적인, 균형잡힌
Syn bumbling, gauche, unskillful
Synchronous (adj) happening at the same time; occurring at the same rate and thus happening together repeatedly
syncopation temporary irregularity in musical rhythm
synopsis 요약, 개요
synoptic Relating to a synopsis or summary; giving a general view
syntactic 통사론적인, 문장구성의
syntax The rules governing grammar and how words join to make sentences (or how words and symbols join in writing computer code), the study of these rules, or any system or orderly arrangement
synthesize 합성하다, 종합하다
tact consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offense, tactfulness
tactical having to do with tactics, especially naval or military tactics; marked by clever tactics or deft maneuvering
tactile 만질 수 있는, 구체적인
tactless 재치 없는, 수완이 없는; 무뚝뚝한
tailor (필요, 목적에 맞게) 변경하다, 제단하다
talon claw of an animal, especially a bird of prey
tamp v. to plug, to drive in or down by a series of blows
tantalize 감질나게 하다; 자극하다
tantamount being essentially equal to something, equivalent
tantrum 역정, 울화
tarnish make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically, defile, maculate, stain, sully
tatty 닳아서 해진, 누더기 같은, 지저분한
taunt 자극하다, 조롱하다
tautological redundant; circular ; redundant
tax 무리한 요구를 하다, 과중한 부담을 주다; 책망하다, 비난하다
taxing use to the limit; exhaust, burdensome, onerous
taxonomy science of classification
tear 화급히 움직이다
tedious 지루한, 재미없는
tedium dullness; monotony; boredom / TEDIOUS
teeter 비틀거리다
telling significant and revealing of another factor
telltale revealing
temerity fearless daring, audaciousness, audacity
temper 누그러뜨리다, 완화시키다
temperate mild; moderate; restrained mild
tempered moderated in effect, hardened, toughened, treated
tempestuous as if driven by turbulent or conflicting emotions; highly energetic and wildly changing or fluctuating, angry, furious, raging, wild
tenable defensible as in ones position in an argument; capable of being argued successfully; valid
tenacity n. the quality of adherence or persistence to something valued
tentative experimental; temporary; uncertain
testimonial 추천서; 감사, 찬양의 표현
testy 조급한, 쉽게 화내는
theocracy government by priests representing a god
theology the study of god or religion
thesis ...
thespian an actor or actress
thimble small protective cap that protects a fingertip; 골무
thin-skinned 신경 과민의(touchy), 화를 잘내는
thoroughgoing very thorough; complete, exhaustive, thorough
thrift 검소함
thrifty spending money wisely, careful
thrive 번성하다, 무성하게 자라다
throng 군중, 인파; 많은 수로 모이다
throttle to choke; to strangle; to work a fuel lever or feed the flow of fuel to an engine; 목을 조르다; (자동차 등의 연료 조절판을 조절하여) (~의) 속도를 낮추다/낮추다/높이다
thwart hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of, baffle, bilk, cross, foil, frustrate, queer, scotch, spoil
ticklish 까다로운, 신경질적인, 화를 잘내는
tiff 사소한 말다툼
tightfisted greedy
tilt 기울다; 기울게 하다
Timely (adj) well-timed, happening at a suitable time
timeworn 너무 오래돼서 낡은; 너무 많이 써먹은; 진부한
timid 부끄럽고 겁먹은, 소심한
tinge 물들이다, 영향을 주다
tiresome 지루하게 하는, 짜증나게 하는
titillate to excite; to stimulate; to tease
titular in name only, figurehead; nominal
token Sign, symbol, mark, badge; souvenir, memento; coin-like disk used as currency for subways, arcade games, etc.; sample, or person, thing, idea taken to represent an entire group (noun); of very little or merely symbolic value (adj)
tolerance 관대, 용인, 남을 인정해주는 마음
tolerate 용인해주다, 차이를 인정해 주다
tongue-tied (당황하여) 말문이 막힌
tonic 힘을 주는, 원기왕성하게하는
toothsome 맛있는
topple 앞으로 꼬꾸라지다, 비틀거리다; 몰락시키다, (권좌에서) 끌어 내리다
topsy-turvy 거꾸로, 머리를 아래로; 뒤죽박죽
torment 고통, 통증; 고통을 주다, 괴롭히다
torpid lethargic, sluggish, dormant
torturous relating to or causing torture
totalitarian 전체주의적인, 전체주의의
touchstone a standard; a test of authenticity or quality
touchy 지나치게 민감한; (상황) 민감하여 다루기 힘든
toxic poisonous
toxin poison
trail (흔적을) 따라가다
trammel 방해, 장애, 속박
trample 짓밟다, 무시하다
tranquil 고요한, 평온한
tranquility 고요함, 평온함
transcend to go beyond or above; to surpass
transcribe to write down
transfer (직위, 부서, 거처) 이동하다, 이전하다; (권리, 재산) 양도하다, 양보하다
transferable 양도할 수 있는
transfix to cause to stand motionless with awe, amazement, or some other strong emotion; to rivet
transgress to violate a law; to sin violate
transition 변화, 전이
translucent partially transparent
transmute change or alter in form, appearance, or nature, metamorphose, transform,transubstantiate
transparent 투명한; 이해하기 쉬운, 명쾌한
transplant 옮겨심다, 이식하다; 이주시키다, 이주하다
traumatic ...
treasure 소중히 여기다, 간직하다
treatise article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly
tremulous trembling, frugal, timid
trespass 침입하다, 침해하다; 잘못하다, 죄짓다
tribulation something, especially an event, that causes difficulty and suffering, trial, visitation
tribute 감사, 존경, 찬양의 표시
Trifling (adj) trivial, not very important; so small as to be unimportant; frivolous, shallow
trigger (상황, 감정, 행동 등을) 유발시키다, (장비) 작동시키다
triumvirate a ruling coalition of three officials; any group of three working jointly; 삼두정치, 삼당연립정치, 삼인연합행정부, (지배)삼인조
trivial 사소한
truism 자명한 이치, 뻔히 아는 일
truncate reduce the length of something, abridge
tumescence swelling
tumult a state of chaos, noise and confusion, garboil, tumultuousness, uproar,commotion, din, ruckus, ruction, rumpus
tumultuous Riotous, violently agitated, marked by disturbance or uproar; noisy, chaotic
turbulent 무질서하고 혼란스러운
tussle 난투전, 고전
tutelary serving as a guardian or protector
tyranny 폭정, 전제정치
ubiquity the state of being everywhere at the same time
unaccountable 설명되지 않는, 설명할 수 없는
unadulterated pure
unaffected 꾸밈, 가장 없는, 허세부리지 않는
unanimous 만장일치의
unassailable immune to attack; without flaws, impregnable, inviolable, secure, strong, unattackable,bulletproof, unshakable, watertight
unassuming 겸손한
unavailing 보람, 효과없는, 소용없는
unbridled 구속되지 않은, 자유로운
uncompromising not making concessions, inflexible, sturdy
undaunted 풀죽지 않은, 대담한
undercut 약화시키다
underestimate 과소평가하다
underhanded 정당하지 못한, 은밀한, 불공정한
underlying basic; fundamental; only noticeable under scrutiny
underpinning a system of supports beneath; a foundation or basis; 기초. 기반, 지지, 응원
underplay 하찮게 보이게하다
understate (숫자, 영향 등을) 줄여서 말하다
underwrite to support financially, subvent, subvention
undeserved 가치없는; 정당성없는, 부당한
undeterred 풀 죽지 않은, 단념하지 않은
undulate v. to move in wavelike fashion, fluctuate
undulating moving in waves
Unearth (v) dig up, uncover, expose
unencumbered 방해없는
unexceptionable 반대의 여지가 없는
unfailing 확실한, 실수 없는, 기대에 어긋나지 않는; 언제나 변함없는, 한결같은
unfathomable 이해하기 힘든; 측정하기 힘든
unfettered free, unhampered
unflappable not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure, imperturbable
unforthcoming uncooperative, not willing to give up information
ungainly (외모, 행동, 솜씨 등) 서툴고 어색한
ungovernable 통제나 지배가 불가능한
uniform consistent; unchanging; the same for everyone consistent unchanging
unilateral involving one side only; done on behalf of one side only; one-sided; not mutual
unimpeachable free of guilt; not subject to blame; beyond doubt or reproach, blameless, inculpable, irreproachable
uninitiated 지식과 경험이 부족한
unintelligible 이해할 수 없는
unkempt (외모) 흐트러진, 단정하지 못한
unmitigated absolute or unrelieved
unnerve to make nervous or upset, enervate, faze, unsettle
unprepossessing creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression, unpresentable
unpropitious (of a circumstance) with little chance of success
unrepentant 후회하지 않는, 회개하지 않는
unruly (of persons) noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline; unwilling to submit to authority, boisterous, rambunctious, robustious, rumbustious,disobedient
unscathed 상처없는
unscrupulous without scruples or principles
unsparing Generous, lavish (as in not sparing any help or gifts to others); unmerciful, harsh (as in not sparing any criticism)
unspoken 무언의, 암묵적인
unstudied 꾸밈이 없는, 자연스러운
unsung unrecognized; uncelebrated
untainted 더럽혀지지 않은
untempered Not toned down; not moderated, controlled, or counterbalanced
untold 셀 수 없을 만큼 많은, 무수한
untrammeled not confined or limited, untrammelled
unveil 덮개를 걷다; 최초로 공개하다
unviable not able to work, survive, or succeed (also spelled inviable).
unwarranted 정당성 없는
unwieldy (무겁고 커서) 옮기거나 들기 힘든, 다루기 힘든
unwonted 익숙하지 않은, 일반적이지 않은
upbraiding a severe scolding
utilitarian stressing usefulness or utility above all other qualities; pragmatic
utopia an ideal society
utter 완전한, 절대적인; 말하다
vacuum 진공상태, 텅빈상태
vagabond 방랑자(의)
vagarious (행동이) 변덕스러운, 엉뚱한
vagrant 방랑자(의), 부랑자(의); 변덕스런
vain 허영심이 강한, 자만심이 강한; 헛된, 실질적인 가치가 없는
vainglorious 허영심 강한
valediction 작별인사, 고별연설
valedictory pertaining to a farewell
valiant 용감한
validate 정당성/유효성을 입증하다; 인가하다, 비준하다
valorous 용감한
vanguard Leading units at the front of an army; leaders in a trend or movement, people on the "cutting edge"; the forefront of a trend or movement
vanity 허영심, 자만심, 자기만족; 가치없음, 소용없음
vanquish come out better in a competition, race, or conflict, beat, beat out, crush, shell, trounce
vaporous (사물, 생각) 실질이 없는, 공허한, 신뢰할 수 없는
variable 가변적인 (것)
variance the quality of being different
variefated multicolored, characterized by a variety of patches of different color
varnish 니스칠하다, 광내다
vault 금고
vaunted highly or widely praised or boasted about
veer 갑자기 방향을 바꾸다; 의견이나 주제를 바꾸다
vehement marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions, fierce, tearing, trigger-happy, violent
veiled 숨겨진, 감추어진
velocity 속도
vendetta prolonged feud marked by bitter hostility
veneer covering consisting of a thin superficial layer that hides the underlying substance
venerable respected because of age
venial easily excused or forgiven; pardonable, excusable, forgivable
venture 위험을 무릎쓰고 ~하다, 감히 ~라고 말하다
verbiage 장황함
verge border, edge; brink
verify 입증하다
verisimilar Having the appearance of truth, probable
vernacular everyday speech; slang; idiom
versatile 다재다능한, 다용도의; (마음, 정책) 변하기 쉬운
versed 경험이 있는, 잘 알고 있는
vertigo dizziness
verve 활력, 기백, 열정
vestigal possessing a mark or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence, a very slight trace or amount of something
veto 거부권; 금지; 거부권을 행사하다
via Through, by means of, by way of (by a route that goes through or touches)
vicarious felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another
vie compete for something, compete, contend
vignette a small, decorative design or drawing; a short literary sketch; a brief but expressive scene in a play or movie
vigor 활력, 생기, 정력
vile 부도덕한, 사악한
vindicate to clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof, justify
Vintage (adj, n) related to items of high quality from a previous era, old-fashioned, antique (adj); the wine of a particular year (noun)
virago an ill-tempered or violent woman, amazon
Virtual (adj) existing only in the mind or by means of a computer network; existing in results or in essence but not officially or in name
virtuosity 대가적인 기교
virtuous honest; moral; ethical
virulence extreme harmfulness or bitterness
visage appearance, aspect
visceral (깊은 사고가 아니라) 강한 감정에 따른, 본능적인; 내장의
viscid or viscous Thick, adhesive, or covered in something sticky
visionary a dreamer; someone with impractical goals or ideas about the future
vital 매우 중요한; 활기 넘치는
vitriolic harsh or corrosive in tone, acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent
vituperative using or containing harsh, abusive censure
vivify 생기를 주다, 기운 차리게 하다, 활발하게 하다
vivisection dissection, surgery, or painful experiments performed on a living animal for the purpose of scientific research
vocal (의견을) 솔직하고 강경하게 밝히는
vocation an occupation; a job ;
void 법적 효력이 없는; (행동, 말) 효과없는; 텅빈 공간, 텅빈 상태
volition will; conscious choice
volubility the quality of talking or writing easily and continuously, articulateness, fluency
voracity ravenous or very eager
vortex whirpool, center of turbulence
votary 열렬한 추종자, 신봉자; 수도사, 수녀
vouch (신뢰성을) 보증하다, 보장하다, 단언하다
vouchsafe 하사하다, (아랫사람에게) 주다
vulgar (행동이나 사람이) 저속한
vulgarian 속물, 상놈, 특히 졸부, 벼락부자
vulnerable 연약한, 상처/공격받기 쉬운
waffle 장황하게 말을 늘어 놓다; 모호한 태도, 입장을 취하다
wag (꼬리나 손을) 흔들다; 익살꾼, 재치가 풍부한 사람
waggish 웃기는, 익살스런
waive to relinquish (a right); to forgo; to put aside for the time being
wake the track left when something leaves, especially a boat; 배가 지나간 자리, 항적
wander (정처없이) 헤매다, 배회하다
wanting lacking, deficient, lacking
warranty a written guarantee
watchful 경계를 서는, 조심하는, 주의 깊은
wax to gradually increase in size or intensity, climb, mount, rise
weather (역경 등을) 무사히 헤쳐 나가다[견디다]
wend v. to go, proceed, walk
Whereas (conjunction) while on the contrary, considering that
whim (일시적인, 진지하지 않은) 기분, 변덕
whimsy playful or fanciful idea; playfulness
whitewash A substance used to whiten walls, wood, etc. (noun); deception, covering up of wrongs, errors, misdeeds, etc. (verb)
wilderness 광야, 황무지
willful deliberate; obstinate; insistent on having ones way
willowy (사람이) 키 크고 날씬한, 우아한
wilt 시들다
winnow Sift, analyze critically, separate the useful part from the worthless part
wiretap 전화 도청하다
withdrawn 사교적이지 않은
withered 쭈글쭈글한, 쇠약한, 시든
withhold 보류하다, 주지 않다; (감정, 반응) 억누르다, 억제하다
withstand 저항하다, 버티다
wooden stiff; inflexible
wraith a ghost or specter; a ghost of a living person seen just before his or her death
wrath deep anger, fury / WRATHFUL
wreck 파괴하다, 망가뜨리다, 망치다
wrought 형체를 갖춘, (잘) 만들어진
wry 비뚤어진, 구부러진; (역설성을 드러내며) 비꼬는, 풍자적인
yielding 유순한, 순종적인, 고분고분한
zany absurd, preposterous, mad, crazy; light-hearted
zeitgeist spirit of the times
zephyr a gentle breeze; something airy or unsubstantial
zest 기분좋은 자극, 풍미; 열정, 에너지